Wednesday, January 24th
Hey everyone! Erica here again. As a reminder, tomorrow we will have Craig from Craigslist on, to tell us all about the craziness that happens on his site. So, tune in at 7pm for that. Also, get your tickets to the A's FanFest on Saturday. We'll be there doing a remote, so come say hi.
10pm: You've all probably heard about the Isaiah Washington from "Grey's Anatomy." He has been dealing with a lot of controversy after using a slur against his gay co-star. Usually we don't like to talk about celebrity gossip, but this story has been unavoidable. After meeting with gay rights organization, GLAAD, he has entered therapy for his views.
Wow, number 19: In very severe cases it may be necessary to tie a hand to the bed frame with a tie in order that the habit of masturbating in a semi-sleep condition can be broken. This can also be accomplished by wearing several layers of clothing which would be difficult to remove while half asleep.
7pm: The guys start by playing the clip from American Idol. This is the one where the redneck is attempting to sing "Bohemian Rhapsody." Wow, I hope that guy is aware of his vocal ineptitude, because that was atrocious.
The guys talk about the band Buckcherry. They both really like this band, but realize that their time is limited, because as in their songs, they looooove cocaine. Yeah, unless your Keith Richards, that's going to limit your lifespan just a bit.
Chris and Brad talk about how at a certain age your metabolism just stops. This is a concern for Brad, because he loves food to an incredible amount. Chris says that all other men in his family are tall and thin like Brad, until one day, the food caught up with them. Brad lets us know that he is quitting smoking a week from today. Well, this means he will be eating even more than usual.
They start talking about addiction. Dan suggests exercise and Chris adds that it is important to be busy. You have to have something to occupy the part of your mind that is focused on the addiction. Brad says that he will be using the patch, which Chris explains is bad because it cannot get wet. I'm excited because if the guys quit smoking, it will help me quit.
Ok, so today is one line Wednesday. We invite the listeners to call in. They can say anything they want, but only one sentence. Seriously, anything you want, except for profanity. The only other rule, is that when I answer the phone, you have to be ready with your name and your city. Otherwise, goodbye.
I would recall some of the lines, but I was too busy setting up the calls to hear them. The guys wondered I could keep up, but was able to keep pace with the calls. I'm a little winded though.
8pm: We talk a little about FanFest. Brad is excited to have his wife and daughter there to walk around collecting autographs for him. We are also excited to check out the locker room and clubhouse.
Jeff in Fremont calls to say that he thinks that watching porn in disgusting. He has a girlfriend and does not see any benefit to watching it, that porn watchers are just lonely. Brad defends that you can learn from pornography and that it can be exciting to watch with your partner. We find out that Jeff is just not into "flying his simulator." Hmm. That's a little bizarre.
Ok, so we get to HD porn. This brings up the debate between BlueRay and HD dvd. HD dvd is accepting of pornography, while BlueRay is not. The thing is, the adult film industry is not a fan of HD. All this clarity makes things much more difficult. This is not all that surprising when you think about it, because all porn stars will show some physical signs of their profession.
Jen in San Jose tells us that "Sex in the City" will not go into HD, because Sarah Jessica Parker does not want her wrinkles visible. Also, Aziz in San Mateo confirms that Beta never accepted pornography.
Oh no, it is time again for One Line Wednesday. Man, this is so busy. It goes pretty well, except for when a caller drops the F-bomb and is triple dumped. That screwed up the rhythm just a little bit.
9pm: We go back to the porn thing. Kristin in Newark tells her about the home theater system they have at home. They have a 9 foot screen and porn is scary enough on that, let alone in HD. She does not get that into it, but watches it for her husband. Supposedly, he is often watching for comedy value, we all know that's not true.
It is Kyle in SF's 21st birthday. He wants to know where he should go. Brad says just make sure the bartenders know it's his birthday. He also has the problem that some of his friends are not 21. That sucks. What a buzzkill. For some reason, he is going out in the Inner Richmond. I love that neighborhood, but not for your 21st birthday, far too chill.
The guys talk about putting the picture on the website. If it was up to them, they would never have them up. They think that there should never be a visual for something completely auditory.
And once again, time for One Line Wednesday. Sorry, the blog is bleak, but the calls are bumpin.

Chris asserts that therapy is useless in a case like this. He is only entering treatment because of embarrassment, not because he is ready. Dan disagrees and believes that maybe this will be his moment where he can change. Brad thinks that meetings like his with GLAAD may almost be like parenting. Where he is sat down, and it is explained to him how the hurtful nature of his words.
We went over a Mormon list of how to assert self-control regarding flying the simulator. One of my favorite suggestions is #3:
If you are associated with other persons having this same problem, YOU MUST BREAK OFF THEIR FRIENDSHIP. Never associate with other people having the same weakness. Don't suppose that two of you will quit together, you never will. You must get away from people of that kind. Just to be in their presence will keep your problem foremost in your mind. The problem must be taken OUT OF YOUR MIND for that is where it really exists. Your mind must be on other and more wholesome things.
Wow, these boys must be massively repressed. It must be awful to think that even thinking about it is a sin.

Is it just me, or does that seem oddly kinky.
Ok, time for the last round of One Line Wednesday for the night. Aw, I'm so incredibly sad that we are done with this for the night.
So, with that we are all done for the night. I apologize to my mother and have a good night.
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