Wednesday, November 8
Hi everyone! So did the Democrats take the Senate or what? I am so confused. Do MSNBC, CNN, and Fox News receive completely different information? Why is it, that when I switch channels, Independents win seats on one and Democrats on the other? Sorry about that, I just needed to get that off my chest.
7pm: We start the show speaking to Tom Leykis. Right from his show to ours. He is here to tell us more about female caller who admitted to murder on the air. She said that she killed the father of her children for not paying his child support. She got away with it by lying to the cops. This has been a huge news story. What a stupid woman, to think that nothing would result from this call.
Tom says that it is things like this that make him love his career. No matter how many crazy things you hear, something new and unexpected happens everyday. Tom is convinced that this was a real call. He lets us know that he will respect whatever the police want him to do. If at anytime, they ask him to cease releasing details, he will stop. Chris points out that as a showman, that would be incredibly difficult.
If you would like more information or think that this sounds familiar, you can listen to the call and read the articles here. Thanks to Tom for jumping on and filling us in.
We have a power-packed hour, because next we speak to Arnold, fresh off his victory. I can only imagine the state he will be in with us. If you didn't think his ego was big enough... well, here we go. The guys want to know how many times he will say, "God dammit."
Arnold is belligerent as ever. He is angry at the guys for not having proper music ready for him to read the first draft of his election speech. To Brad's delight, it is a selection from the Conan movie. Brad keeps joining in with lines he knows from the speech.
Chris and Brad are a little hurt that they didn't receive an invite to the victory party last night. Arnold totally rats me out, that I stole their invitations and went myself. He claims that I was being crazy in my behavior. I wasn't doing anything, he's just so damn grabby.
Arnold tells us about his concession phone call from Angelides. As a prank, Arnold and his cronies left a bag of um... waste on his doorstep. Angelides called to tell him it was funny and then they got into a stream of insults.

Throughout each of our calls with Arnold, he is constantly yelling at Maria in the background. I would be a little nervous yelling at Skeletor if I were him. (Ok, I have to admit, I took the cheap shot just to have an excuse to put up the picture.)
Arnold has offered to do the listeners a favor. If you are an Arnold fan and voted for him yesterday, he will play Mental Speedbump on your behalf. I think these people are pretty screwed. Arnold says "uh" constantly.
His topic for Carl in Oakland: You're having a good night, you begin to sleep tight, but then the bed bugs begin to bite. Defend yourself verbally.
Surprisingly, Arnold does a great job. He didn't say "uh" once. I am shocked by this success. So, congratulations to Carl, you will be seeing Greg Giraldo at Cobb's Comedy Club on November 12th.
Of course, this is not the Governor, but Josh Thompson. He always does such a great job with us. He has an official website on its way and will have a Fake Arnold cd coming out. For now you can check him out at
8pm: We received a public service announcement in the mail today. We haven't even heard this yet, so who knows what this will be. It is a really bad version of "Jingle Bells" reminding us to wash our hands. There is also a Spanish version of this PSA. Hopefully, this will never again play on our station.
So, my car is a little f'd up right now. I have a Jetta and the coolant light has been on for a while. The other night, the temperature gauge finally registered that fact. Today, I called Chris for help, which as a good friend, he provided. But, of course, I have to get a little railed for all the girlness I demonstrated in this venture.
Basically, yeah, the coolant light was on for months and I did nothing. Also, I added coolant to the car without wather. Then, on the phone with Chris, I went down to the car to look at something, and did not immediately open the hood. I have no defense for my moronic behavior when it comes to my car, BUT... at least I like football.
The guys have an idea that they think will be shot down by the station: The Gray Area Women's Prison Film Festival.
The point is, for this Festival to take place, we need your help. Management will not let this happen, unless we get support from you, the listeners. Melissa in San Rafael helps by suggesting that it take place at Alcatraz. Ben in the city thinks we should donate the money to Girl's Juvy.
9pm: We start letting you know that Brad will be playing the evil prison warden. That could not be a more perfect casting job.
Mike from Sebastapol thinks we should have it for the guys over at San Quentin. This is a pretty scary idea. Dan from Novato thinks we should pull the listeners out on a prison barge. We didn't know if they exist, but apparently they do. I wonder what that would be like.
Ben in Novato thinks we should serve Pruno, a moonshine made in prisons. This just sounds disgusting. Can we make something good and just call it Pruno.
The first movie they discuss, Chained Heat, with Linda Blair. Shockingly, their favorite part of this movie is her breasts. Who would've thought. Did you know that there are three Caged Heat films? We could show the whole trilogy.
The guys read a list of women's prison films they would like to include.
Some examples:
- Prison Girls 3D
- Cellblock Sisters
- The Big Doll House (pic to the right)
- Strip Search
- Big Bust Out
- Helga, She Wolf of Spilberg
- Sex Penitentiary
- Scorpion, Double Venom 2
- Prision de Mujeres
- Bare Behind Bars
These all sound like classy Oscar-worthy films. I don't know how all of these have been shunned by the Academy. What are they? Communist??
