Tuesday, November 7
Hi! Erica here. Sorry that my blog was so incomplete yesterday, but I am doing better today. Going to the orthopedist on Thursday, so hopefully he will make me all better.
7pm: Being election day, the guys want to know why you didn't vote. Whether it was the traffic, just too busy at work, or just don't care, we want to hear about it. If you did vote, and something unexpected happened, tell us about that too.
The guys start with a man in Kentucky who was thrown out of the polling place for not completing his ballot. The voting official was angry that he didn't vote on every issue, and physically attacked him for this. That's just not right. Claudia from the city calls in and tells us that she wasn't asked for ID when she voted today. Wow, security is really great here.
Chris brings up the saying, "if you don't vote, don't complain." He wonders if that is still right. A lot of people feel that they have no option they are happy with. They don't feel that their vote matters and the system will never meet their needs. Brad sticks with the saying, because you didn't even try. Chris is kind of torn on the issue. One argument, is that with propositions, your vote really does count.
This brings quite a few calls on both sides of the fence. Some people are frustrated by the system, and some feel that you have to vote no matter what. I have to admit that I did not vote today because of logistical reasons. I am not happy with that, but it is my fault for not taking care of things sooner. Will I still complain? Most likely.
During this discussion, Michael from San Jose tells us that there is a spaceship style object in Mountain View scrolling results sponsored by CNN. That is pretty cool.
We also get calls of people not voting because they don't trust the machines. There have been so many reports of tampering and hacking, that many people are concerned that the votes will be manipulated. I have to say, after speaking to my friends in the computer industry, I am scared of the vulnerability.
Dan tells us that he flipped out at a woman blocking his driveway. When he finally finds her, she explains that it is her car, but that she is getting cake right now. He says, "Are you insane??!!" and marched her down the street to move her car. Way to go Dan, I've had enough of that bulls**t in this town. STOP DOUBLE PARKING!!!!
We get a few calls from minorities saying that people have died for their right to vote. To not, would be incredibly disrespectful to those before them.
8pm: In talking about the hacking abilities, Chris asks me if I'm a Mac person. I answer that I was raised in a Mac house because my mother is an artist. Chris jumps on that response because of the Mac pride that people have. Immediately in this Mac discussion, John from SF jumps in to defend the Mac to the death. Hey, I'm with you John, if I wasn't broke I would buy one in a heartbeat.
While discussing this, Dan jumps in to let the guys know that CNN is predicting that the Democrats have taken the House. That's awesome. I'm a liberal, but whatever your politics, it is always better to have dispersed power.
Skye from Santa Rosa calls in to say that she doesn't vote because she believes the government is all controlled by corporations. I agree with some of the things Skye says, but sometimes I feel that speaking in conspiracy theories is counterproductive.
Overall, I would say that most of the callers support the old saying, "if you don't vote, don't bitch." What does that mean for the show since, for one reason or another, all 4 of us didn't vote?
Juan calls in to ask what effect the polls have. Chris wishes the polls would stop. I have to say, I pretty much agree. It does seem that you the exit polls have some effect. Furthermore, Chris is sick of constantly being surveyed. Brad is also tired of being forced to do something when has paid for the service.
9pm: The guys start off the hour saying that this is "the job" for them. They've said before, that this format is very difficult to explain. This brings them to the dark side of working for this station. They wanted to get a political expert tonight for five minutes to ask what happens if the Senate splits down the middle. Being FreeFm, it is damn near impossible to get a political expert on the air, particularly on a night like tonight.
We have our own election tonight, on things that more aptly suit our audience. We cover issues such as: The Three Stooges, Woody Allen, The Rolling Stones, Monty Python, Raider Nation, tramp stamps, penis size, freedom of expression, Quentin Tarantino, and clowns (where do you think i voted on that one). Some of these have options where I really want to choose both, but as our political elections, it is one or the other.
At the end of the show, we will try and post the complete results of this important election. Forget the Senate and the House, I want to know what you think about clowns and penis size. Ahh, it makes me so proud to work for a show that covers such critical issues.
Congratulations to Tom in Sutter for winning two tickets to Greg Giraldo at Cobb's Comedy Club. How did Tom win? Just by calling and making everyone laugh. Way to go buddy. He really loves the phrase, "clown panty."
At the end of this, we talk about Star Trek, again. I don't think I've ever met someone who loves Star Trek as much as Brad. Chris watched an old Star Trek episode recently and it killed it for him. He says it was just the worst acting imaginable. I've said this before and I'll say it again: I'm a girl and know nothing about the old Star Treks.
