Thursday, October 19
Hi! Erica here again to keep you filled in on The Gray Area. We have a lot going on tonight. Most specifically, Jim Norton will be in studio AND we have 6 pairs of tickets to the Exotic Erotic Ball.
7pm: To start off, Brad does not know a lot about Jim. He has never seen "Lucky Louie" nor has he listened to O&A live. But, from watching some clips on YouTube, he knows that Jim is absolutely filthy. I could've told him that, it is damn difficult to find clean Jim Norton audio.
Chris' car has had a rough day. On Monday, his window was smashed out on the street. It has been a mission for him to get it replaced. The first company won't call him back after taking his credit card number. The second makes it sound a little too easy.
So, he stops by the Acura dealer to ask a glass question. On his way out of the dealer, he backs his car out and hits a lightpole in his blind spot. In the perfect spot to damage the bumper and the side panel. It will cost him $1,800 to get it fixed. Poor Chris, that sucks. The impressive part is that despite all this, he is staying positive. He is not, as Brad hoped, letting it ruin his whole day.
Chris brings up a website, This is the idea that the day after the Super Bowl a holiday. I'm all for it. National Hangover Day!!! Brad is probably not so into it, as he's not into football, but you would think Chris would be. Chris, however, thinks that enough people don't remember the Super Bowl well enough for that to fly.
Why can't anyone remember The Super Bowl? Chris asks me about the past two years, and although I know the teams, I don't remember the score. And I loooooove football. Adam from E. Vallejo says that it's because it's the saddest day of the year. No more football after this day. I'm with him on that one.
Brad admits that his wife and daughter are already sick of the beach. They live in Pacifica, with only one car, and have nothing to do but go to the beach.
So what would you do if you had Super Bowl Monday off? As Chris guessed most would do, I would finish off the keg. I mean, what else would you do?
8pm: So, it's 8, and Jim Norton is not here yet. We are getting a little concerned, but hopefully he will be here shortly.
Aaron from San Anselmo calls in about how smart offensive linemen are. The interesting part of this, and it's not the call, is that Brad wonders why I spell his name with two A's. What?? How did he not know that?
So, in killing time until Jim Norton arrives, Chris and Brad have a question. When women lose weight, they lose breast size. The guys wonder what if it were the other way around. If for every 50 lbs, you lost an inch. And, vice versa.
Maggie calls in to say that it wouldn't matter. If you gained enough weight to make a difference, no woman would be attracted to you anyway. Somehow, this conversation leads to the question, do you change your vibrator based on your partner's size.
The phones light up on this one. Why is it, that whenever we talk about penises on this station, the phones go crazy?? Ahh, this is one of those moments where I am so proud.
Most of the women who call in agree with Maggie. So do I. Shelley from Napa tells us that her ex gained so much weight that his disappeared. Eww.
Brad had a rough break. He both bit his tongue and burned his mouth on his coffee.
Congratulations to the Cardinals for making the World Series. I don't hate the Mets, but I'm pretty happy to see New Yorkers all pissed off.
9pm: Jim Norton has arrived! His flight out of Newark was delayed an hour. He upgraded to first class, but says that coach on Continental is disgusting.
They get into a conversation about Kiss and Pat Benetar. I might be a little young for this conversation.
Chris wants to know about there walkover to XM. Apparently, after their CBS show, they walk over to XM while still on the air. Jim says he actually really enjoys doing it.
The guys ask how Jim is doing about "Lucky Louie" being cancelled. Brad says he loves the show, which Jim buys, until Chris totally calls him on the fact he hasn't seen it.
Jim goes on a bit of a rant (what Jim Norton rant??) about the censoring that we have to do here. He thinks its paternalistic to dump any joke that is even slightly racial. His point is that black people get jokes and that white people should stop worrying so much about it.
We also get into Brazilian hookers. Jim informs us that you can get 10's for $70.
I'm trying to keep up with this, but Jim goes really fast. But if you want to know what happened with Jim Norton, definitely check out the podcasts.
The guys got an email from Patrick, who sent them gay porn as an example of what would happen if Jim hadn't showed.
Once again, Jim goes to hookers. He apparently looooves to pay for sex. The reason, the high you get from the knock on the door. Sometimes it's good, but he has paid for a lot of bad sex. One time, at around 18 or 19, he was rubbing a girl's back. He realized that she had quite a large back for a woman. It was a tranny, of course. Chris wants to know if he didn't experiment.
Brad and Jim bond over their porn addictions. They both like Evil Angel. Brad likes Vivid and Jim is not a big fan because of the condoms. We knew they would find their common love somehow. Brad is rocking in his seat at the excitement of Jim's porn stories.
10pm: So, we gave away our tickets for the night for the Exotic Erotic Ball. We went easy on everyone and just gave them to the first 6 callers. So, congrats to big winner Patty from San Francisco. And also to the other winners: Trevor in Vacaville, Wes in San Jose, Sean in Antioch, Jon in Sunnyvale, and Joe in Martinez.
My blog is a bit incomplete this hour. I missed quite a bit on the phone with the winners. I heard a little debate about whether Christina Ricca is hot and something about champagne. I think Ricci is pretty hot, she just has that crazy, crazy forehead.
The guy reads a story about an Austrian business who had to remove offensive urinals, seen to the right, courtesy of AP. It is considered crude and misogynistic to feminist groups. I think it's just creepy. This leads the guys to wonder about women's restrooms. They ask me if we have different facilities in different bathrooms. They thought there might be some that didn't have stalls or dividers. Jesus, I would hope not. That would be horrible.