We are giving another set of tickets to see Greg Giraldo at Cobb's Comedy Club. The game is Mental Speedbump. I wonder how many calls it will take to be successful.
I thought Ken from San Lorenzo wanted to play, but even better he calls in with a great idea for the festival. He sells projectors and tells us he goes to Treasure Island to play video games on the walls of the hangers. He thinks we should show the movies there. This is a pretty sweet idea.
Ok, so Burt from San Jose gives it a try on some topic about facial hair. But, alas, Burt fails at this monumental task. Was that dramatic enough? Aaron from San Jose goes next with the topic: You are caught at the Canadian border with a midget in your duffle bag. Explain. He goes for 25 seconds, but falls apart. Nice try, Aaron.
10pm: We play a trailer of a women's prison movie I found on YouTube. It is called "Shadow Dead Riot" and has the one thing missing from these movies: Zombies!!! This has got to be one of the most insane trailers I have ever seen. If you check that out, beware, it is really graphic.
To promote an idea before it is fleshed out is an unusual practice. But, that's not what this is about. We need all of you to make this the best it can be.
The guys go over the cliches of these movies:
- Topless girls for no reason or shirts that rip open perfectly
- The warden's speech
- The gauntlet
- A caged animal in the warden's office
- Lots and lots of mud
Andy from Concord brings up all the fun costumes attendees can wear. He wants to be the sleazy prison doctor. The guys suggest Tommy Lee Jones' character from Natural Born Killers.
The way the guys know this will work: It completely freaked out the sales staff when they pitched it in their first meeting.
Shay from San Jose thinks if you push the costume idea it will be a combination of the Exotic Erotic Ball and Cannes Film Festival. The guys worry that there are not enough guy costumes. Shay thinks that men can dress as women's prisoners.
Brad is a little hesitant to dress in drag. Then Dan has a moment of brilliance. Brad should have a short black wig and bright lipstick. Chris jumps right in on this thinking that Brad would be great as the tall sadistic female prison guard with really pointy breasts. This picture gets more and more disturbing every minute. Even worse, Brad admits he might think he was pretty hot in that.
We come up with some more male costumes with the help of the callers. Men could be prison guards, alcoholic daddies, executioners, priests, cook, or boyfriends. These are all great ideas. Mike from Beneica has a great idea with the warden's effeminate son. Like Dan, I was a little hesitant at first, but this is shaping up to be a pretty fun idea.
To end the show, Brad gives us his Penile Euphemism of the Night: King Cobratwurst. What does that even mean??? Yeah, I apologize to my mother, once again.
7pm: We start the show speaking to Tom Leykis. Right from his show to ours. He is here to tell us more about female caller who admitted to murder on the air. She said that she killed the father of her children for not paying his child support. She got away with it by lying to the cops. This has been a huge news story. What a stupid woman, to think that nothing would result from this call.
Tom says that it is things like this that make him love his career. No matter how many crazy things you hear, something new and unexpected happens everyday. Tom is convinced that this was a real call. He lets us know that he will respect whatever the police want him to do. If at anytime, they ask him to cease releasing details, he will stop. Chris points out that as a showman, that would be incredibly difficult.
If you would like more information or think that this sounds familiar, you can listen to the call and read the articles here. Thanks to Tom for jumping on and filling us in.
We have a power-packed hour, because next we speak to Arnold, fresh off his victory. I can only imagine the state he will be in with us. If you didn't think his ego was big enough... well, here we go. The guys want to know how many times he will say, "God dammit."
Arnold is belligerent as ever. He is angry at the guys for not having proper music ready for him to read the first draft of his election speech. To Brad's delight, it is a selection from the Conan movie. Brad keeps joining in with lines he knows from the speech.
Chris and Brad are a little hurt that they didn't receive an invite to the victory party last night. Arnold totally rats me out, that I stole their invitations and went myself. He claims that I was being crazy in my behavior. I wasn't doing anything, he's just so damn grabby.
Arnold tells us about his concession phone call from Angelides. As a prank, Arnold and his cronies left a bag of um... waste on his doorstep. Angelides called to tell him it was funny and then they got into a stream of insults.

Throughout each of our calls with Arnold, he is constantly yelling at Maria in the background. I would be a little nervous yelling at Skeletor if I were him. (Ok, I have to admit, I took the cheap shot just to have an excuse to put up the picture.)
Arnold has offered to do the listeners a favor. If you are an Arnold fan and voted for him yesterday, he will play Mental Speedbump on your behalf. I think these people are pretty screwed. Arnold says "uh" constantly.
His topic for Carl in Oakland: You're having a good night, you begin to sleep tight, but then the bed bugs begin to bite. Defend yourself verbally.
