Tuesday, January 16th
Hey everyone. I hope you had a good three day weekend, if you had one. We were off yesterday, so I hope that the best-ofs were aptly entertaining.
7pm: The guys start off with a clip of Girls Gone Wild girls promoting a video device. Wow, they are really, really stupid. They could not remember if they were working for Girls Gone Wild or Playboy. Wow.
The guys ask me about what the call screening process involves. They even have me screen someone on the air, but it was just an old listener who wanted to say hi. What do they learn in this conversation? That I have far more power than they realized.
So, you probably have heard about the women in Sacramento who died from water intoxication in participating in a radio contest. The contest involved drinking massive quantities of water without going to the bathroom, in order to win a Nintendo Wii. She did not even win.
Apparently, the radio hosts ignored the signs that something was wrong. Of course, waivers were signed before the contest. The three show hosts and seven other employees were fired from the station after the incident. Chris and Brad point out that this is their day. They are fired, but they will get a great new job. They will be out of work for a while, but will still get paid, and will definitely get picked up somewhere else, because of the publicity.
The guys go over ways that they have hurt listeners:
- A man was shot with 134 paintballs at point blank range
- A guy at a wing-eating contest snapped a tooth right off
- Someone lost layers of skin from being dragged across the carpet
Brad went bowling with his family this weekend. They refer to the Jesus character in the Big Lebowski. So, of course, I have to say the best line, "I'm going to stick it up your ass, and pull the trigger, until it goes click." Man, I love that movie. This brings them to which is worse, that guy, or the guy who threatens to rip off your head, and s*** down your neck?
We were talking about how ecstasy can cause water intoxication. I said that I was not surprised that that happened, because at raves all you see is people drinking water. Charles calls in and says that he has taken so much E that he was unable to urinate, up to 9 or 10 pills in a night.
We found some ads on Craigslist of people looking for or trying to sell playoff tickets. A plastic surgeon is offering his services. Another man is willing to sell his tickets for home improvement or laser hair removal. One of the weakest, is a dj, who is willing to spin for tickets. These are all crazy-ass Bears fans.
8pm: The guys continue with the crazy Craigslist ads for NFL playoff tickets. My absolute favorite comes from Indianapolis, not Chicago. One man, is willing to trade appendages or organs for the tickets.
Brad recently got a free car from his cousin. It is pretty old, but has been kept in immaculate condition. He just got it, and already has a thing of coleslaw rotting on the seat. Chris says that it is impossible to explain Brad's car history.
Bill from San Mateo calls back with a new song for us. He had written one for us last week, but it was pretty lackluster. He claims, although sounding about 14, that he missed three days of work to write it. It is better, but still pretty terrible.
John in Belmont asks for a translation of Bill's song. He doesn't think that it was even human. Chris points out, that this is the reason why he wishes the show was during school hours.
The guys play Oregon Representative David Wu's Star Trek speech to Congress, where he compares the administration to Kling-ons. What the hell is that?
Ok, so Chris and I are about to throwdown. He watched 24 for the first time this weekend, and hated it. Most shockingly, Dan has not even heard of 24. I am a huge fan of the show. Jack Bauer is the modern American superhero.
Chris has never been able to watch 24, because he had always missed too much. So, he has an opportunity to watch the premiere. He absolutely hated it.
Ok, so this is what I think the problem is. First, Chris is really far behind by missing the first five seasons. There are a lot of relationships and plot points that he does not understand. Second, and most importantly, he was not prepared to suspend disbelief. There is no way to enjoy 24, without being willing to accept that most is it is completely unrealistic.
My point, is that you have to watch 24 for the fun of it. It is things like when Jack bit the terrorist's jugular to escape from capture, that make it awesome.
Chris said that he was offended by the fact that the white people in the show are all stupid and incompetent, except for Jack. Sean from Redwood City calls in to disagree. He says that Chris has not seen enough to make that assumption. He suggests that Chris rents the dvds of the first season, and give it a try that way.
I also think that Chris needs to go to BauerCount.com. This is a website that details every kill that Jack has ever made, including video.
9pm: Jason from the city emails to say that Jack Bauer sucks, that it is all about Tony Soprano. This gets Chris to rant about how much he hates how they make you wait so long in between seasons.
Malik in Sacramento calls in to say that he loves 24, and that a lot of the things they do are real. He has worked a lot with the military and with computers, and says these things are somewhat realistic.
Mark from Walnut Creek calls in as a huge 24 fan. He claims to be the biggest fan in the world. He says that he was able to convert his 24-hating girlfriend into a fan. He was able to do so, by getting her to watch the dvds. He also says, that the suspension of disbelief is easier, if you watch from the beginning. Furthermore, you get to see the character development.
Chris had said that he saw no hotties on 24, and Mark mentioned Kim Bauer aka Elisha Cuthbert. He did not know who she was, so I sent him a picture over break. To say the least, his reaction was enthusiastic.
7pm: The guys start off with a clip of Girls Gone Wild girls promoting a video device. Wow, they are really, really stupid. They could not remember if they were working for Girls Gone Wild or Playboy. Wow.
The guys ask me about what the call screening process involves. They even have me screen someone on the air, but it was just an old listener who wanted to say hi. What do they learn in this conversation? That I have far more power than they realized.
So, you probably have heard about the women in Sacramento who died from water intoxication in participating in a radio contest. The contest involved drinking massive quantities of water without going to the bathroom, in order to win a Nintendo Wii. She did not even win.
