Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Wednesday, January 17th

Hi! Erica here on this cold day to keep you updated on the happenings of The Gray Area.

7pm: Traffic is apparently pretty terrible out there. We do not usually do traffic reports, but the guys think it is necessary on a night like tonight. One problem has been caused by a police chase, including evidence thrown out the window. Brad would like to think that the contraband was meth and pistols. It sounds really sucky out there, so I'm sorry to all of you stuck in that crap.

Brad asks which is worse, a complete standstill or moving 2 miles/hour. We all agree that it is the 2 mi/hr. Chris said that the other day he was stuck, and starting clearing out his cell phone. Of course, he almost completely misses his exit, in doing so. John in Moraga is stuck on the bridge going East. He is in that traffic where people are flashing their brights because you did not move up the 5 feet.

Manuel in San Mateo calls to yell about traffic as well. He says he is going to cut into the city instead of San Mateo, because at this point he needs a drink.

Chris was suggesting a bar in Oakland to Manuel. This reminds him of a lovely romantic story of he and Ace getting back together. They had broken up for a while, and he flew her in, so they could go to Oregon together. They stop in Oakland, and Chris throws down approximately 35 drinks. But, he claims that they had a fantastic time.

Somehow we had gotten into talking about pallates. Chris claims that there is pallate police in the Central Valley. Giam in SF claims that pallates are worth 20/piece. Ace, Chris' girlfriend, works for a fruit shipping company and the pallate police make her life a living hell. She also confirms that these pallates are over $20, but only the fancy pallates. She tells us, shockingly, that there are pallate bounty hunters. That is hilarious. Screw Dogg, the pallate bounty hunter sounds like a much better reality show.

8pm: Chris went to JC Penney to get a sweater today. He is not proud of it, but it is an ok place to get a sweater. What he realizes, is why don't these big department stores have carts? That is actually a pretty decent point. Because, they do have some pretty big items, and there is no way to carry them all.

The guys keep trying to get to the audio of the water drinking contest, that killed a contestant. They continually get distracted by anything else. It gets to a point, where Dan and I start placing bets on when they will play it. Dan thinks after 8:25, I think they will not get to it at all. So, I am putting through anything, to keep them off-topic, so I can be right.

Before, they get to the audio, again, Chris wants to talk about his rental car. He has one of those huge American cars. The license plate holder, says "My other car is a Enterprise Rent-A-Car."

Gino in Sacramento calls to yell at them to play the damn audio. So, finally, after getting distracted for at least another five minutes, they get to the clip. Damn, I really thought these odds would pay out.

We had made some guesses yesterday about what they would say in this audio. We were actually pretty dead-on, because the hosts are incredibly callous and terrible. Over and over, they say that they are aware of the dangers of imbibing massive quantities of water. They even refer to the frat boy, that died from this, three months ago.

The most disturbing part, is that at the end, she seems really sick, and they do not seem to care. She is also saying that her head hurts a lot. She cannot even stand, and they just think it is funny.

9pm: The issue has been raised, should the radio station and the djs be held criminally responsible for the death of Jennifer Strange. The calls are pretty split on this. Some say, that she is accountable for her own actions. Others, think that it is reasonable that she would have been unaware of the danger of her actions.

Antonio from Livermore brings up third party liability. He asks if you have a party, and someone leaves drunk, and gets into an accident, is he responsible? From my experience working in restaurants, I say yes. The law, as far as I am aware, holds the server of the alcohol responsible for the drinker's actions.

A lawyer called in and did not want to go on the air. He explained to me, that "a release is only potentially valid, if all of the risks have been enumerated and signed off." Meaning that unless the waiver included death by water intoxication, it does not relieve the radio station's responsibility. The likelihood of this, is pretty minimal.

Dr. Mark in San Francisco calls in with medical information. He tells us that in pediatrics, this is incredibly common with infants. He said that her symptoms of headaches and delirium are telltale signs of the danger. Mark also thinks that the company will be held more responsible than the djs. Furthermore, he says that it was easily preventable death. If she had been taken to the hospital, while still at the station, she would have been alright.

Ron in San Jose has some waiver information for us. He owned a role playing company, where they needed waivers for participants. He tells us that in California, waivers cannot cover death. If that is correct, that means the station is completely screwed.

Finally, Rick in Redwood City, thinks that she is personally responsible for her own actions. He is one of the only people who thinks this way.

10pm: We get the best call on this from Tim in Livermore. He is on drug testing, and has been drinking gallons of water to pass. But now, he is afraid that this is dangerous, and does not want to die from water intoxication himself.

Tim also tells about how everyday he goes to a carwash near the airport. And everyday, a woman comes to the lot and gets naked. Then, a guy comes to the lot, gets into the car, and they have sex. Yesterday, when they were there, he got out of his car to smoke, and the woman was staring right at him, while she was having sex. He wants to know if it is wrong for him to watch.

After playing the clip again, Chris has to ask, how did these hacks get a top rated show in the first place? They really do sound terrible.

Chris had asked whether beyond the danger, is the contest even engaging? For me, it is definitely not. I cannot stand listening to people throw up. Sandy from Alameda says that she cannot listen to eggnog drinking contests or anything else like that, because it is too disgusting.

Charlie from San Francisco gives us some good legal information. He says that the insurance company will most likely be sued in this situation. That's where you can get the most money, and it is an easier suit. It is difficult to get a large settlement from suing a person.

And with that, we are finished for the night. Tomorrow night, we will be giving away tickets to the A's FanFest on January 27th. So, I apologize to my mother. Have a good night!


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