Surprisingly, Arnold does a great job. He didn't say "uh" once. I am shocked by this success. So, congratulations to Carl, you will be seeing Greg Giraldo at Cobb's Comedy Club on November 12th.
Of course, this is not the Governor, but Josh Thompson. He always does such a great job with us. He has an official website on its way and will have a Fake Arnold cd coming out. For now you can check him out at
8pm: We received a public service announcement in the mail today. We haven't even heard this yet, so who knows what this will be. It is a really bad version of "Jingle Bells" reminding us to wash our hands. There is also a Spanish version of this PSA. Hopefully, this will never again play on our station.
So, my car is a little f'd up right now. I have a Jetta and the coolant light has been on for a while. The other night, the temperature gauge finally registered that fact. Today, I called Chris for help, which as a good friend, he provided. But, of course, I have to get a little railed for all the girlness I demonstrated in this venture.
Basically, yeah, the coolant light was on for months and I did nothing. Also, I added coolant to the car without wather. Then, on the phone with Chris, I went down to the car to look at something, and did not immediately open the hood. I have no defense for my moronic behavior when it comes to my car, BUT... at least I like football.
The guys have an idea that they think will be shot down by the station: The Gray Area Women's Prison Film Festival.
The point is, for this Festival to take place, we need your help. Management will not let this happen, unless we get support from you, the listeners. Melissa in San Rafael helps by suggesting that it take place at Alcatraz. Ben in the city thinks we should donate the money to Girl's Juvy.
9pm: We start letting you know that Brad will be playing the evil prison warden. That could not be a more perfect casting job.
Mike from Sebastapol thinks we should have it for the guys over at San Quentin. This is a pretty scary idea. Dan from Novato thinks we should pull the listeners out on a prison barge. We didn't know if they exist, but apparently they do. I wonder what that would be like.
Ben in Novato thinks we should serve Pruno, a moonshine made in prisons. This just sounds disgusting. Can we make something good and just call it Pruno.
The first movie they discuss, Chained Heat, with Linda Blair. Shockingly, their favorite part of this movie is her breasts. Who would've thought. Did you know that there are three Caged Heat films? We could show the whole trilogy.
The guys read a list of women's prison films they would like to include.
Some examples:

- Cellblock Sisters
- The Big Doll House (pic to the right)
- Strip Search
- Big Bust Out
- Helga, She Wolf of Spilberg
- Sex Penitentiary
- Scorpion, Double Venom 2
- Prision de Mujeres
- Bare Behind Bars
These all sound like classy Oscar-worthy films. I don't know how all of these have been shunned by the Academy. What are they? Communist??
We are giving another set of tickets to see Greg Giraldo at Cobb's Comedy Club. The game is Mental Speedbump. I wonder how many calls it will take to be successful.
I thought Ken from San Lorenzo wanted to play, but even better he calls in with a great idea for the festival. He sells projectors and tells us he goes to Treasure Island to play video games on the walls of the hangers. He thinks we should show the movies there. This is a pretty sweet idea.
Ok, so Burt from San Jose gives it a try on some topic about facial hair. But, alas, Burt fails at this monumental task. Was that dramatic enough? Aaron from San Jose goes next with the topic: You are caught at the Canadian border with a midget in your duffle bag. Explain. He goes for 25 seconds, but falls apart. Nice try, Aaron.

To promote an idea before it is fleshed out is an unusual practice. But, that's not what this is about. We need all of you to make this the best it can be.
The guys go over the cliches of these movies:
- Topless girls for no reason or shirts that rip open perfectly
- The warden's speech
- The gauntlet
- A caged animal in the warden's office
- Lots and lots of mud
Andy from Concord brings up all the fun costumes attendees can wear. He wants to be the sleazy prison doctor. The guys suggest Tommy Lee Jones' character from Natural Born Killers.
The way the guys know this will work: It completely freaked out the sales staff when they pitched it in their first meeting.
Shay from San Jose thinks if you push the costume idea it will be a combination of the Exotic Erotic Ball and Cannes Film Festival. The guys worry that there are not enough guy costumes. Shay thinks that men can dress as women's prisoners.
Brad is a little hesitant to dress in drag. Then Dan has a moment of brilliance. Brad should have a short black wig and bright lipstick. Chris jumps right in on this thinking that Brad would be great as the tall sadistic female prison guard with really pointy breasts. This picture gets more and more disturbing every minute. Even worse, Brad admits he might think he was pretty hot in that.
We come up with some more male costumes with the help of the callers. Men could be prison guards, alcoholic daddies, executioners, priests, cook, or boyfriends. These are all great ideas. Mike from Beneica has a great idea with the warden's effeminate son. Like Dan, I was a little hesitant at first, but this is shaping up to be a pretty fun idea.
To end the show, Brad gives us his Penile Euphemism of the Night: King Cobratwurst. What does that even mean??? Yeah, I apologize to my mother, once again.
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