Jason from Palo Alto tells us a horrendous story about his days in the army. He was in Kuwait, and their latrines are coed and just a hole in the sand. The worst part is that they burn their, uh, discharges and for some reason he had to stir the waste. I couldn't listen intently, because that is just nasty. Chris lists this as reason 413 that Brad would never survive in the Army.
Ok, congrats to our winners and thanks a lot to Jim Norton. Have a good night and I apologize to my mother.
7pm: To start off, Brad does not know a lot about Jim. He has never seen "Lucky Louie" nor has he listened to O&A live. But, from watching some clips on YouTube, he knows that Jim is absolutely filthy. I could've told him that, it is damn difficult to find clean Jim Norton audio.
Chris' car has had a rough day. On Monday, his window was smashed out on the street. It has been a mission for him to get it replaced. The first company won't call him back after taking his credit card number. The second makes it sound a little too easy.
So, he stops by the Acura dealer to ask a glass question. On his way out of the dealer, he backs his car out and hits a lightpole in his blind spot. In the perfect spot to damage the bumper and the side panel. It will cost him $1,800 to get it fixed. Poor Chris, that sucks. The impressive part is that despite all this, he is staying positive. He is not, as Brad hoped, letting it ruin his whole day.
Chris brings up a website, This is the idea that the day after the Super Bowl a holiday. I'm all for it. National Hangover Day!!! Brad is probably not so into it, as he's not into football, but you would think Chris would be. Chris, however, thinks that enough people don't remember the Super Bowl well enough for that to fly.
Why can't anyone remember The Super Bowl? Chris asks me about the past two years, and although I know the teams, I don't remember the score. And I loooooove football. Adam from E. Vallejo says that it's because it's the saddest day of the year. No more football after this day. I'm with him on that one.
Brad admits that his wife and daughter are already sick of the beach. They live in Pacifica, with only one car, and have nothing to do but go to the beach.
So what would you do if you had Super Bowl Monday off? As Chris guessed most would do, I would finish off the keg. I mean, what else would you do?
8pm: So, it's 8, and Jim Norton is not here yet. We are getting a little concerned, but hopefully he will be here shortly.
Aaron from San Anselmo calls in about how smart offensive linemen are. The interesting part of this, and it's not the call, is that Brad wonders why I spell his name with two A's. What?? How did he not know that?
So, in killing time until Jim Norton arrives, Chris and Brad have a question. When women lose weight, they lose breast size. The guys wonder what if it were the other way around. If for every 50 lbs, you lost an inch. And, vice versa.
Maggie calls in to say that it wouldn't matter. If you gained enough weight to make a difference, no woman would be attracted to you anyway. Somehow, this conversation leads to the question, do you change your vibrator based on your partner's size.
The phones light up on this one. Why is it, that whenever we talk about penises on this station, the phones go crazy?? Ahh, this is one of those moments where I am so proud.
Most of the women who call in agree with Maggie. So do I. Shelley from Napa tells us that her ex gained so much weight that his disappeared. Eww.
Brad had a rough break. He both bit his tongue and burned his mouth on his coffee.
Congratulations to the Cardinals for making the World Series. I don't hate the Mets, but I'm pretty happy to see New Yorkers all pissed off.

They get into a conversation about Kiss and Pat Benetar. I might be a little young for this conversation.
Chris wants to know about there walkover to XM. Apparently, after their CBS show, they walk over to XM while still on the air. Jim says he actually really enjoys doing it.
The guys ask how Jim is doing about "Lucky Louie" being cancelled. Brad says he loves the show, which Jim buys, until Chris totally calls him on the fact he hasn't seen it.
Jim goes on a bit of a rant (what Jim Norton rant??) about the censoring that we have to do here. He thinks its paternalistic to dump any joke that is even slightly racial. His point is that black people get jokes and that white people should stop worrying so much about it.
We also get into Brazilian hookers. Jim informs us that you can get 10's for $70.
I'm trying to keep up with this, but Jim goes really fast. But if you want to know what happened with Jim Norton, definitely check out the podcasts.
The guys got an email from Patrick, who sent them gay porn as an example of what would happen if Jim hadn't showed.
Once again, Jim goes to hookers. He apparently looooves to pay for sex. The reason, the high you get from the knock on the door. Sometimes it's good, but he has paid for a lot of bad sex. One time, at around 18 or 19, he was rubbing a girl's back. He realized that she had quite a large back for a woman. It was a tranny, of course. Chris wants to know if he didn't experiment.
Brad and Jim bond over their porn addictions. They both like Evil Angel. Brad likes Vivid and Jim is not a big fan because of the condoms. We knew they would find their common love somehow. Brad is rocking in his seat at the excitement of Jim's porn stories.
10pm: So, we gave away our tickets for the night for the Exotic Erotic Ball. We went easy on everyone and just gave them to the first 6 callers. So, congrats to big winner Patty from San Francisco. And also to the other winners: Trevor in Vacaville, Wes in San Jose, Sean in Antioch, Jon in Sunnyvale, and Joe in Martinez.
My blog is a bit incomplete this hour. I missed quite a bit on the phone with the winners. I heard a little debate about whether Christina Ricca is hot and something about champagne. I think Ricci is pretty hot, she just has that crazy, crazy forehead.

Jason from Palo Alto tells us a horrendous story about his days in the army. He was in Kuwait, and their latrines are coed and just a hole in the sand. The worst part is that they burn their, uh, discharges and for some reason he had to stir the waste. I couldn't listen intently, because that is just nasty. Chris lists this as reason 413 that Brad would never survive in the Army.
Ok, congrats to our winners and thanks a lot to Jim Norton. Have a good night and I apologize to my mother.
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