Thursday, April 12, 2007

Thursday, April 12th Show 2

Hello again everyone. We are back for the second part of our show today. This is a long day, I'm not used to working a full day anymore.

7pm: We start off where we left off speaking about Imus being fired. After having many, many callers drop, we finally get to Herb in Oakland. He thinks that Imus did not make a mistake, that he is in fact a racist.

Luke in Novato thinks this whole thing is completely blown out of proportion. He thinks that whenever the black community is insulted, it is taken much more seriously.

Pam in Novato thinks that everyone makes mistakes. She listens to the station all the time and claims she has heard things much, much worse from other show hosts. Why are the comments by Imus any different?

We get a lot of calls on this. Basically, the callers tend to agree that it is being overblown. A few think that Imus is in fact a racist, but for the most part, think that race relations have been too much of a focus in this country.

Benjamin in SF does not know if he should be fired. In most other jobs, there would be no question whether Imus would be canned. When you get to your job, there is a different code by which your behavior is judged.

8pm: Chris and Brad plead with listeners who may be offended by these comments. They ask for people to petition Congress and the FCC to make more clear, stringent rules. They would be more than happy to comply, as long as they had an idea of what the rules are.

Leo in Concord thinks that as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are Christian figures, they should be more forgiving. Forgiveness is a central tenet of Christianity, should not its preachers adhere to this belief.

Todd in Fremont thinks that racism is the issue in this country that everyone wants to avoid. Our cities are diverse, yet divided into different neighborhoods by race. Everyone thinks racially to some degree. Furthermore, he does not need Jesse Jackson to speak for him. The reason he thinks Imus was incorrect, is that he should have understood the responsibility of the national platform he is on.

Wesley in Milpitas thinks that Imus' show is different than something like ours. For the last fifteen or so years, he has become significantly more serious and political. Because it was no longer a comedy show, it was not as acceptable to make these comments.

To take a break from Imus, the guys go back to the rogue elephant seal in the bay. He has made another appearance, biting a pit bull on Sunday. After all our work trying to find a cool name for him, they have deemed him "Nibbles." That is so wimpy.

9pm: We take a few more calls on the Imus firing and then it is time to go over the KPIX news report. They came into the studio today and yesterday to film the show for their evening program. Last night, the footage from our show was hardly used, today is a different story.

We don't get to the audio today, but probably will tomorrow. The last hour is basically a hodgepodge of stories.

First, we play the Japanese Air Sex video again.

A substitute teacher with the last name, Stoneburner, got into trouble for quieting kindergarteners with clothespins. Yeah, Miss Stoneburner is a pretty scary name for a sub.

A veteran had the wrong testicle removed in a VA hospital. That's the worst. That poor guy. He actually seems pretty calm about it and is only suing for $200,000. I think that's worth at least a million.

OK, well with that we are done for the night. Have a good night, and I apologize to my mother.


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