Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Tuesday, January 30th

Hi!! We should have a good show for you tonight. At 7:30, we will be speaking to Richard Charnley, attorney for Lukas (the dj from the water drinking contest). Hopefully, he will not be repetitive in his defenses for Lukas' behavior. Also, supposedly we will be getting to the etiquette topic. Although, they have been saying this for over a week, so we will see.

7pm: The guys start talking about x-rays. They want one honest x-ray technician to tell them how much radiation you actually get. Also, they talk about the nitrous at the dentist. Fortunately, I had a dentist in the nitrous camp; makes getting a filling a lot more interesting.

Chris tells a story about how when he woke up from anesthesia, he had a hot nurse leaning over him. He was really out of it, and she had quite a bit of cleavage showing. Chris liked what he saw, and said that he would like to do something very dirty to her breasts. Of course, immediately after that, he wakes up, and realizes what he has said, to his utter embarrasment.

Dan in Berkeley woke up from anesthesia and was very confused. He asks the nurses, "where are my pants?" When they kindly explain that he is wearing his pants, he tells them convincingly that these were someone else's pants.

It is time to speak to Richard Charnley, the attorney for Lukas of The Morning Rave. This is one of the dj's from the water drinking contest a couple weeks ago. We actually feel pretty lucky to speak to him, as he is not doing a lot of interviews.

Charnley seems to think that this is just like any other contest, and it happened to go poorly. Chris points out that in the audio, they have said everything to make this worse. The lawyer that he is, he says that he thinks it is unfortunate, but do not directly relate to her death.

Charnley updates us on the lawsuit. The Strange family has filed against his client, the co-hosts, station management, and the company.

Brad asks how much approval did they have before the contest occured? He says that they had several days before the contest. Therefore, management must have been in on the contest.

When asked about juror sympathy, Charnley says that like Jennifer Strange, his client was trying to make people happy that day.

8pm: The guys start "A Cut Below." We have several stories today revolving around cutting something off.

First, Susan Smith tried to freeze her legs in order to force the doctors into cutting them off. She has wanted to be an amputee since the age of six. She claims this is not a case of Apotemnophilia, the fetish where you sexually desire to be an amputee. Her poor husband, had no idea of this want when he married her.

As of now, she has one leg amputated. One day, she submerged her leg in dry ice for several hours in her car. How incredibly painful and bizarre. The first doctors would not amputate the leg, but after a nasty infection, she finally got her wish. What the hell?

Smith has promised her husband to leave her remaining leg on as long as possible. Her two children do not know the truth, well probably not until now.

To end her article, she compares her condition to being gay or transsexual. I'm not kidding. "I think BIID will stay taboo until people get together and bring it out. A hundred years ago, it was taboo to be gay in many societies, and 50 years ago the idea of transsexuals was abhorrent to most."

Ok, here is part two of "A Cut Below." A twelve year old boy has begun his transformation into a woman. He has begun hormone treatment and has had his sex and name changed legally. As per law, the child will not be able to have the full operation until the age of 18. Supposedly, it is actually normal to have to experience life as a woman before the operation takes place.

What is interesting about this case, is that the child has been identifying himself as a girl since the age of two. This is an incredibly young age to be stating this.

9pm: The guys start talking about those stupid things you do, that could kill you. For Brad, it is when he is in the shower, and washing his feet. You are washing your feet, and end up balancing yourself on one soapy foot. This is very dangerous, but you will never just sit down instead.

Chris is finally moving into an apartment. Fantastic. He will actually not be staying in a hotel as of tomorrow. Last night, he ate a big thing of jambalaya at about 12:30 AM. Fortunately, he slept on his side, because in the middle of the night he wakes up. The reason: he wakes up throwing up stomach acid. He is terrified out of his mind, but is incredibly lucky that he did not die.

Doug in Modesto suggests that next time Chris has this problem, he should injest baking soda and water. This will neutralize the acid. But, be careful, if you use too much, you will explode your stomach. Holy crap.

So, we are finally getting to unspoken etiquette. They have been mentioning this topic forever, and are actually doing it tonight.

Brad starts off with fishing. What really ticks Brad off is when he is actually catching some fish, and everyone comes over to that spot. Also, don't touch someone else's tackle box or pole. Finally, if you have children with you, watch them. I think that applies to everyone.

Then of course, elevator etiquette. The person standing closest to the buttons, should be the one in charge of said buttons. This gets me heated. Why can't people just wait five minutes, instead of cramming themselves into the already crowded elevator. Will in SF brings up people who do not the people out, before they get in. That is the worst.

Roman in SF brings up sidewalk etiquette. Particularly, people walking five abreast down a crowded sidewalk. This also brings up that you should let people walking faster past you. Damn right. That drives me insane. It is so incredibly rude.

10pm: Coming back, Chris completely blows out my ears with the music. So, if you call in, and I cannot hear you, please understand. Damn that Chris.

We continue with the etiquette conversation. James in American Canyon brings up some BART etiquette. If you are standing in front of someone sitting, don't put your ass in their face. Agreed.
Katie in Sebastapol bitches about cell phones. When you are in line, and get to the front, get off the damn phone. This is getting me all fired up.

Of course, because it is The Gray Area, they start talking about passing gas. Oh man. Chris starts talking about when you are in a car, and your dog rips one. Ugh. This is disgusting.

We were talking about breeder entitlement. This gets me fired up because I do not think children should be brought to nice restaurants. If you do, just because you are in a restaurant, does not mean that your children should be allowed to run wild. Also, if they start screeching, you have to take them out, so that everyone else's experience should not be ruined.

Bob in Fairfield says that the training begins in McDonald's, not in nice restaurants. They should learn to behave as well in fast food restaurants, as in nice restaurants.

This gets everyone upset about breeder entitlement. Nate in Oakland complains about how people with kids get special treatment, making his job more difficult. Rachel in San Mateo brings up kids in movie theaters, particularly for non-kid movies.

Tom in Pacifica calls about whorehouse etiquette. You should not look at the person walking out, when you are walking in.

The guys also talk about concert etiquette. What is annoying is: girls on shoulders, whistling during a song, mosh pits and of course, sitting and standing must be universal.

So with that, I hope you all have learned some manners. I apologize to my mother, have a good night.


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