Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Tuesday, April 10th

Hey everyone. Erica here again and once again, as my voice is still half-gone, I am Lording the board.

1pm: Just to start off, we are giving away tickets to tonight's A's game. But first, shockingly Larry Birkhead is the father of Anna Nicole Smith's baby. Hmm... the guy who was asking for the DNA test all along is the father, I'm blown away.

Ok, so immediately the lines light up for these A's tickets. Chris points out that the A's really need an angry rivalry. They don't really have one. The way to win these tickets is to guess six of the seven ways to reach first base. This is pretty damn hard. I love sports and I would not have gotten this.

Finally, after several callers, Jeff finally wins by saying a hit, a walk, hit by pitch, error, dropped third strike by the catcher and fielder's choice. Fielder's Choice ended up being the most difficult, because it is not a choice of which you would normally think.

Because it is such a big deal, we have to talk about Don Imus. We play a clip the comments in question and wonder whether it is that big of a deal.

Rodney in Fremont is a black man who thinks that it is overblown. He is tired of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. He thinks that Sharpton just loves to be on camera and that both of them make a big deal out of small issues.

Jay in Berkeley feels that radio has become PG-13. He is black and thinks that black people need to get over being so sensitive.

2pm: We continue to go over the Imus controversy. Brad points out that Imus' producer was actually much worse than Imus himself, using a term "jigaboo." Why is nobody focusing on that?

Melanie in Marin brings up the class issue. She says that it is more shocking to hear Imus say "ho" because he is in an upper class. This also reverts back to the discussion of Al Sharpton. From people I have spoken to, I think that a lot of the black community is embarrassed by Sharpton's over-the-top antics.

Bella in SF is half-black and wants to explain why "nappy" is so offensive. In the past, women with nappier hair were considered less attractive. She says that when white people say something like that, blacks will take offense because of the history.

Overall, everyone for the most part agrees that what Imus said was wrong, but that a two weeks suspension should be enough. Furthermore, nobody calls to defend Al Sharpton. Based on his history, I am not even remotely surprised by this.

So, with that I apologize to my mother, have a good afternoon.


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