Thursday, May 03, 2007

Thursday, May 3rd Show 2

7pm: To start off the evening show, we hear about Brad's wetsuit adventure. He just got his new wetsuit and had donned it for the first time. He calls Chris to see if, knowing that he would really want to see it. Chris grabs his video camera and races down to the water to meet him.

Where they live, the water is all riptides. No one ever goes swimming because it is far too dangerous. There are a handful of people at the beach, scattering from Brad's presence. Keep in mind, Brad is showing quite a bit of leg in this too small for him wetsuit. A man on a mission, Brad heads for the worse riptide of them all.

As he leaps in, he is pleasantly surprised that the wetsuit really kept him warm. The entire time, his poor 12 year old daughter remained in silence, filled with humiliation.

Yesterday, we interviewed Frank Shamrock for his upcoming fight with Phil Baroni. Phil called in to talk a little smack, and sounds like a complete jackass. We replay this clip to mock him more. He really did not make a quality impression.

Chris points out that he had to pause about three seconds before each answer to a question. Also, after listening a little more, he picks out that it is a Bronx accent that Baroni has. What does this mean? That you have to try that much harder to appear at all smart.

The guys found a poem online written by a child named Shecky. Yeah, I'm sure this is real. It is a little verse about an evil hamster. This reminds Brad of Paxy's creepy poem, "The Dog Who Howled Madness." It totally creeped Brad out.

Chris brings up the phrase "bros before hos." Whenever a guy wants to hang out with his girl instead of his friends, they always break that out. He had never really thought about it before, but realizes that he does not really by it.

Chris points out that when things have gotten really rough, it has always been the women who have stuck by him. His boys have always bailed or at least not been as supportive. Brad says even without the sex, women are just better examples of behavior than men.

Aaron in San Jose clarifies the phrase. He thinks it should only be used for when your friend's girl tries to get with you. He thinks it should never be used in any other circumstance.

8pm: We continue this discussion. I say that in a healthy relationship, you should never have to choose between your friends and your woman. I would never give my boyfriend an ultimatum between me and his boys.

It is clarified by a couple of callers that "bros before hos" does not apply to serious relationships. It is more about the woman you are casually seeing, probably more of a physical thing. That seems to make a lot more sense.

Eric in San Jose agrees that it is bull. He was accused of putting his woman before his friends. His friend got pretty burned by an ex and is saying all this because he's bitter. I guess he made a point, but I had to pull out the "and then what happened." Therefore, Chris was left no choice but to throw him in the Pit.

Chris in Hercules calls to say that this whole thing is ridiculous. That when you find a quality woman, that is a rare thing that you don't mess things up.

Pamela in Sonoma lays down another female perspective. She is first offended by the use of "hos" in the phrasing. Chris points out that it is simply because it rhymes. She also points out hypocrisy in relationships. If your friends blow you off, it is no big deal. But, if your significant other flakes, then it is a huge fight.

Drano in Hayward finally brings up something great. He says that with "bros before hos," the people saying it have no one to go home to. Exactly, way to go Drano.

Rachel in Concord and I agree that girls can be cool hanging out with the boys in the garage. Chris had said before that that is impossible. There are a lot of chill girls out there.

Larry in Napa thinks that Rachel would only be allowed to be hanging out in the garage is because they want to sleep with her. They just want to get her to get wasted so they can take advantage of her.

9pm: Mike in San Jose used to date one of these cool girls. His friends were always telling him that she was hitting on them, but she was just being herself. That meant her being friendly with her friends.

Brad's wife is one of those women who can fit in when its five guys and your girl. It makes him a little uncomfortable when she's around when guys are having their guy talk.

We start talking about friendships between men and women. They say that you can never not have wanted to have sex with friend. Some of my closest friends are men, including my best friend from college. They are trying to convince me that he has at one point wanted me.

No matter what they say, I refuse to believe this. When you know someone that well, sex is out of the question. I think it would be impossible for either of us to even think about it. We're like brother and sister.

Carlos in San Jose has a relationship like this. He says that she is a pretty girl and that there are absolutely no sexual feelings. They have slept in the same bed and that nothing happened. Thank you Carlos.

A bunch of people call to say that Chris and Brad are right and that I am wrong. If it was not so late, I would totally call him up. It really does not matter what anyone says. I understand the friendship that I have, and I do not agree with outside opinions.


Blogger UuhLissa said...

I totally agree with you Erica! I should've listened last night, I'd have called to back you up!!!

11:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagree.

I'm a guy who's had a female friend for 15+ years who would say we're like brother and sister. We've seen each other in various states of undress, and nothing has ever happened. We used to go into each other's place as we were both getting dressed, no big deal.

But she's a hottie and if we were ever both single at the same time (and I had a couple drinks to get courage), I'd hit that so hard the earth would be thrown out of it's usual orbit...

3:32 PM  

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