Friday, January 12
Hi Everyone! Erica here to keep you filled in. It is absolutely freezing today. What the hell?
We are going to play the Paula Abdul tape from an interview on local Seattle news. She looks terrible, and sounds wasted. She swaying all over the place. Sean in San Mateo thinks that she is not drunk, but on medication. She is so slurry. These poor anchorwomen are trying so hard to keep from laughing. I am actually pretty impressed with their composure dealing with this lush.
So, I found some Casual Encounters postings on Craigslist, from MacWorld attendees. Wow. This is pretty ridiculous. These guys have absolutely no game whatsoever. My favorite phrase of all these emails, "I will reinitialize your expansion slot." I'm not sure what that means, but that is sooooo hot.
8pm: So, based on this Craigslist ad, we are having an impromptu contest tonight. We will give away a fabulous FreeFM prize pack, to the listener who comes up with the geekiest computer-related euphemism. My favorite that we came up with, "I'll plug-in your browser."
Ok, so finally, we are going to give Steve's tone a go. Again, it is, "I wasn't afraid of ___ until ___."
Chris was not afraid of flying until he was on a charter jet from Honolulu to California. This was an airplane that Mexicana no longer needed. That is a little scary. I don't think I would have gotten on that plane.
Brad's is that he was not afraid of making bombs until one event. At 15, he bought waterproof cannon fuse from a gun magazine. He made a decent size explosive with this. They got it ready, and stood about 35 feet away. He does not remember when it went off, but sure does remember feeling it. It blew them of their feet. At this moment, he immediately decided he would never make a bomb again.
Mike from Mendocino keeps the tone alive, with I was never scared of a hooker, until one swindled him from all his money. I think he's full of crap, but it was pretty funny.
Finally, we realize that the tone has died. The reason, we waited an hour to get to it. Steve calls in and tells us to let it go. We are sorry Steve. It's our fault.
Brad brings up that we need to put Steve Irwin behind us. Chris suggests that the only way this will happen, is to take out Larry King. Because, Larry King has had a Steve Irwin-related interview three times in the last two weeks.
Finally, we get a couple entries into the MacWorld euphemism contest. The first one, from Gary in Fremont, is pretty terrible, so no prize pack for him. Jesse from Petaluma has a contender, with "My spacebar is swollen, come over and let me backspace your colon."
Based on an email from a young listener, the guys talk about what you called breasts as a kid. Chris admits, that as a kid, he thought breasts were hollow. He was happily surprised when he realized he was incorrect.
So, we had a vegetarian argument in a previous show. An update, China is releasing Scratch 'n Sniff 'n Taste stamps that taste and smell like sweet and sour pork, in honor of the Year of the Pig. Also, "Zombie Pigs Genetically Altered to Not Mind Being Food." They are working on making pigs, that are so docile that they have no fear of the killing floor.
When we were doing the topic, who is the craziest person on television, Anne Heche came to mind. Brad found some audio, of an Barbara Walters interviewing Heche speaking in an alien language. Hmm, this sounds a lot like flatulance. I wonder if this has been slightly altered.
9pm: So, the guys ask, why is Martin Luther King Jr. Day such a weird holiday. It seems that when this holiday comes up, a lot of racism comes out in people. We are off on MLK day.
We talk about the End of the Internet again, because we got an email again from Michael, the guy that sent us that horrifying link the other day. Chris and Brad claim that as bad as that is, there is something much, much worse that they have seen. I have no interest in seeing what this is, because I cannot even imagine what it would be.
Chris has said that he never watches dvds. He admits that he is a video criminal. A lot of his life has been cleaned up, but he has never fixed this happen. Since the years of Beta, he has had this problem. Furthermore, he refuses to ever buy a movie, because he thinks he will never watch it. So, he rents movies, and then never returns them, and racks up huge amounts of late fees. For the first time, he has been pretty free and clear from this.
Until now, Chris rented movies from one of those dvd vending machines. He has not even watched one of the movies, and it is already late. By the time he returns it, he will have a ton of late fees. I suggest Netflix for Chris, because the $15/month is a lot less, than the late fees he is playing.
We go back to the discussion of MLK day again. It is a paid day off for most people, why are you complaining? If for some reason you are unhappy with the holiday, you know a racist, then should you not at least appreciate the three day weekend?
Sean from Danville calls in. He has to work that day, but they have a floating holiday. In his company, it is an optional holiday, where they can use it on Monday, or another time during the year. He does point out, that a lot of parents take off because the schools are off.
So, the Dodgers are making a section of their stadium, that will be all you can eat. Also, of course, beer is not on the list. Of course, being that this is the Dodgers, the guys trash this idea completely.
10pm: To end the show, we do our Friday night replay from Monday's show. So enjoy, we are off Monday, I hope you are too. See you Tuesday, and I apologize to my mother.
7pm: The guys start off talking about the cold. Chris says that this is not that bad compared to when he spent time in Wyoming. He was there for over a month, and it was never above zero degrees.
