Tuesday, February 20th
Hey everyone. Hope you had a good long weekend. I saw "Pan's Labyrinth" this weekend and it was awesome, but insanely dark. Also, happy Fat Tuesday! Don't get too wasted tonight.
7pm: We start off with George Takei making a pass at Tim Hardaway in response to his homophobic comments. Following this of course, "Get Ready 4 This" by 2 Unlimited.
Brad is very upset about the blind spot. He has never really thought about this before, but thinks it's ridiculous that the blind spot exists. Why would they not have fixed that yet?
We are going to be speaking to Polly Mailhot, a former criminologist and old friend of Chris. The reason is all of the forensics shows on tv. With the popularity of these shows, does it ruin movies for us? Furthermore, the guys wonder if it is possible to kill someone anymore without getting caught? Polly tells us that it is surprisingly easy to get away with murder. If you do not have a criminal record, your fingerprints are not on file.
Polly also tells us that her work in crime ruins court scenes more than murders. She gets annoyed by all the rules broken by the movie attorneys. But, she loves all the serial killer movies.
Because we are talking about CSI, we get to play the montage of bad David Caruso one-liners. Awesome. David Caruso sucks so much.
We get a couple calls saying that if you are going to get away with murder, San Francisco is the place to do so. We hear a couple different figures, but overall that the city is pathetic at prosecuting murders. Matt in Richmond calls about the murders in SF, but also throws in that he thinks the forensics shows help the criminals.
Chris and Brad are making fun of security guards, mocking their power to detain. Church in Richmond calls in to correct the guys on the power. You cannot detain anyone, but you can perform a citizen's arrest. Larry in Napa is offended by Church. This is getting confusing. He is calling from Taco Bell and insists that he was able to detain people.
8pm: Chris is threatening to drag Brad and I to church tomorrow to get the ash put on. I am afraid that the ashes will burn my skin upon contact. After I say this, Chris says something horribly offensive that I will not repeat. That's ok Chris, I'll have a nice little talk with the Anti-Defamation League this weekend, and you will have Jewish lawyers on your ass till your dying day. Nobody wants that. Ok, I'm done now.
Chris is a fan of Ho Poetry and has not been able to find the audio. There is a show on HBO that focuses on hookers. The first was "Hookers at the Point." He watched an episode last night and is not able to even describe what these hookers said. Let's just say it involved a sick fetish that involves bodily functions. Ugh, that is so disgusting. The shocking part, is that the ho poet, was able to come up with something fitting.
Just to torture me, coming out of break, the guys play "Touch of Grey." The reason is that I am a huge Deadhead and think that song is significantly subpar. They also call me out on the fact that I don't like "Truckin," yet still quoted it the other night. Argggh.
So, as you all have heard, Britney completely shaved off her hair. Both Chris and Brad think she looks terrible with no hair. Chris thinks that this starts the clock for the Death Watch. He says eight months until she is decapitated. The reason is that she is today's Jane Mansfield, and the way she parties and drives. Brad says two years and drug overdose. I say that I think it will be more dramatic. My guess is she falls off a hotel balcony.
The guys also want to know what you think about women with really short hair? Does your partner have a right to radically alter their hair without consulting you? The thing about hair is that it will grow back or you can dye it back. It is your body, so you can technically do what you want; however, your partner is not obligated to still be attracted to you.
9pm: Robert in SF says that his ex-wife shaved her head without telling him. He shaved his first and it looked pretty tough. One day she calls him saying she has a surprise. She comes home wearing a blond wig, whips it off, revealing her newly shorn scalp. His reaction is of course, what the f*** is wrong with you? He says it felt really weird, but it turned him on for just a brief moment.
Chris points out that it is a flag when a girl changes her hair color all the time. Brad says that his friend's mother did it to the point where she completely fryed off her hair. Paul in Sunnyvale says he always pictures a woman bald with no make-up when he first meets them.
Chris' girlfriend has incredibly long hair that he says she has never cut. That is amazing. At times, she complains and talks about cutting it. Part of Chris thinks it would look good, but is afraid for her to actually do it.
Erica in San Jose is thinking about cutting off her hair. She is overweight and has really long hair. She thinks that this will make her face look heavier. The guys both think she probably should not cut her hair, because heavy women can pull off long hair well. I say that if she cuts her hair, it will just make her face look rounder.
Scott in Larkspur points out that you can lose weight faster than you can grow your hair. Furthermore, women with long hair usually look better.
Holy Crap!!!! The San Diego Chargers hired Norv Turner to be their new head coach. Really? Norv Turner? WHY????!!!!! By the end of his career with the Redskins, you could literally predict every offensive play. Sorry, I just really really hate Norv Turner.
Mark emails asking what you think about guys with long hair. The only celebrity that they can think of who needs a haircut is Penn Jillette. Yeah. That guy definitely needs a haircut. Although, it would be really weird to see it if he did.