Oh man, they are playing a song by Leonard Nimoy. It is just horrible and disturbing. There are no words to aptly describe it.
10pm: To start the hour, the guys play a Star Trek clip and then give election updates. Well, the GOP is looking good to keep the Senate. Well, at least the Democrats took the house.
In talking about the elections, they start talking about towns behind mountains. They are always a little weird. Chris is speaking specifically of Avenel in the Central Valley. If you've ever been to Appalachia, um.. yeah, definitely weird.
Ok, so the guys start talking about a sex shop in a Tokyo train station where the high school girls sell their panties to the businessmen. Brad goes into a vivid description of the mental image he has for this practice. It involves pudgy fingers and tater tots. I keep trying to explain how this discussion makes me feel. There is definitely a chill running up and down my spine and a strange nausea I have rarely experienced. Once again, so proud to work on this show.
Coming back from break, the guys play a mock political ad from YouTube. You should check this out, it's really funny. Then, they go back to the panties, of course. I thought it couldn't get worse, but oh, I was wrong. I'm not going to relive the comments by typing them, sorry. If you want more information on used panty stores, check out this article on Snopes.com.
There has been tragedy in Miami. Defensive End, Bryan Pata, of the Hurricanes, was shot and killed tonight leaving practice. This is not the first time in recent years that violence has hit the Hurricanes. Dan throws in that the area around the stadium is a sketchy, sketchy place.
A toilet which flushes to the sound of the Italian National Anthem, has been impounded. What angers them, is that you are not an artist by putting a sound chip into a toilet. This is an interesting issue, is the national anthem so sacred, that it cannot be mocked?
Another story is that a man in Orange Park, Florida (of course) claims he was saved by the bibles in his shirt pocket. They wonder if guys will start donning bibles as a means of protection. Brad talks about how he has been given too many bibles. You can't throw them away, so you end up with 40 of them. Well, being a Jew, I can't really relate to this. Phew.
The next story of the day, is unbelievable. A woman's suicide bid in Germany caused an brawl between the spectators below. There were kids yelling at the woman to jump. The homeless told the kids to stop the taunting, and this argument resulted in blows. This is pretty insane. Fortunately, the woman did not hear the kids and was talked down from the roof.
Finally, Art Shell is defending Tyler Brayton's actions in the Raider-Seahawk game last night. If you missed this, Brayton kneed Jeremy Stevens in the groin. He said it was provoked. We were watching and I'm not buying that.
Well, that's it for tonight. Have a good night and I apologize to my mother.
7pm: Being election day, the guys want to know why you didn't vote. Whether it was the traffic, just too busy at work, or just don't care, we want to hear about it. If you did vote, and something unexpected happened, tell us about that too.
The guys start with a man in Kentucky who was thrown out of the polling place for not completing his ballot. The voting official was angry that he didn't vote on every issue, and physically attacked him for this. That's just not right. Claudia from the city calls in and tells us that she wasn't asked for ID when she voted today. Wow, security is really great here.
Chris brings up the saying, "if you don't vote, don't complain." He wonders if that is still right. A lot of people feel that they have no option they are happy with. They don't feel that their vote matters and the system will never meet their needs. Brad sticks with the saying, because you didn't even try. Chris is kind of torn on the issue. One argument, is that with propositions, your vote really does count.
This brings quite a few calls on both sides of the fence. Some people are frustrated by the system, and some feel that you have to vote no matter what. I have to admit that I did not vote today because of logistical reasons. I am not happy with that, but it is my fault for not taking care of things sooner. Will I still complain? Most likely.
During this discussion, Michael from San Jose tells us that there is a spaceship style object in Mountain View scrolling results sponsored by CNN. That is pretty cool.
We also get calls of people not voting because they don't trust the machines. There have been so many reports of tampering and hacking, that many people are concerned that the votes will be manipulated. I have to say, after speaking to my friends in the computer industry, I am scared of the vulnerability.
Dan tells us that he flipped out at a woman blocking his driveway. When he finally finds her, she explains that it is her car, but that she is getting cake right now. He says, "Are you insane??!!" and marched her down the street to move her car. Way to go Dan, I've had enough of that bulls**t in this town. STOP DOUBLE PARKING!!!!
We get a few calls from minorities saying that people have died for their right to vote. To not, would be incredibly disrespectful to those before them.