Steve in SF calls to try and set the tone. His topic is, "I was never afraid of ___ until ___ ." For him, it was earthquakes. He had never been afraid of it, until he experienced one, and was terrified. This is actually a pretty good idea.
We were going to hold off on Steve's tone, but we immediately got some calls on the subjects. Ben in Castro Valley says that he was never afraid of car accidents until he was in one. He is actually approaching the same spot where it happened, as he speaks about it. Hmm.

So, I found some Casual Encounters postings on Craigslist, from MacWorld attendees. Wow. This is pretty ridiculous. These guys have absolutely no game whatsoever. My favorite phrase of all these emails, "I will reinitialize your expansion slot." I'm not sure what that means, but that is sooooo hot.
8pm: So, based on this Craigslist ad, we are having an impromptu contest tonight. We will give away a fabulous FreeFM prize pack, to the listener who comes up with the geekiest computer-related euphemism. My favorite that we came up with, "I'll plug-in your browser."
Ok, so finally, we are going to give Steve's tone a go. Again, it is, "I wasn't afraid of ___ until ___."
Chris was not afraid of flying until he was on a charter jet from Honolulu to California. This was an airplane that Mexicana no longer needed. That is a little scary. I don't think I would have gotten on that plane.
Brad's is that he was not afraid of making bombs until one event. At 15, he bought waterproof cannon fuse from a gun magazine. He made a decent size explosive with this. They got it ready, and stood about 35 feet away. He does not remember when it went off, but sure does remember feeling it. It blew them of their feet. At this moment, he immediately decided he would never make a bomb again.
Mike from Mendocino keeps the tone alive, with I was never scared of a hooker, until one swindled him from all his money. I think he's full of crap, but it was pretty funny.
Finally, we realize that the tone has died. The reason, we waited an hour to get to it. Steve calls in and tells us to let it go. We are sorry Steve. It's our fault.
Brad brings up that we need to put Steve Irwin behind us. Chris suggests that the only way this will happen, is to take out Larry King. Because, Larry King has had a Steve Irwin-related interview three times in the last two weeks.
Finally, we get a couple entries into the MacWorld euphemism contest. The first one, from Gary in Fremont, is pretty terrible, so no prize pack for him. Jesse from Petaluma has a contender, with "My spacebar is swollen, come over and let me backspace your colon."
Based on an email from a young listener, the guys talk about what you called breasts as a kid. Chris admits, that as a kid, he thought breasts were hollow. He was happily surprised when he realized he was incorrect.
So, we had a vegetarian argument in a previous show. An update, China is releasing Scratch 'n Sniff 'n Taste stamps that taste and smell like sweet and sour pork, in honor of the Year of the Pig. Also, "Zombie Pigs Genetically Altered to Not Mind Being Food." They are working on making pigs, that are so docile that they have no fear of the killing floor.
When we were doing the topic, who is the craziest person on television, Anne Heche came to mind. Brad found some audio, of an Barbara Walters interviewing Heche speaking in an alien language. Hmm, this sounds a lot like flatulance. I wonder if this has been slightly altered.
9pm: So, the guys ask, why is Martin Luther King Jr. Day such a weird holiday. It seems that when this holiday comes up, a lot of racism comes out in people. We are off on MLK day.
We talk about the End of the Internet again, because we got an email again from Michael, the guy that sent us that horrifying link the other day. Chris and Brad claim that as bad as that is, there is something much, much worse that they have seen. I have no interest in seeing what this is, because I cannot even imagine what it would be.
Chris has said that he never watches dvds. He admits that he is a video criminal. A lot of his life has been cleaned up, but he has never fixed this happen. Since the years of Beta, he has had this problem. Furthermore, he refuses to ever buy a movie, because he thinks he will never watch it. So, he rents movies, and then never returns them, and racks up huge amounts of late fees. For the first time, he has been pretty free and clear from this.
Until now, Chris rented movies from one of those dvd vending machines. He has not even watched one of the movies, and it is already late. By the time he returns it, he will have a ton of late fees. I suggest Netflix for Chris, because the $15/month is a lot less, than the late fees he is playing.
We go back to the discussion of MLK day again. It is a paid day off for most people, why are you complaining? If for some reason you are unhappy with the holiday, you know a racist, then should you not at least appreciate the three day weekend?
Sean from Danville calls in. He has to work that day, but they have a floating holiday. In his company, it is an optional holiday, where they can use it on Monday, or another time during the year. He does point out, that a lot of parents take off because the schools are off.
So, the Dodgers are making a section of their stadium, that will be all you can eat. Also, of course, beer is not on the list. Of course, being that this is the Dodgers, the guys trash this idea completely.
10pm: To end the show, we do our Friday night replay from Monday's show. So enjoy, we are off Monday, I hope you are too. See you Tuesday, and I apologize to my mother.
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