Wednesday, October 11
Hi everyone! Its Erica, aka the jewish-american-non-princess. You may remember me from not putting your call through. As of today, I'm doing a blog!! Here you can find a rundown of what we've done and the links of what we talked about. Also, I get my voice, instead of the chiming in I occassionally do. MUAH HA HA! THE POWER!
Also, please comment and tell me what you think. I'll at least pretend that I care :D
7pm: Wow, so today started off with a bit of a bang. I took the night off yesterday to attend the Roger Waters (of Pink Floyd) concert. Waters set off a pig balloon that had political messages on it. When I told the guys about it, they were outraged that he incorporated politics in the music.
It heats up more as I complain about the drunken idiots talking and whistling throughout the show. I know this may sound a bit stuck-up, and maybe I am, but seriously... SHUT THE HELL UP!!!
Chris and Brad start playing a clip of audio saying "douche your canal with whiskey." Apparently, it is from a WWII training video on the dangers of sleeping with foreign girls. Wow, that is one hell of a statement. Is there a segue? Of course! A woman was struck by lightening in her mouth that passed through to her anus. Wow! That's embarrassing.
In doing their "Best, Worst, Scariest, Funniest," Chris starts going over a leather store ad in SF Weekly. The ad, including a woman in a metal bikini, promotes their PVC apparel. PVC???!!! Why would you use big plastic tubing for sex?? Armando from Newark is kind enough to inform us how stupid we are by telling us its just pleather. OHHH!

Then Chris starts going on about this rubber skirt he ordered from England for Ace, his girlfriend. Of course it looked good on the website, and then shockingly was crap when he got it. Including, get this, a thing of oil to make it shiny. Somehow, this ends up with Brad asking Chris if her ass smells like flowers. Uhhh... ok.
8pm: Kevin from Oakland calls in to tell us about a leather store with incredibly hot salesgirls, who will try on the little miniskirts for them.
Chris asks Brad the worst sex toy he ever bought for his wife, T. , Brad won't answer, so it turns into a sex toy 20 questions. This is a little creepy. Chris tells us he bought a tool to turn himself into a vibrator. Apparently, it didn't work out too well... shocking.
Chris opens up a bit and tells us about when he was arrested for drunk driving. He tried to use his career in radio to get out of it. It didn't work, of course, and it ended up adding to his sentence. Because he kept going through the courts, he ended up doubling the punishment in the work program.
His point in all this, is that although drunk driving is wrong (of course), that the punishments are too strict and there is no prevention. He also wants to point out the frequency of drunk driving that goes on.
This lights up the phones with bartenders and others who offer solutions and opinions on the issue. Sean from San Jose brings up drive-thru liquor stores. Chris mentions the ones that have daquiris. The one I went to in college in Maryland, didn't have daquiris, but definitely never carded :)
Bonnie and Rio both mention bars that stop serving but stay open after last call. Bonnie mentions one that gives you breakfast. I wasn't really paying attention, but now I want an omelette.
9pm: So, outside on our smoke break, Chris, Brad and I were discussing the show last night. We talked about how difficult it must be to be in a band like Pink Floyd. Because, no matter how sick you are of playing a song, you can't tweak it, because it is already so perfect.