10pm: We start off going insane trying to figure out what tv show the bed music is from. Finally, after some utter frustration, we remember it is Peter Gunn. I know the song, but I have no idea who Peter Gunn is.
In talking about Lent, Dave from Oakland calls in to say that he is giving up The Gray Area. Hmm, wait that's a terrible idea.
So, finally, after a lot of teasing, Brad gets to the "balded" story. He ran into an old friend, and right before they left, she said, "Did you see Britney, she balded her head?" She used it several times and it drove Brad crazy. He could not even listen to the rest of what she was saying.
When he told us about this, I said that you have to correct them through mocking. If you say it seriously, then you come off pretentious. However, if you tease the person, they will learn and know the mocking is with love. If you really want to make the point, you can tousle their hair.
Rick in Redwood City asks if it is "sick in your stomach" or "sick to your stomach"? We agree the common usage is "to" but that it makes more sense to say "in."
Willis in Oakland pulls out an old standby, "could care less." Yeah, that one is really terrible, but I accidentally do that sometimes. Brad points out that "couldn't care less" even sounds meaner.
Anthony in SF pulls out "warshed." They say this one in Baltimore and it drives me up a damn wall. There is no DAMN "r." Chris has the same hatred of this one as I do.
Kim in SF points out George W. Bush's issue, "nucular." It drives me and I believe the whole world, insane. She also asks the guys if they have noticed a California accent. Besides the stoner thing, there is not much of an accent.
Most people are nicer than I am. They usually let it go, or correct without the mocking.
Jimmy in Campbell calls about "sherbet." Everyone, including myself, call it "sherbert." "Sherbet" just sounds so incredibly weird.

Joy in Concord calls to settle an argument between her and her friend. They have been arguing about the pronunciation of "lattice." Her friend has been saying "lah- teese." After going to the online dictionary, Joy is thrilled that she is correct.
Dave in SF points out "Febuary" as opposed to "February." Dammit, I am guilty of this as well. Well now I am going to go home feeling poorly about myself.
With that, I apologize to my mother. Have a good night.
Update: As promised, I have edited the picture of the ridiculously tight pants. Here you go. Be warned, it is really gross.
7pm: We start off with George Takei making a pass at Tim Hardaway in response to his homophobic comments. Following this of course, "Get Ready 4 This" by 2 Unlimited.
Brad is very upset about the blind spot. He has never really thought about this before, but thinks it's ridiculous that the blind spot exists. Why would they not have fixed that yet?
We are going to be speaking to Polly Mailhot, a former criminologist and old friend of Chris. The reason is all of the forensics shows on tv. With the popularity of these shows, does it ruin movies for us? Furthermore, the guys wonder if it is possible to kill someone anymore without getting caught? Polly tells us that it is surprisingly easy to get away with murder. If you do not have a criminal record, your fingerprints are not on file.
Polly also tells us that her work in crime ruins court scenes more than murders. She gets annoyed by all the rules broken by the movie attorneys. But, she loves all the serial killer movies.
Because we are talking about CSI, we get to play the montage of bad David Caruso one-liners. Awesome. David Caruso sucks so much.
We get a couple calls saying that if you are going to get away with murder, San Francisco is the place to do so. We hear a couple different figures, but overall that the city is pathetic at prosecuting murders. Matt in Richmond calls about the murders in SF, but also throws in that he thinks the forensics shows help the criminals.
Chris and Brad are making fun of security guards, mocking their power to detain. Church in Richmond calls in to correct the guys on the power. You cannot detain anyone, but you can perform a citizen's arrest. Larry in Napa is offended by Church. This is getting confusing. He is calling from Taco Bell and insists that he was able to detain people.
8pm: Chris is threatening to drag Brad and I to church tomorrow to get the ash put on. I am afraid that the ashes will burn my skin upon contact. After I say this, Chris says something horribly offensive that I will not repeat. That's ok Chris, I'll have a nice little talk with the Anti-Defamation League this weekend, and you will have Jewish lawyers on your ass till your dying day. Nobody wants that. Ok, I'm done now.
Chris is a fan of Ho Poetry and has not been able to find the audio. There is a show on HBO that focuses on hookers. The first was "Hookers at the Point." He watched an episode last night and is not able to even describe what these hookers said. Let's just say it involved a sick fetish that involves bodily functions. Ugh, that is so disgusting. The shocking part, is that the ho poet, was able to come up with something fitting.
Just to torture me, coming out of break, the guys play "Touch of Grey." The reason is that I am a huge Deadhead and think that song is significantly subpar. They also call me out on the fact that I don't like "Truckin," yet still quoted it the other night. Argggh.