8pm: In talking about the hacking abilities, Chris asks me if I'm a Mac person. I answer that I was raised in a Mac house because my mother is an artist. Chris jumps on that response because of the Mac pride that people have. Immediately in this Mac discussion, John from SF jumps in to defend the Mac to the death. Hey, I'm with you John, if I wasn't broke I would buy one in a heartbeat.
While discussing this, Dan jumps in to let the guys know that CNN is predicting that the Democrats have taken the House. That's awesome. I'm a liberal, but whatever your politics, it is always better to have dispersed power.
Skye from Santa Rosa calls in to say that she doesn't vote because she believes the government is all controlled by corporations. I agree with some of the things Skye says, but sometimes I feel that speaking in conspiracy theories is counterproductive.
Overall, I would say that most of the callers support the old saying, "if you don't vote, don't bitch." What does that mean for the show since, for one reason or another, all 4 of us didn't vote?
Juan calls in to ask what effect the polls have. Chris wishes the polls would stop. I have to say, I pretty much agree. It does seem that you the exit polls have some effect. Furthermore, Chris is sick of constantly being surveyed. Brad is also tired of being forced to do something when has paid for the service.
9pm: The guys start off the hour saying that this is "the job" for them. They've said before, that this format is very difficult to explain. This brings them to the dark side of working for this station. They wanted to get a political expert tonight for five minutes to ask what happens if the Senate splits down the middle. Being FreeFm, it is damn near impossible to get a political expert on the air, particularly on a night like tonight.

At the end of the show, we will try and post the complete results of this important election. Forget the Senate and the House, I want to know what you think about clowns and penis size. Ahh, it makes me so proud to work for a show that covers such critical issues.
Congratulations to Tom in Sutter for winning two tickets to Greg Giraldo at Cobb's Comedy Club. How did Tom win? Just by calling and making everyone laugh. Way to go buddy. He really loves the phrase, "clown panty."
At the end of this, we talk about Star Trek, again. I don't think I've ever met someone who loves Star Trek as much as Brad. Chris watched an old Star Trek episode recently and it killed it for him. He says it was just the worst acting imaginable. I've said this before and I'll say it again: I'm a girl and know nothing about the old Star Treks.
Oh man, they are playing a song by Leonard Nimoy. It is just horrible and disturbing. There are no words to aptly describe it.
10pm: To start the hour, the guys play a Star Trek clip and then give election updates. Well, the GOP is looking good to keep the Senate. Well, at least the Democrats took the house.

Ok, so the guys start talking about a sex shop in a Tokyo train station where the high school girls sell their panties to the businessmen. Brad goes into a vivid description of the mental image he has for this practice. It involves pudgy fingers and tater tots. I keep trying to explain how this discussion makes me feel. There is definitely a chill running up and down my spine and a strange nausea I have rarely experienced. Once again, so proud to work on this show.
Coming back from break, the guys play a mock political ad from YouTube. You should check this out, it's really funny. Then, they go back to the panties, of course. I thought it couldn't get worse, but oh, I was wrong. I'm not going to relive the comments by typing them, sorry. If you want more information on used panty stores, check out this article on Snopes.com.
There has been tragedy in Miami. Defensive End, Bryan Pata, of the Hurricanes, was shot and killed tonight leaving practice. This is not the first time in recent years that violence has hit the Hurricanes. Dan throws in that the area around the stadium is a sketchy, sketchy place.
A toilet which flushes to the sound of the Italian National Anthem, has been impounded. What angers them, is that you are not an artist by putting a sound chip into a toilet. This is an interesting issue, is the national anthem so sacred, that it cannot be mocked?
Another story is that a man in Orange Park, Florida (of course) claims he was saved by the bibles in his shirt pocket. They wonder if guys will start donning bibles as a means of protection. Brad talks about how he has been given too many bibles. You can't throw them away, so you end up with 40 of them. Well, being a Jew, I can't really relate to this. Phew.
The next story of the day, is unbelievable. A woman's suicide bid in Germany caused an brawl between the spectators below. There were kids yelling at the woman to jump. The homeless told the kids to stop the taunting, and this argument resulted in blows. This is pretty insane. Fortunately, the woman did not hear the kids and was talked down from the roof.
Finally, Art Shell is defending Tyler Brayton's actions in the Raider-Seahawk game last night. If you missed this, Brayton kneed Jeremy Stevens in the groin. He said it was provoked. We were watching and I'm not buying that.
Well, that's it for tonight. Have a good night and I apologize to my mother.
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