To start off the hour, the guys play at clip of Elvis at his most ridiculous. At what point did he finally lose it? This is Elvis doing a rumba? Then they play Elvis rambling on "Are You Lonesome Tonight?" This is just insane. He only sings like one line of it. This leads Brad to tell about the time he saw Van Halen and Eddie was so drunk he couldn't play.
After this, we come back to the discussion of Roger Water's political pig balloon last night. I actually thought it was cool. It looked cool floating off into the sky. Chris and Brad think that it's inappropriate for artists to use concerts to launch their political diatribes. I see their point, and I dislike the speeches when too long, but at the same time, I understand the social responsibility they feel. OK, I'm done being serious.
10pm: The hour starts with a wrap-up of the political artists. Then we start talking about lava lamps. Chris got his first one 2 years ago. Way to be up on the times, Chris.
After the first 20 minutes, the guys replay their interview with Josh Thompson, the infamous fake Arnold. As I was at the concert last night, I missed out on this, so I am excited for the replay.
So thanks for reading. Tell me what you think!
Also, please comment and tell me what you think. I'll at least pretend that I care :D
7pm: Wow, so today started off with a bit of a bang. I took the night off yesterday to attend the Roger Waters (of Pink Floyd) concert. Waters set off a pig balloon that had political messages on it. When I told the guys about it, they were outraged that he incorporated politics in the music.
It heats up more as I complain about the drunken idiots talking and whistling throughout the show. I know this may sound a bit stuck-up, and maybe I am, but seriously... SHUT THE HELL UP!!!
Chris and Brad start playing a clip of audio saying "douche your canal with whiskey." Apparently, it is from a WWII training video on the dangers of sleeping with foreign girls. Wow, that is one hell of a statement. Is there a segue? Of course! A woman was struck by lightening in her mouth that passed through to her anus. Wow! That's embarrassing.
In doing their "Best, Worst, Scariest, Funniest," Chris starts going over a leather store ad in SF Weekly. The ad, including a woman in a metal bikini, promotes their PVC apparel. PVC???!!! Why would you use big plastic tubing for sex?? Armando from Newark is kind enough to inform us how stupid we are by telling us its just pleather. OHHH!

Then Chris starts going on about this rubber skirt he ordered from England for Ace, his girlfriend. Of course it looked good on the website, and then shockingly was crap when he got it. Including, get this, a thing of oil to make it shiny. Somehow, this ends up with Brad asking Chris if her ass smells like flowers. Uhhh... ok.
8pm: Kevin from Oakland calls in to tell us about a leather store with incredibly hot salesgirls, who will try on the little miniskirts for them.
Chris asks Brad the worst sex toy he ever bought for his wife, T. , Brad won't answer, so it turns into a sex toy 20 questions. This is a little creepy. Chris tells us he bought a tool to turn himself into a vibrator. Apparently, it didn't work out too well... shocking.
Chris opens up a bit and tells us about when he was arrested for drunk driving. He tried to use his career in radio to get out of it. It didn't work, of course, and it ended up adding to his sentence. Because he kept going through the courts, he ended up doubling the punishment in the work program.
His point in all this, is that although drunk driving is wrong (of course), that the punishments are too strict and there is no prevention. He also wants to point out the frequency of drunk driving that goes on.
This lights up the phones with bartenders and others who offer solutions and opinions on the issue. Sean from San Jose brings up drive-thru liquor stores. Chris mentions the ones that have daquiris. The one I went to in college in Maryland, didn't have daquiris, but definitely never carded :)
Bonnie and Rio both mention bars that stop serving but stay open after last call. Bonnie mentions one that gives you breakfast. I wasn't really paying attention, but now I want an omelette.
9pm: So, outside on our smoke break, Chris, Brad and I were discussing the show last night. We talked about how difficult it must be to be in a band like Pink Floyd. Because, no matter how sick you are of playing a song, you can't tweak it, because it is already so perfect.

To start off the hour, the guys play at clip of Elvis at his most ridiculous. At what point did he finally lose it? This is Elvis doing a rumba? Then they play Elvis rambling on "Are You Lonesome Tonight?" This is just insane. He only sings like one line of it. This leads Brad to tell about the time he saw Van Halen and Eddie was so drunk he couldn't play.

10pm: The hour starts with a wrap-up of the political artists. Then we start talking about lava lamps. Chris got his first one 2 years ago. Way to be up on the times, Chris.
After the first 20 minutes, the guys replay their interview with Josh Thompson, the infamous fake Arnold. As I was at the concert last night, I missed out on this, so I am excited for the replay.
So thanks for reading. Tell me what you think!
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