So, as you all have heard, Britney completely shaved off her hair. Both Chris and Brad think she looks terrible with no hair. Chris thinks that this starts the clock for the Death Watch. He says eight months until she is decapitated. The reason is that she is today's Jane Mansfield, and the way she parties and drives. Brad says two years and drug overdose. I say that I think it will be more dramatic. My guess is she falls off a hotel balcony.
The guys also want to know what you think about women with really short hair? Does your partner have a right to radically alter their hair without consulting you? The thing about hair is that it will grow back or you can dye it back. It is your body, so you can technically do what you want; however, your partner is not obligated to still be attracted to you.
9pm: Robert in SF says that his ex-wife shaved her head without telling him. He shaved his first and it looked pretty tough. One day she calls him saying she has a surprise. She comes home wearing a blond wig, whips it off, revealing her newly shorn scalp. His reaction is of course, what the f*** is wrong with you? He says it felt really weird, but it turned him on for just a brief moment.
Chris points out that it is a flag when a girl changes her hair color all the time. Brad says that his friend's mother did it to the point where she completely fryed off her hair. Paul in Sunnyvale says he always pictures a woman bald with no make-up when he first meets them.
Chris' girlfriend has incredibly long hair that he says she has never cut. That is amazing. At times, she complains and talks about cutting it. Part of Chris thinks it would look good, but is afraid for her to actually do it.
Erica in San Jose is thinking about cutting off her hair. She is overweight and has really long hair. She thinks that this will make her face look heavier. The guys both think she probably should not cut her hair, because heavy women can pull off long hair well. I say that if she cuts her hair, it will just make her face look rounder.
Scott in Larkspur points out that you can lose weight faster than you can grow your hair. Furthermore, women with long hair usually look better.
Holy Crap!!!! The San Diego Chargers hired Norv Turner to be their new head coach. Really? Norv Turner? WHY????!!!!! By the end of his career with the Redskins, you could literally predict every offensive play. Sorry, I just really really hate Norv Turner.
Mark emails asking what you think about guys with long hair. The only celebrity that they can think of who needs a haircut is Penn Jillette. Yeah. That guy definitely needs a haircut. Although, it would be really weird to see it if he did.
10pm: We start off going insane trying to figure out what tv show the bed music is from. Finally, after some utter frustration, we remember it is Peter Gunn. I know the song, but I have no idea who Peter Gunn is.
In talking about Lent, Dave from Oakland calls in to say that he is giving up The Gray Area. Hmm, wait that's a terrible idea.
So, finally, after a lot of teasing, Brad gets to the "balded" story. He ran into an old friend, and right before they left, she said, "Did you see Britney, she balded her head?" She used it several times and it drove Brad crazy. He could not even listen to the rest of what she was saying.
When he told us about this, I said that you have to correct them through mocking. If you say it seriously, then you come off pretentious. However, if you tease the person, they will learn and know the mocking is with love. If you really want to make the point, you can tousle their hair.
Rick in Redwood City asks if it is "sick in your stomach" or "sick to your stomach"? We agree the common usage is "to" but that it makes more sense to say "in."
Willis in Oakland pulls out an old standby, "could care less." Yeah, that one is really terrible, but I accidentally do that sometimes. Brad points out that "couldn't care less" even sounds meaner.
Anthony in SF pulls out "warshed." They say this one in Baltimore and it drives me up a damn wall. There is no DAMN "r." Chris has the same hatred of this one as I do.
Kim in SF points out George W. Bush's issue, "nucular." It drives me and I believe the whole world, insane. She also asks the guys if they have noticed a California accent. Besides the stoner thing, there is not much of an accent.
Most people are nicer than I am. They usually let it go, or correct without the mocking.
Jimmy in Campbell calls about "sherbet." Everyone, including myself, call it "sherbert." "Sherbet" just sounds so incredibly weird.

Joy in Concord calls to settle an argument between her and her friend. They have been arguing about the pronunciation of "lattice." Her friend has been saying "lah- teese." After going to the online dictionary, Joy is thrilled that she is correct.
Dave in SF points out "Febuary" as opposed to "February." Dammit, I am guilty of this as well. Well now I am going to go home feeling poorly about myself.
With that, I apologize to my mother. Have a good night.
Update: As promised, I have edited the picture of the ridiculously tight pants. Here you go. Be warned, it is really gross.
Hey! this is Jimmy from Campbell. Thanks for putting me on the blog! Yea! WooHoo! Keep up the good work. You guys rock. Goodnight.
Hey! This is Jimmy from Campbell. I called about the sherbet sherbert thing. Thanks for putting me up on the blog, it's a real honor. You guys rock. You too Erica. haha well Take it easy and keep up the good work, we're rootin for ya!
Jimmy, from Campbell
Can't seem to find the picture of those pants that they were raving about on the show today. It'd probably give me a good laugh.
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