Tuesday, November 21
Hey everybody. My last day before the holiday, because I'm going to Disney World!!!
7pm: We start off speaking to Suli McCullough, the comic that opened for Michael Richards, when he went off the other night. He lets us know that poor Jim Gaffigan had to go on after this fiasco. Jim is a hero for being able to go through his act. Suli also says that the crowd was kinda disjointed and out of it that night. He was ok with his act because he didn't flip out himself.
This is the shocker, there was only one black guy in the group that was heckling. The other hecklers were white. Suli is a black man, and was stunned by Richards' actions. He was offended by the fact that Richards used his wealth in the argument. Richards had a spot at The Laugh Factory the night afterwards, did his act that night, and did not apologize. It is because of this, that Richards is banned from the club.
Suli also agrees that the apology on Letterman seemed forced. Furthermore, there is no doubt that this hate is what is in his heart. If Mel Gibson has a movie coming out, then we will see if Richards' career can recover. Suli tells us that he got a lot of calls giving him crap for not knocking Richards out for this b.s.
We also ask Suli about our conversation about the N-word yesterday. The consensus was that despite its usage in the black community, the word still maintains its power. The thing that makes the word so strong from Richards, is that he is a wealthy man outside of the community. Suli's solution: Richards has to be a girl on Flava of Love. That would be fantastic.
From racism to breast implants, this show covers it all. We are going to speak to Dr. Scott Mosser, a plastic surgeon, who can give us information on silicon. Silicon implants have been made legal once again. Furthermore, the guys want to know about breast lift surgery.
But first, sadly, the King of the Hobos has passed away. There is so confusion about this. He died in a nursing home, wrote a book, and had a wife and 2 children. This doesn't make any sense. Maybe he is like those kids on Haight, who beg for money, but have trust funds.
Dr. Mosser says that everyone is thrilled. He says that silicon is by far the best material for this. He lets us know that they have changed the implants from the ones twenty years ago. Silicon implants were only pulled in the U.S. and Canada, and were still common in the rest of the world.
The guys have an important question to ask, why do some girls have nipples that look really bizarre. The reason for this is often because the implant is too low. Also, for the first couple weeks, the implants will look really high. Furthermore, the boyfriends or husbands can help out by massaging the breasts to make them sit correctly.
To end the interview, Chris finally gets to his question about lifts. Dr. Mosser explains that drooping breasts are matter of excess skin. He says that it is better than it was in the past, but that there is still scarring.
8pm: The guys go back to an earlier statement by Dan that wearing your hat backwards lowers your IQ by 30 points. Despite Chris' best efforts, he cannot convince Dan of a situation where he would do so.
In talking about our interview with Suli, the guys go to a discussion of that moment where you said something that you just can't take back.
Dan lets us know that after all of this, he thinks that either everyone should be able to use the N-word or nobody should. Chris and Brad kinda agree. They both felt weird saying that word.
The guys also wonder further about the Brazilian Butt Lift. This is where they take fat from somewhere else, and put it into the ass. So, what about the thin girls who need the ass? Chris' girlfriend Ace is very thin, and would like some more meat back there. Chris wonders if he can fatten her up for this purpose. I think this may be a bad plan.
Brad has told us about a neighbor that has made friends with his wife. Now, this woman is asking her to walk the dog. But, the thing is this moochie neighbor asks two people to do it. When T calls her to ask, the woman blows up at her. Finally, however, there are free of her.
Tom from Pinole calls in to set the tone. He is fed up with the way people drive. Unfortunately, Tom is incredibly mediocre and has to go into the pit. Sorry.
Joe from SF calls in to bitch about double parking in the city. I'm with you, Joe, this drives me crazy.
Then Roy from Tracy calls in to tell us that although he is not homeless, he is going to the shelter to eat dinner there for the holiday. What a leeching bastard. I say, and Ed agrees, that he belongs in the Pit for his lack of morals. But, Ed gets thrown into the Pit for his topic idea. Larry from Sunnyvale agrees that Roy is deplorable. Finally, Tom in Sacramento calls to defend him. He says that the concept is so that people will not be alone, so its ok.
9pm: After all those random calls, we read an email from Turi Ryder, who has a show here on Saturdays. If you don't remember, Turi filled in when Darian O'Toole left the station. They were somewhat competing with her, and were sad that they like her. Turi's email is an invitation to Thanksgiving at her house.