Apparently, the radio hosts ignored the signs that something was wrong. Of course, waivers were signed before the contest. The three show hosts and seven other employees were fired from the station after the incident. Chris and Brad point out that this is their day. They are fired, but they will get a great new job. They will be out of work for a while, but will still get paid, and will definitely get picked up somewhere else, because of the publicity.
The guys go over ways that they have hurt listeners:
- A man was shot with 134 paintballs at point blank range
- A guy at a wing-eating contest snapped a tooth right off
- Someone lost layers of skin from being dragged across the carpet

We were talking about how ecstasy can cause water intoxication. I said that I was not surprised that that happened, because at raves all you see is people drinking water. Charles calls in and says that he has taken so much E that he was unable to urinate, up to 9 or 10 pills in a night.
We found some ads on Craigslist of people looking for or trying to sell playoff tickets. A plastic surgeon is offering his services. Another man is willing to sell his tickets for home improvement or laser hair removal. One of the weakest, is a dj, who is willing to spin for tickets. These are all crazy-ass Bears fans.
8pm: The guys continue with the crazy Craigslist ads for NFL playoff tickets. My absolute favorite comes from Indianapolis, not Chicago. One man, is willing to trade appendages or organs for the tickets.
Brad recently got a free car from his cousin. It is pretty old, but has been kept in immaculate condition. He just got it, and already has a thing of coleslaw rotting on the seat. Chris says that it is impossible to explain Brad's car history.
Bill from San Mateo calls back with a new song for us. He had written one for us last week, but it was pretty lackluster. He claims, although sounding about 14, that he missed three days of work to write it. It is better, but still pretty terrible.
John in Belmont asks for a translation of Bill's song. He doesn't think that it was even human. Chris points out, that this is the reason why he wishes the show was during school hours.
The guys play Oregon Representative David Wu's Star Trek speech to Congress, where he compares the administration to Kling-ons. What the hell is that?
Ok, so Chris and I are about to throwdown. He watched 24 for the first time this weekend, and hated it. Most shockingly, Dan has not even heard of 24. I am a huge fan of the show. Jack Bauer is the modern American superhero.
Chris has never been able to watch 24, because he had always missed too much. So, he has an opportunity to watch the premiere. He absolutely hated it.
Ok, so this is what I think the problem is. First, Chris is really far behind by missing the first five seasons. There are a lot of relationships and plot points that he does not understand. Second, and most importantly, he was not prepared to suspend disbelief. There is no way to enjoy 24, without being willing to accept that most is it is completely unrealistic.
My point, is that you have to watch 24 for the fun of it. It is things like when Jack bit the terrorist's jugular to escape from capture, that make it awesome.
Chris said that he was offended by the fact that the white people in the show are all stupid and incompetent, except for Jack. Sean from Redwood City calls in to disagree. He says that Chris has not seen enough to make that assumption. He suggests that Chris rents the dvds of the first season, and give it a try that way.
I also think that Chris needs to go to BauerCount.com. This is a website that details every kill that Jack has ever made, including video.
9pm: Jason from the city emails to say that Jack Bauer sucks, that it is all about Tony Soprano. This gets Chris to rant about how much he hates how they make you wait so long in between seasons.
Malik in Sacramento calls in to say that he loves 24, and that a lot of the things they do are real. He has worked a lot with the military and with computers, and says these things are somewhat realistic.

Chris had said that he saw no hotties on 24, and Mark mentioned Kim Bauer aka Elisha Cuthbert. He did not know who she was, so I sent him a picture over break. To say the least, his reaction was enthusiastic.
We play the Girls Gone Wild thing again, and Brad complains that in the few days that he has had on tv, he has seen 1,000 Girls Gone Wild commercials.
Dan from the city calls in and says that he went on a Girls Gone Wild filming trip. He says that they just went around to bars, got the girls wasted, and watched them take their shirts off. Furthermore, he says the girls are running up to the bus, asking to get filmed.
Dan had originally called to talk about House. Chris says that he loves House, and that he had no idea that Hugh Laurie is British. He wonders if anyone else is able to cover an American accent that well.
10pm: So, after watching 24 last night, Chris found a movie with the dumbest premise he had ever heard. It was about a rape and murder shown through the prespective of the three witnesses, in 9th century Asia.
Brad complains that now that he has tv, he has way too many choices. He finds something ok, and then searches for an hour and a half to see if there is something better. But, by the time that he finds something, he forgets what the first thing is. So, he ends up watching the guide all night, instead of any programming.
A Chilean artist has come up with something pretty original. It is meatballs, made with the fat extracted from his body during liposuction. Marco Evaristti says that, "You are not a cannibal, if you eat art." They are being sold for $4000 for 10 meatballs. Chris wants to know if you are able to ask to take the fat home with you after liposuction, normally.
Brad went to Costco on Saturday in Daly City. It, of course, is incredibly crowded. Furthermore, everyone is really obnoxious and inconsiderate. He does, however, thoroughly enjoy the freak-watching at the warehouse. One thing that stands out, is the obese 22-year old with curlers in her hair.
So, we get to drum solos from The Big Lebowski, I could not explain that transistion if I tried. Chris asks what happened to the drum solo? Eric from Oakland thinks that its because to make a record, you do not need a good drummer anymore, so there are probably a not enough good drummers to do a solo.
Howard in San Francisco says that the thing is, there was a time, when you needed to be a musician to be in a band. Also, there is less audience relation with drummers than with singers.
Tyler in Pleasanton thinks that the die out occurred when grunge took over in the early '90s. He also goes off about liposuction and plastic surgery, as he works in the field.
Ok, so with that, we are out of here. I apologize to my mother, have a good night.
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