Monday, November 6

7pm: Chris had a rough day today, but hopefully all will be well. To make things worse, when he comes in, he tells us he had one of those gas station
burritos. He gives us an in depth description of this burrito, and it sounds revolting. Why would he eat that? I would give you the details, but this is making me a little nauseous.
We speak to the Governator with a last push before the election tomorrow. Don't forget to vote even though the machines may not work. Classy as every, Arnold calls us from the bathroom, drunk.
Brad lets him know that his daughter was listening to Arnold's last appearance. She thinks that he curses to much, and hears her first reference to a chastity belt. Fortunately for Brad, she isn't listening anymore.

Arnold is pretty confident about the results. He tells us that he will either come out in the Terminator or the Conan outfit. Once again, he rails Phil Angelides for his looks. That's not nice Arnold.
Of course, this was Josh Thompson, our resident Arnold impersonator. Josh is happily confident that Arnold will win. He also thinks that Arnold should win
because he is smart and hasn't had a full term. We had not asked Josh whether he liked Arnold until now. He does because he is honest and is always telling dirty jokes.
We will be speaking to Josh again tomorrow after the election. So tune in for that. Chris tells us that San Mateo county is asking people to use paper ballots. Wow, this is the heart of technology, and we can't get electronic voting right?
8pm: At the end of last hour, the guys brought up that their parents told them not to talk about your vote. I was taught the same thing. Caleb from San Mateo says that this is a white thing. None of us remember an explanation for this secrecy.
Chris is a registered Republican. He would like to switch to Independent status, but is fearful that he will lose a lot of voting rights in doing so. The worst is that you don't get to vote in the primaries. That is a huge loss.
Nervous Nathan from Pittsburg calls to try and set the tone. He tells us about a paintballing venture at a slaughterhouse, that they trespassed into. He is sitting on a water tower, when the cops came. His story isn't that great, but his tone is "... then the cops came." Phrased well, but not that unique.
Everyone is skeptical, but this does get a bunch of calls. One that stands out is Scott from San Rafael. He and his brilliant friends decided to tie a mattress to their friend's pickup truck. The reason: they wanted to be dragged. Because safety is always first, they wear helmets and think everything will be fine. Scott breaks his leg. He goes to the hospital and the driver gets a reckless endangerment charge.
I have to apolgize now, my blog is going to be terrible tonight. I have a migraine and using the computer is hell. If it gets better, I will continue, but for now, I'm sorry.
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