Wednesday, February 28th
Hey everyone. We have Harland Williams tickets for you today from Cobb's Comedy Club. We will also have them the rest of the week. I apologize now if I am distracted during the first hour, as Maryland is playing the evil Duke Blue Devils tonight. F*** Duke!!!!
7pm: The guys talk about their pre-show Starbucks trip tonight. One guy even did backflips for them today. Damn, the one day I did not go with them. One of the guys behind them in line, after this says, "Well, after that I'm getting a latte." What does that even mean? But, as this guy seemed to be gay, Chris and Brad wonder if they are ok with being thought gay by association?
Part of the reason they are bringing this up is a story out of Santa Rosa. A Mormon student got in trouble for saying the word "gay" in defending the teasing she received from her religion. She claims that she did meant it in its current slang usage, as opposed to referring to someone's religion.
Chris and Brad think that they should be able to use "gay" in that way, because they do not mean it offensively. Furthermore, they disagree with zero tolerance policies in general. However, they are not sure about their position, and want to know what others think about it. Mick in SF says that he works with several gay people, who use this term more than he does.
Jesse in SF points out that it is not much different than saying you "jewed" someone down. That would never be considered acceptable, but comes from the same roots. To say something is "gay," and have that be a negative term, is offensive to the gay community.
Other listeners tend to fall more on the side of thinking that it is ok. They claim that it is part of the language and that therefore it is not offensive. Furthermore, they claim that language evolves, and that the word "gay" is just an example of that.
Personally, I have used the term and try not to anymore. It is difficult not to as it has become so common. However, it is obvious why gay people would be offended by this usage. The problem is that if you use the term that refers to a group of people in a negative light, that associates that group with the negativity.
Jason emails in as a gay man. He says that he is not offended by that word in particular. It would be much more offensive to him if they called him "fag" or "queer."
Ed in SF has had a similar situation at work. He says that he has not called since Thanksgiving, because it took him that long to crawl out of the Pit. He referred to a team of employees as the "gay team" because they were happy. Then he said, "well, what do you expect in San Francisco?" A few days later there was a complaint from a lesbian in the office as an attack on her lifestyle. Ed tries to defend his actions, saying that he had meant it as "happy." Ed is full of crap by saying that that was his intent.
8pm: Peter in Oakland is a teacher who does not agree with the current usage of "gay." He thinks it is no different than referring to any other group in that way. He says there would be no way that using "Irish" in that way, would be acceptable. I completely agree with Peter. Like me, he admits that he has used it, but he says that he tries to discourage this behavior with his middle school students.
Andrew in Woodacre also feels that it is a pejorative. He teaches his children not to use it because someone may be offended.
When asked by Grant in Santa Rosa, Dan says that he thinks it is a negative, hurtful term. When you use the term "gay" as a negative, you are calling gay people something negative. He compares it to if we were using any other ethnic term in the same manner.
The callers keep going back and forth. Overall, most of them think that the reactions to the word are overblown. A lot of them think that this is a reflection of the political correctness rampant in our society.
By the way, Maryland has officially swept the Dukies for the second time in three years. HAH!!! That is fantastic. M-A-R-Y-L-A-N-D, Maryland will win!!!!

I was sent a picture of Jenna Jameson from the Oscars and she just looks awful. Thanks to for this. The title of the page is "Jenna Jameson looks like beef jerky." He skin does look incredibly chewy and burnt. Do you think that Macho Man Randy Savage will snap into Jenna in an upcoming film?
John in Fairfax calls in for tickets to Harland Williams. After seeing how high he is, we decide that we have to play Mental Speedbump with him. We take bets and I think that John will not even understand the rules, and will mess up right off the gate. To all of our surprise, John lasts significantly longer than we expected when given the topic of explaining how to marinate a baby.
9pm: Before we get back to the tickets, we have to rail on Boston's utter paranoia once again. The
7pm: The guys talk about their pre-show Starbucks trip tonight. One guy even did backflips for them today. Damn, the one day I did not go with them. One of the guys behind them in line, after this says, "Well, after that I'm getting a latte." What does that even mean? But, as this guy seemed to be gay, Chris and Brad wonder if they are ok with being thought gay by association?
Part of the reason they are bringing this up is a story out of Santa Rosa. A Mormon student got in trouble for saying the word "gay" in defending the teasing she received from her religion. She claims that she did meant it in its current slang usage, as opposed to referring to someone's religion.
