Friday, December 1
Hi! Wow, it's already December. What the hell happened to 2006? Hope everyone is having a great Friday.

7pm: The guys start off by enlightening Brad on the phenomenon on White Castle. If you have never been to one, they are tiny, steamed hamburgers. They are pretty crazy, and somewhat indescribable.
We will continue the "Worst Christmas Song Ever" competition. Last night, Fred McKinnon ran away with it, with his rendition of "Oh, Holy Night." It sounds like howling dogs. To try and defeat them, we will bring out the children.
Later tonight, we will be speaking to Fred on the phone. He is a worship leader from a podunk town in Georgia. I spoke to him earlier, and he is a trip, and very excited. Poor Fred, he has no idea what he's in for. He claims that he is not the singer of this song, but Chris and Brad are doubtful.
Brad lets us know that he would like to be shot into space when he dies. He will be pointing to the moon, with Judas Priest playing, and a bag of his "man seed" strapped to his waist. Chris is extremely excited to be a part of this. That will be a pretty disturbing sight.
Chris has decided to go back to drinking because Bacon-Flavored Vodka is being produced in Canada. Brad admits that Chris has no choice in these circumstances.
Coming back from break, the competition begins. Round 4 should be intense, and who knows which way it will go. We break into the new songs before playing last night's winner, Fred McKinnon's "Oh, Holy Night," .
The first is from The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir. The song is led by a little girl, whose name we do not know. The problem with the religious songs led by children, is that they don't care about the religion, they care about the toys. The song is, "Happy Birthday Jesus." The kid even has a lisp.
From here, we go to "I'm Gonna Lasso Santa Claus" by a young Brenda Lee. It's pretty damn creepy, but I think has no chance against my boy, Fred.
Belt it out Fred, let Jesus know you love him. Of course, once again, Fred kicks ass. It is unanimous once again. People call with fervor of their hatred for this song. Many callers has almost wrecked their cars because of this. We have also heard other calls that people have almost been accosted to turn their radios off.
8pm: We will now speak to the man himself. He has been chomping at the bit to speak to us about this all day. He has been listening to us online, and thinks this is pretty funny.
Fred is awesome. He was planning on denying that it is his, but now wants to know what the reward is. I think he doesn't want to lose the fame that this may bring.
He claims that he received this over email, and thought it was so funny that he posted it on his blog. But, because of this, it has been attributed to him.
He finally lets us know the definition of a worship leader. It doesn't mean a defrocked minister without his papers. It is, in fact, a person who leads a type of service that is a little edgier, with more music.
Fred gives away our hotline number to his friend, Chaz, in Atlanta. What's up with that? Chaz is backing Fred up, in the claim that it is not Fred singing that song. I don't know though, it seems convenient to have your friend call in for this.
Thanks again Fred, you have given us endless hours of enjoyment.
Brad has a remote for Tom Tom in San Ramon on Sunday. Now, Tom Tom is a navigational system, and you would think this would help Brad find San Ramon. Brad, however, doesn't like to take direction, and Chris doesn't want to share his with Brad for the trip. But, hopefully he will make it, so go see Brad at Radio Shack in San Ramon.
Brad's family had their first houseguests at their new place. It was his brother, Chris, and his family. This is including Chris' stepchildren, Eli and Kayla, who are 22 and 19. They are left alone at the house, while the others go to Fisherman's Wharf.
When he returns home, he finds everyone but his wife and daughter, completely passed out. They tell Brad, that Eli is passed out drunk and has vomited all over the carpet. Kayla is nowhere to be found. They find her wasted outside, screaming "help me," in front of all their new neighbors. His sister-in-law's concern: that Brad won't ban them from the house.
9pm: Dan starts off complaining about behind the scenes things in movies. He doesn't want to lose the magic of the special effects. This leads Brad to mention how in animated movies, they show the actors voicing the characters. It ruins the effect. What will make Dan's explode: the making of the making of. AHHHHH!!
Nick from Sonoma lets us know that some of the deleted scenes are made afterwards. That they just want to fill that space to make more money. Well, that sucks. He thinks that Dan just doesn't have to watch the making of's.
Chris brings up that men and women flip the bird differently. He had brought this up to me before, because I supposedly do so like a man. I've never noticed that before, and question the validity of this statement.