Jay from Napa tried to set the tone last hour by bitching about dog owners. They always think they know everything about dogs, even if their dog misbehaves. Chris admits that he is incredibly guilty of this.
The guys narrow down the tone sets to two. They go with John from Moraga's hottie but gone. The other is Brendan's worst impulse buys.
Ruben from San Jose picks Brigitte Neilson as hottie but gone. And I have to say, her hooking up with Flava Flav was one of the most revolting things I have ever seen. The only more disturbing couple was maybe Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie.
We get another call, I'm sorry I forgot your name, who throws in Kelly LeBrock, Melanie Griffith, Katherine Zeta-Jones, and Kevin Costner. That last one is kinda weird.
Ryan from SF throws in Joyce Heiser from "Just One of the Guys." She disappeared after the movie, but he claims she had the best breasts ever. I found a pic of them on Image search, they are pretty nice. Doug from Richmond tries to keep it going with Barbara Eden. Brad says that he has never been able to find a naked picture of her. But, within 10 seconds on image search, I make all of Brad's dreams come true. Sorry, can't put it on the blog, you'll have to find them yourself.
On impulse buys, Eddie from Lafayette let us know he bought a mini bike. It is really small, doesn't go very fast, and he has no use for it. He spent $300 on it, but realizes it was stupid. I was looking at these things, and there is no way you can look cool on one of these.
The Barbara Eden picture leads to a discussion of her versus Raquel Welch. They say that Raquel Welch may have been hotter at one point, but Barbara Eden maintained her hotness longer. They say that she was so hot for so long, but never really banked on this.
10pm: The phones light up when we are talking about Barbara Eden. We even get a call from Gary in Oakland, that his dad dated Barbara Eden. He was a photographer and dated her for six months. I don't think I've ever seen as much envy, as I do in the eyes of Chris and Brad when hearing this story.
Sherry from San Jose is angry that they left out Linda Carter in the eternal hottie competition. Fortunately, she was cool because Chris was being gross, saying something about Brad's weiner and Dan pushing. That is classy.
Other mentions include:
- Sophia Loren
- Ann Margret
- Farrah Fawcett
- Barbara Rhoades
- Lindsey Wagner
- Suzanne Sommers (she looks awful now by the way)
To end the hour, we will do a replay of our interview with Suli McCullough, the comedian who opened for Michael Richards, when he lost his damn mind.
And with that, I am off to Florida. The guys will be here tomorrow, and I will return on Tuesday. Have a great holiday!!!
7pm: We start off speaking to Suli McCullough, the comic that opened for Michael Richards, when he went off the other night. He lets us know that poor Jim Gaffigan had to go on after this fiasco. Jim is a hero for being able to go through his act. Suli also says that the crowd was kinda disjointed and out of it that night. He was ok with his act because he didn't flip out himself.
This is the shocker, there was only one black guy in the group that was heckling. The other hecklers were white. Suli is a black man, and was stunned by Richards' actions. He was offended by the fact that Richards used his wealth in the argument. Richards had a spot at The Laugh Factory the night afterwards, did his act that night, and did not apologize. It is because of this, that Richards is banned from the club.
Suli also agrees that the apology on Letterman seemed forced. Furthermore, there is no doubt that this hate is what is in his heart. If Mel Gibson has a movie coming out, then we will see if Richards' career can recover. Suli tells us that he got a lot of calls giving him crap for not knocking Richards out for this b.s.
We also ask Suli about our conversation about the N-word yesterday. The consensus was that despite its usage in the black community, the word still maintains its power. The thing that makes the word so strong from Richards, is that he is a wealthy man outside of the community. Suli's solution: Richards has to be a girl on Flava of Love. That would be fantastic.
From racism to breast implants, this show covers it all. We are going to speak to Dr. Scott Mosser, a plastic surgeon, who can give us information on silicon. Silicon implants have been made legal once again. Furthermore, the guys want to know about breast lift surgery.
But first, sadly, the King of the Hobos has passed away. There is so confusion about this. He died in a nursing home, wrote a book, and had a wife and 2 children. This doesn't make any sense. Maybe he is like those kids on Haight, who beg for money, but have trust funds.
Dr. Mosser says that everyone is thrilled. He says that silicon is by far the best material for this. He lets us know that they have changed the implants from the ones twenty years ago. Silicon implants were only pulled in the U.S. and Canada, and were still common in the rest of the world.