Chris and Brad think that they should be able to use "gay" in that way, because they do not mean it offensively. Furthermore, they disagree with zero tolerance policies in general. However, they are not sure about their position, and want to know what others think about it. Mick in SF says that he works with several gay people, who use this term more than he does.
Jesse in SF points out that it is not much different than saying you "jewed" someone down. That would never be considered acceptable, but comes from the same roots. To say something is "gay," and have that be a negative term, is offensive to the gay community.
Other listeners tend to fall more on the side of thinking that it is ok. They claim that it is part of the language and that therefore it is not offensive. Furthermore, they claim that language evolves, and that the word "gay" is just an example of that.
Personally, I have used the term and try not to anymore. It is difficult not to as it has become so common. However, it is obvious why gay people would be offended by this usage. The problem is that if you use the term that refers to a group of people in a negative light, that associates that group with the negativity.
Jason emails in as a gay man. He says that he is not offended by that word in particular. It would be much more offensive to him if they called him "fag" or "queer."
Ed in SF has had a similar situation at work. He says that he has not called since Thanksgiving, because it took him that long to crawl out of the Pit. He referred to a team of employees as the "gay team" because they were happy. Then he said, "well, what do you expect in San Francisco?" A few days later there was a complaint from a lesbian in the office as an attack on her lifestyle. Ed tries to defend his actions, saying that he had meant it as "happy." Ed is full of crap by saying that that was his intent.
8pm: Peter in Oakland is a teacher who does not agree with the current usage of "gay." He thinks it is no different than referring to any other group in that way. He says there would be no way that using "Irish" in that way, would be acceptable. I completely agree with Peter. Like me, he admits that he has used it, but he says that he tries to discourage this behavior with his middle school students.
Andrew in Woodacre also feels that it is a pejorative. He teaches his children not to use it because someone may be offended.
When asked by Grant in Santa Rosa, Dan says that he thinks it is a negative, hurtful term. When you use the term "gay" as a negative, you are calling gay people something negative. He compares it to if we were using any other ethnic term in the same manner.
The callers keep going back and forth. Overall, most of them think that the reactions to the word are overblown. A lot of them think that this is a reflection of the political correctness rampant in our society.
By the way, Maryland has officially swept the Dukies for the second time in three years. HAH!!! That is fantastic. M-A-R-Y-L-A-N-D, Maryland will win!!!!

I was sent a picture of Jenna Jameson from the Oscars and she just looks awful. Thanks to for this. The title of the page is "Jenna Jameson looks like beef jerky." He skin does look incredibly chewy and burnt. Do you think that Macho Man Randy Savage will snap into Jenna in an upcoming film?
John in Fairfax calls in for tickets to Harland Williams. After seeing how high he is, we decide that we have to play Mental Speedbump with him. We take bets and I think that John will not even understand the rules, and will mess up right off the gate. To all of our surprise, John lasts significantly longer than we expected when given the topic of explaining how to marinate a baby.
9pm: Before we get back to the tickets, we have to rail on Boston's utter paranoia once again. The
Chris says the number one movie not to watch high is "The Shining." This makes sense because it is absolutely terrifying when you are sober. They talk about "Seven" and that just sounds like a terrible idea to watch that high.
Other Movies:
- The Labyrinth
- Willy Wonka
- Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
- Any Cheech and Chong movie
- Pulp Fiction
The guys also add to this, what movie should you not watch high:
- Requiem for a Dream (so messed up)
- Passion of the Christ
10pm: We continue with the movies you watched when you are stoned.
Good Movies for Blazing:
- Monkeybone (Booo... Brendan Fraser sucks)
- Fantasia
- Snakes On a Plane
- Tron
- Snakes On a Plane
- Tron
- Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle
- Borat
- Wizard of Oz
- Sin City
- The Wall (although that could also be a movie that is just too much)
- Final Destination
- Dude, Where's My Car?
- Jacob's Ladder (really??)
- A Clockwork Orange (Seriously, what the hell is wrong with people?)
Bad Movies That Will Trip You Out:
- Naked Lunch
- Bad Liutenant
- Trainspotting (mentioned on both sides)
During this topic, we play a
NORML fake advertisement if pot was advertised like prescription medicines. We all think that it is ok, but maybe should not have been the Grand Prize winner of their contest. Brad checks out a chat room for weed smokers. I point out that the reason they have to go to these rooms is because they have bored all their friends, by only talking about pot. Enough man. There has to be something else you can speak about. This brings us to the stoner who has to have the cannibis leaf on everything he owns.
To end the show we argue again The Big Lebowski. They are just so wrong about it. But, with that, have a good night and I apologize to my mother.
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