Apparently Chris doesn't like the Muppets. Brad was talking about watching a recent Muppet movie with his daughter, and Chris jumps all over him. Furthermore, he has NEVER watched Sesame Street. I am appalled.
To educate him, I start sending over clips of Mahnanana and Grover's Near and Far sketch. He claims that he knows what near and far is, but I question this. How would he have learned, if Grover never taught him?
10pm: So he doesn't feel so left out, Chris asks other people what they were left out of. What thing that everyone else did, did you not do?
Chuck from Oakland was also left out of Sesame Street. He also never watched Romper Room. Now, I never watched this show. Chris explains that Chuck missed out on his first hottie.
Heather makes me happy, because she, like me, has never seen a "Star Wars" movie. She knows even less about it than I do. You stay strong Heather, I know its hard, but don't give in to the pressure.
Mark from San Jose was left out by never seeing "ET." Brad is proud that ET never made a sequel, although it made so much money. He doesn't care anymore, but did catch crap for it as a child.
Brian from SF is 24, so he has never watched the early James Bond movies. I haven't seen these either, but there are countless references in pop culture. Furthermore, the guys want to know why women aren't into Bond.
The shocker of the night, is Taylor from Oakland. He says that he has never seen "The Simpsons." None of us can believe it. As a kid, he wasn't allowed to watch the show. What is terrible about that, is that society is constantly referring to the show. Chris and Brad try to convince him to rent a season of dvds and watch.
Rich from Manteca never watches anything because he is a stubborn bastard. He chooses to leave himself out and lectures everyone to read a book. You can do both, why do you have to choose?
Dave from Oakland calls in that his friend has never seen "Fast Times at Ridgemont High." That movie is such a milestone for so many people. The guys wonder if Phoebe Cates ruined breasts for so many young men. They are so perfect, that it would be difficult for others to live up to, particularly if they were the first you have seen.
In talking about this, Chris reveals that he hates Nicolas Cage. This makes my day, because I despise him. I think he is horrendous actor who always gets good scripts. It makes me so angry. "Adaptation" would have been good, but stupid Nicolas Cage plays TWO characters. DAMN IT!!! Matt from Anglin calls in to agree about the suckitude of Cage.
After an email from Marni, the guys end the show with the champion, "Oh, Holy Night." Well, it certainly does end the week on a high note. HAH, don't you love the bad pun??
Have a good weekend, and I apologize to my mother.

7pm: The guys start off by enlightening Brad on the phenomenon on White Castle. If you have never been to one, they are tiny, steamed hamburgers. They are pretty crazy, and somewhat indescribable.
We will continue the "Worst Christmas Song Ever" competition. Last night, Fred McKinnon ran away with it, with his rendition of "Oh, Holy Night." It sounds like howling dogs. To try and defeat them, we will bring out the children.
Later tonight, we will be speaking to Fred on the phone. He is a worship leader from a podunk town in Georgia. I spoke to him earlier, and he is a trip, and very excited. Poor Fred, he has no idea what he's in for. He claims that he is not the singer of this song, but Chris and Brad are doubtful.
Brad lets us know that he would like to be shot into space when he dies. He will be pointing to the moon, with Judas Priest playing, and a bag of his "man seed" strapped to his waist. Chris is extremely excited to be a part of this. That will be a pretty disturbing sight.
Chris has decided to go back to drinking because Bacon-Flavored Vodka is being produced in Canada. Brad admits that Chris has no choice in these circumstances.
Coming back from break, the competition begins. Round 4 should be intense, and who knows which way it will go. We break into the new songs before playing last night's winner, Fred McKinnon's "Oh, Holy Night," .
The first is from The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir. The song is led by a little girl, whose name we do not know. The problem with the religious songs led by children, is that they don't care about the religion, they care about the toys. The song is, "Happy Birthday Jesus." The kid even has a lisp.
From here, we go to "I'm Gonna Lasso Santa Claus" by a young Brenda Lee. It's pretty damn creepy, but I think has no chance against my boy, Fred.
Belt it out Fred, let Jesus know you love him. Of course, once again, Fred kicks ass. It is unanimous once again. People call with fervor of their hatred for this song. Many callers has almost wrecked their cars because of this. We have also heard other calls that people have almost been accosted to turn their radios off.
8pm: We will now speak to the man himself. He has been chomping at the bit to speak to us about this all day. He has been listening to us online, and thinks this is pretty funny.