The guys have an important question to ask, why do some girls have nipples that look really bizarre. The reason for this is often because the implant is too low. Also, for the first couple weeks, the implants will look really high. Furthermore, the boyfriends or husbands can help out by massaging the breasts to make them sit correctly.
To end the interview, Chris finally gets to his question about lifts. Dr. Mosser explains that drooping breasts are matter of excess skin. He says that it is better than it was in the past, but that there is still scarring.
8pm: The guys go back to an earlier statement by Dan that wearing your hat backwards lowers your IQ by 30 points. Despite Chris' best efforts, he cannot convince Dan of a situation where he would do so.
In talking about our interview with Suli, the guys go to a discussion of that moment where you said something that you just can't take back.
Dan lets us know that after all of this, he thinks that either everyone should be able to use the N-word or nobody should. Chris and Brad kinda agree. They both felt weird saying that word.
The guys also wonder further about the Brazilian Butt Lift. This is where they take fat from somewhere else, and put it into the ass. So, what about the thin girls who need the ass? Chris' girlfriend Ace is very thin, and would like some more meat back there. Chris wonders if he can fatten her up for this purpose. I think this may be a bad plan.
Brad has told us about a neighbor that has made friends with his wife. Now, this woman is asking her to walk the dog. But, the thing is this moochie neighbor asks two people to do it. When T calls her to ask, the woman blows up at her. Finally, however, there are free of her.
Tom from Pinole calls in to set the tone. He is fed up with the way people drive. Unfortunately, Tom is incredibly mediocre and has to go into the pit. Sorry.
Joe from SF calls in to bitch about double parking in the city. I'm with you, Joe, this drives me crazy.
Then Roy from Tracy calls in to tell us that although he is not homeless, he is going to the shelter to eat dinner there for the holiday. What a leeching bastard. I say, and Ed agrees, that he belongs in the Pit for his lack of morals. But, Ed gets thrown into the Pit for his topic idea. Larry from Sunnyvale agrees that Roy is deplorable. Finally, Tom in Sacramento calls to defend him. He says that the concept is so that people will not be alone, so its ok.
9pm: After all those random calls, we read an email from Turi Ryder, who has a show here on Saturdays. If you don't remember, Turi filled in when Darian O'Toole left the station. They were somewhat competing with her, and were sad that they like her. Turi's email is an invitation to Thanksgiving at her house.
Jay from Napa tried to set the tone last hour by bitching about dog owners. They always think they know everything about dogs, even if their dog misbehaves. Chris admits that he is incredibly guilty of this.
The guys narrow down the tone sets to two. They go with John from Moraga's hottie but gone. The other is Brendan's worst impulse buys.

We get another call, I'm sorry I forgot your name, who throws in Kelly LeBrock, Melanie Griffith, Katherine Zeta-Jones, and Kevin Costner. That last one is kinda weird.
Ryan from SF throws in Joyce Heiser from "Just One of the Guys." She disappeared after the movie, but he claims she had the best breasts ever. I found a pic of them on Image search, they are pretty nice. Doug from Richmond tries to keep it going with Barbara Eden. Brad says that he has never been able to find a naked picture of her. But, within 10 seconds on image search, I make all of Brad's dreams come true. Sorry, can't put it on the blog, you'll have to find them yourself.
On impulse buys, Eddie from Lafayette let us know he bought a mini bike. It is really small, doesn't go very fast, and he has no use for it. He spent $300 on it, but realizes it was stupid. I was looking at these things, and there is no way you can look cool on one of these.

10pm: The phones light up when we are talking about Barbara Eden. We even get a call from Gary in Oakland, that his dad dated Barbara Eden. He was a photographer and dated her for six months. I don't think I've ever seen as much envy, as I do in the eyes of Chris and Brad when hearing this story.
Sherry from San Jose is angry that they left out Linda Carter in the eternal hottie competition. Fortunately, she was cool because Chris was being gross, saying something about Brad's weiner and Dan pushing. That is classy.
Other mentions include:
- Sophia Loren
- Ann Margret
- Farrah Fawcett
- Barbara Rhoades
- Lindsey Wagner
- Suzanne Sommers (she looks awful now by the way)
To end the hour, we will do a replay of our interview with Suli McCullough, the comedian who opened for Michael Richards, when he lost his damn mind.
And with that, I am off to Florida. The guys will be here tomorrow, and I will return on Tuesday. Have a great holiday!!!
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