Friday, February 2nd
Hi Everyone! Happy Friday!!
The guys start talking about news reporter screw ups. This time, the news team is telling people to be cautious on the frozen lakes. They are driving on some ice in their news van, and of course, cracked through the ice. That is a pretty terrible mistake. Those vans are damn expensive.
Walmart in China has set up a branch of the Communist Party in the actual Walmart. How the hell does that work? Hmm, Communism/ Walmart, think about that for a second.
We were talking about Nepal, for reasons I refuse to write about, and Chris asks why Tibet is the place everyone wants to save? I say because how can you say no to the Dalai Lama. Look at that guy, he is so happy and awesome. He is the person in the world I would most like to hug. Mike in Fairfield says that it is because it is the only place in Asia that is in trouble. Ummm. Ok.
Sean in Danville tries to take us back to the Super Bowl. He is talking about Super Bowl orphans. He is single so he does not have even a partner to watch it with. Not having a party to go to, he feels incredibly pathetic. Bars are an option, but it is hard to find a seat or a good crowd.
Chris suggests going to a hotel bar for the Super Bowl. He says that for some reason, that's a great place to watch football. Huh, I would have never thought of that.
Suggestions from listeners:
- Elliott's in Danville
- Sunshine Salloon in Pleasanton
- Ricky's in San Leandro
- Beed's in Livermore
- Pyramid Brewing Company in Walnut Creek
10pm: We are doing a Friday Night Replay of the Blasphemy Challenge fight from Monday night. So, with that, have a great weekend and a fun Super Bowl. I apologize to my mother.
7pm: The guys start talking about phone soliciting. Because they have both just moved, they are getting tons of calls. Brad particularly bitches about the newspaper subscription calls. He is especially intolerant today, because it is Day 2 of his quitting smoking odyssey. Since he is using the patch, he is not even off the physical addiction yet.
He will not be on the patch that much longer. He is happy about that, but will miss the crazy nicotine patch dreams. T, Brad's wife, has been having a rough time. To help her out, Brad took her to the beach. They were driving and he slowed down to check out a wave. As soon as he slowed for a second, he immediately hears a horn. Brad's response is to lean out the window and curse him out. He did not realize that the other driver was a really old man, so maybe the response was a little severe.
What you don't hear, is that Brad has instead had a big thing of coffee and two huge energy drinks. This is not good. I wonder what time he will crash completely.
So, Chris has given Brad endless crap for renting the first apartment he saw. Brad has had some problems, but has been living in his place for several months. Because Chris wanted to choose carefully, he waited and had been living in hotels. Of course, after all that, Chris has finally gotten an apartment. Where you ask? In the same damn complex that he taunted Brad for moving into. Ahh I love watching people eat their words.
Scott in Emeryville calls with suggestions for how to quit smoking. He swears that a book helped him quit smoking. We all are skeptical that this is for real. The book is called, The Easy Way to Quit Smoking. Chris doubts that he was ever a real addict.
Brad would rather have T be angry than sad. For her, quitting smoking is like losing a friend. She is sad because she just really misses it.
Chris moves on with the question, "are any of you getting strippers for the Super Bowl?" Well that was random. This is from the Wall Street Journal, meaning I can't link to it. Oh well. Apparently, a lot of people are doing that. Wouldn't that be distracting? Don't you want to watch the game? Why don't you just go to the club afterwards. The only time it makes sense is the pre-game, it is incredibly long and boring.
Mike in Mendocino is upset and wants to set the tone. He is very upset with big fast food chains that charge for bbq sauce. They charge $.20 for that tiny little thing, that is never enough sauce to begin with. He is also willing to set the tone with what's your favorite beer. I want some of Mike's weed.
Nick in Mountain View is upset that at fast food restaurants never remember to take off the pickles. He always ask and they never listen, even when it's on the receipt.
8pm: The callers will not let Mike's topic go. Todd in Oakland is upset because he went to a gas station and they charged extra per gallon for credit/debit. Then they wanted to charge for a styrofoam cup for water. He was very upset.
When talking about gas stations, I have to bring up the tvs that they have now. They just installed this at the station I usually go to, and it was so incredibly bizarre. It was ads for NBC, but the weirdest part was that they were doing "The More You Know" public service announcements. Sorry, I know it was random, I just thought it was strange.
The guys go back to the stripper thing. Apparently, the problem the strip clubs are having, is that they are always requested for halftime, so they cannot double up their gigs. Jake in Marin is down to have strippers, as long as she is serving food topless during the game. Chris thinks that they should have a useful skill apt for the occassion. For example, she can improve the picture on your tv.
The guys start talking about that guy. Your friend who is normally a good guy, but is someone who gets wasted and really obnoxious. The Super Bowl is definitely a time for this behavior, because these people think that any drunken behavior is acceptable on this day. We all have this friend, and it's really annoying. Brad says you just should hit them, once and really hard. I'm down with that decision.
Chris is looking at the Super Bowl prop bets on (CBS Radio does not endorse the act of gambling). Some of these are just ridiculous. You can even bet the over/under on the length of Billy Joel's National Anthem.
Ok, so what makes or breaks the Super Bowl for you? For Ace, it is betting. She cannot enjoy the game if she is not in a couple box pools. Chris starts ripping on the fact that the Raiders never go to the Super Bowl. I have to jump on and call him out on the fact that the Jets haven't been since Super Bowl III.
9pm: 10,000 people lost power after an eagle hit a power line while clutching a deer head in his talons. He was weighed down and could not clear the line. Sadly, the eagle did not make it through the crash. That must have been a crazy sight.

Walmart in China has set up a branch of the Communist Party in the actual Walmart. How the hell does that work? Hmm, Communism/ Walmart, think about that for a second.
We were talking about Nepal, for reasons I refuse to write about, and Chris asks why Tibet is the place everyone wants to save? I say because how can you say no to the Dalai Lama. Look at that guy, he is so happy and awesome. He is the person in the world I would most like to hug. Mike in Fairfield says that it is because it is the only place in Asia that is in trouble. Ummm. Ok.
Sean in Danville tries to take us back to the Super Bowl. He is talking about Super Bowl orphans. He is single so he does not have even a partner to watch it with. Not having a party to go to, he feels incredibly pathetic. Bars are an option, but it is hard to find a seat or a good crowd.
Chris suggests going to a hotel bar for the Super Bowl. He says that for some reason, that's a great place to watch football. Huh, I would have never thought of that.
Suggestions from listeners:
- Elliott's in Danville
- Sunshine Salloon in Pleasanton
- Ricky's in San Leandro
- Beed's in Livermore
- Pyramid Brewing Company in Walnut Creek
10pm: We are doing a Friday Night Replay of the Blasphemy Challenge fight from Monday night. So, with that, have a great weekend and a fun Super Bowl. I apologize to my mother.
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