Fred is awesome. He was planning on denying that it is his, but now wants to know what the reward is. I think he doesn't want to lose the fame that this may bring.
He claims that he received this over email, and thought it was so funny that he posted it on his blog. But, because of this, it has been attributed to him.
He finally lets us know the definition of a worship leader. It doesn't mean a defrocked minister without his papers. It is, in fact, a person who leads a type of service that is a little edgier, with more music.
Fred gives away our hotline number to his friend, Chaz, in Atlanta. What's up with that? Chaz is backing Fred up, in the claim that it is not Fred singing that song. I don't know though, it seems convenient to have your friend call in for this.
Thanks again Fred, you have given us endless hours of enjoyment.
Brad has a remote for Tom Tom in San Ramon on Sunday. Now, Tom Tom is a navigational system, and you would think this would help Brad find San Ramon. Brad, however, doesn't like to take direction, and Chris doesn't want to share his with Brad for the trip. But, hopefully he will make it, so go see Brad at Radio Shack in San Ramon.
Brad's family had their first houseguests at their new place. It was his brother, Chris, and his family. This is including Chris' stepchildren, Eli and Kayla, who are 22 and 19. They are left alone at the house, while the others go to Fisherman's Wharf.
When he returns home, he finds everyone but his wife and daughter, completely passed out. They tell Brad, that Eli is passed out drunk and has vomited all over the carpet. Kayla is nowhere to be found. They find her wasted outside, screaming "help me," in front of all their new neighbors. His sister-in-law's concern: that Brad won't ban them from the house.
9pm: Dan starts off complaining about behind the scenes things in movies. He doesn't want to lose the magic of the special effects. This leads Brad to mention how in animated movies, they show the actors voicing the characters. It ruins the effect. What will make Dan's explode: the making of the making of. AHHHHH!!
Nick from Sonoma lets us know that some of the deleted scenes are made afterwards. That they just want to fill that space to make more money. Well, that sucks. He thinks that Dan just doesn't have to watch the making of's.
Chris brings up that men and women flip the bird differently. He had brought this up to me before, because I supposedly do so like a man. I've never noticed that before, and question the validity of this statement.
Apparently Chris doesn't like the Muppets. Brad was talking about watching a recent Muppet movie with his daughter, and Chris jumps all over him. Furthermore, he has NEVER watched Sesame Street. I am appalled.

10pm: So he doesn't feel so left out, Chris asks other people what they were left out of. What thing that everyone else did, did you not do?
Chuck from Oakland was also left out of Sesame Street. He also never watched Romper Room. Now, I never watched this show. Chris explains that Chuck missed out on his first hottie.
Heather makes me happy, because she, like me, has never seen a "Star Wars" movie. She knows even less about it than I do. You stay strong Heather, I know its hard, but don't give in to the pressure.
Mark from San Jose was left out by never seeing "ET." Brad is proud that ET never made a sequel, although it made so much money. He doesn't care anymore, but did catch crap for it as a child.
Brian from SF is 24, so he has never watched the early James Bond movies. I haven't seen these either, but there are countless references in pop culture. Furthermore, the guys want to know why women aren't into Bond.
The shocker of the night, is Taylor from Oakland. He says that he has never seen "The Simpsons." None of us can believe it. As a kid, he wasn't allowed to watch the show. What is terrible about that, is that society is constantly referring to the show. Chris and Brad try to convince him to rent a season of dvds and watch.
Rich from Manteca never watches anything because he is a stubborn bastard. He chooses to leave himself out and lectures everyone to read a book. You can do both, why do you have to choose?
Dave from Oakland calls in that his friend has never seen "Fast Times at Ridgemont High." That movie is such a milestone for so many people. The guys wonder if Phoebe Cates ruined breasts for so many young men. They are so perfect, that it would be difficult for others to live up to, particularly if they were the first you have seen.
In talking about this, Chris reveals that he hates Nicolas Cage. This makes my day, because I despise him. I think he is horrendous actor who always gets good scripts. It makes me so angry. "Adaptation" would have been good, but stupid Nicolas Cage plays TWO characters. DAMN IT!!! Matt from Anglin calls in to agree about the suckitude of Cage.
After an email from Marni, the guys end the show with the champion, "Oh, Holy Night." Well, it certainly does end the week on a high note. HAH, don't you love the bad pun??
Have a good weekend, and I apologize to my mother.
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