Monday, April 16, 2007

Monday, April 16th Show 1

Hey everyone. Erica here again. Hope you all had a good weekend. Today is another double session of The Gray Area. Man, I have to work over 5 hours. That seems so long.

1pm: So, if you haven't heard, there was a massacre on the campus of Virginia Tech this morning. Thirty-two people were killed and at least twenty more were injured in a shooting by a lone gunman.

So, we are speaking to Allison Kiss, Program Director of Of course, when she is on hold, we are talking about monkeys playing with themselves at the zoo. When I booked her, I made it seem like we were a serious radio program. I can only imagine what she is thinking.

Apparently, first, there was one student killed in a dorm. After this, there was a lockdown, but it was lifted by Virginia Tech before the gunman was caught. This led to the death of twenty-nine students. She does not understand why the lockdown was lifted so early, but insists that there needs to be better communication on campus. She says that previously, Virginia Tech has only used email to communicate with their students in emergency situations. Of course, if the students even see the email, they may delete it believing that it is spam.

As this is their focus, she sees this as a major failure of their crisis management plans. She does not have all the information as to exactly what happened in this instance. These tragedies are of course, difficult to prevent, but perhaps the casualties may have been lessened.

We play a little audio from MSNBC with a phone call with a VaTech student. This student was shot in the arm and is in the hospital. The reporter just sounds incredibly callous.

2pm: My best friend's brother, Michael Newman, is a student at Virginia Tech. He was in the dorm next door to the shooting when it happened. He has been kind enough to talk to us about what happened at his school today.

Fortunately, Michael is ok and says he has been able to reach most of his friends. He says that they have not released the names as of yet. He is actually somewhat upset that everyone is immediately pointing fingers at the school. He says that hindsight is twenty/twenty and that they thought it was an isolated incident.

Michael is actually really composed considering what happened. He says that he thinks the dust should settle before questions are asked. To let people relax a little before pointing fingers. He says there are no longer on lockdown, but that when he went to the dining hall, there were several armed guards stationed at the doors.

I am so impressed with Michael. I have not seen him since he was about sixteen. He is nineteen now, and so mature and eloquent. It is amazing that he was able to speak with such a clear head after what occurred today.

Obviously, this tragedy brings up the gun control issue. Brad believes in his right to own firearms, but that NRA and other gun rights organizations go too far. People who are upset that you have to register your weapons are ridiculous.

The calls light up about gun control. People are somewhat split on the issue. Some believe that we just need fewer guns and stricter laws in this country. Others think that it is an issue of responsibility and training, not restrictions.


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