Thursday, February 8th
7pm: If you have been under a rock all day, Anna Nicole Smith has passed on. Chris and Brad are having rough days, their women are both very upset today, not because of Anna. Chris surprises us with that he is relieved for Anna that she finally does not have to deal with life anymore.
Brad is sad that it was her, and not Paris Hilton. That's not very nice. Chris jumps on this, saying that Paris needs to be a martyr. Back to Anna, Chris thinks that she always wanted to be Marilyn Monroe. He also congratulates CNN Headline News for spending five hours on this death today. Brad tries to think of one idea that Anna Nicole gave us, you can hear crickets on this.
A couple of callers think that her late husband's family did her in. That's an interesting idea, being that she had not yet received the money. A strong unverified assertion, but an interesting idea.
We also hear the conspiracy theory that Howard K. Stern was the killer of both Anna and her son. It has just been announced that he has taken custody of the newborn baby. What a disaster. A lot of people think that he is behind this. I don't know, she was so screwed up that it is really hard to say.

Oh no, one of our listeners wrote some poetry for the deceased model. This cannot possibly be good. Even worse, it is written by Bob in New Ganata, of our unofficial Myspace page. After finding some appropriate music, the guys read it. Screw Maya Angelou, Bob in New Ganata should be the heralded poet of our time.
After reading this poetry, Chris treats us to the Chicago Bears Fight Song. Yeah that really sucks. They have no "Hail to the Redskins."
You know who this works out really well for: Gavin Newsom and Lisa Marie Nowak (the crazy astronaut). They had at least a few more days of coverage left in them, until Anna died. In talking about the astronaut, Jeff in Napa says that she had to wear the diapers, because women need rest stops more than gas stops.
So, in talking about the pepper spray that the astronaut used, I start to tell the story of when I set off pepper spray on the school bus. Well, I try to tell the story, but Chris interrupts me every two seconds, asking inane questions.
9pm: Technical Steve calls in to point out that Chris is always interrupting stories. When Brad was telling his story about T, his story was about 20 minutes longer with Chris is present. Chris admits that with Brad, he is trying to enhance and drag out the story. With me, he says, there is another agenda, that will be revealed shortly. What does that mean? I'm going to go cry now.
After we had talked about the theories that the Anna's ex-husband's son knocked her off, Candy informs us that he is in fact dead, and has been for a while. Oops. Maybe we should have looked that up.
Dave in San Jose wants to know what happens to Trim Spa. He wonders if maybe the Trim Spa killed her? Hmm, that seems like it is pushing it a little far.
Dan clears up the Gavin Newsom/Delancey Street mystery. He tells us that Gavin is actually going to be working directly with the Director of the rehab. This makes much more sense because he does not really belong in a treatment facility with a full-blown addicts.
Over break, we played a Free Clip of Andy Dick on the Adam Carolla Show. He was on because he had been kicked off the Jimmy Kimmel Show after hitting on Ivanka Trump. This leads us to have to talk about how much we all hate Andy Dick. What a tool. Brad would like to beat out a campfire with his body, then ring a church bell with his head, and then head for the beehive. Wow. That is a pretty damn strong reaction.
Chris points out that this last week, Brad has been ready to kill someone. His rage has been more and more rabid each day. Brad defends his hatred, saying that he is an attention-grabbing dick. Chris also thinks that we should not waste time speaking about Andy Dick, when we could be talking about how the hot Ivanka Trump.
I really hate Andy Dick, as well. I have a huge problem with him, because when he is on something, it has to be all about him. It is incredibly annoying.
10pm: Robert in Sunnyvale calls in and says he is actually a fan of Andy's. He has met him a few times. He said that he was funny, but that he is a huge pervert. He does not seem like that much of a fan after all.
We have basically decided that Anna Nicole is sad, but not a tragedy. But, it is a huge deal. What people have died, that actually were tragedies? One specific example, is the brilliant Phil Hartman. Hartman died in a murder-suicide, shot by the insane wife whom he had stood by. But, the thing is, that this was not nearly as big of a story. That was a loss that still makes me sad.
Back to Anna Nicole quickly, it has been released that she in fact choked on her own vomit. Also, on this, the footage of her final moments has been sold for $500,000. Wow, that's really sick, that there was a bidding war over this.
Ernest from Oakland mentions Cliff Burton from Metallica and Dimebag from Pantera. Both died in strange, tragic circumstances. Dimebag being shot on stage, and Burton in a bus accident.
Bill in Mountain View says Johnny Cash. He points out that Johnny Cash died around the same time as John Ritter, but Ritter got more coverage. But, the thing is, Cash did not die young. It was his time. Although, Cash did still deserve attention because of his incredible body of work.
David in Redwood City also wants to talk about Phil Hartman. He reminds us of the movie "Dead Heat," where these people were brought back to life, in order to kill them again. He thinks that should happen to Brynn Hartman, because what she did was so horrifying.
Detox in Redwood City mentions Hunter S. Thompson. The thing with Thompson is that he was a brilliant writer, but he did more drugs than just about anyone. Also, like Johnny Cash, he was not young and probably was not going to produce a great deal more.
Sal in SF brings up Bruce and Brandon Lee. Both were very young and talented when they died. Bruce had accomplished a great deal more before his death, Brandon was just at the cusp of his career.
Brad brings up John Belushi. He says that if he had not died, Jim Belushi would have never had as much success as he has. People are drawn to Jim, because he has that shadow of John in him, but he has so far less talent. Chris points out that he caught a bit of "According to Jim," and that it is absolutely terrible.
I was too young to really remember, but I have to ask if Stevie Ray Vaughn received a lot of press when he died. The thing that is so sad about him, is that he had really cleaned himself up. What an incredible talent, to die in a helicopter crash, the way he did.
Rick in San Mateo brings up John Candy to wrap up the discussion. I miss John Candy, he was fantastic. Chris brings up that he picked bad movies, but even still, he has done so many greats. "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" is a fantastic movie.
I think that's a great way to wrap up the discussion. I apologize to my mother, have a good night.
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