Thursday, December 21

7pm: So, Danny calls in and Chris immediately tells him that as well as clowns and spiders, I am very afraid of Danny Bonaduce. He just scares me, I can't help it. However, Danny is with me on the clown thing.
He tells us that although incredibly successful, "Breaking Bonaduce" was huge detriment to his career. Everyone on the show is real, but that is not all that there is to him. He says that he is a professional, and that both of these are within him.
Apparently, Danny was on Dr. Phil yesterday. Dr. Phil asked him about fighting his demons, to which Danny says that he invites the demons everyday. He loves all of these vices, and think that they made his life really interesting. What finally made him stop, was that it was all hurting his radio career.
He says that this will actually be really helpful for him to have the early schedule. Because he has been in flux, he had been taking every gig. So now, he will have a much more regular schedule.
Danny makes Chris and Brad very jealous. He says that Susan Dey was the first woman he saw naked as a child.
Anthony in SF calls in to ask Danny what he thinks about Tom Sizemore's rip-off "Shooting Sizemore." Danny thinks that Sizemore has nothing on him. He wants to do a show after called, "Cooking and Eating Sizemore."
Danny also lets us know that he is not even meeting with Adam before they start working together. So, definitely tune in on January 2nd, because it will be interesting to see what happens. They are so different, that their chemistry should be really crazy.
After Danny leaves, John in Moraga calls in with an excellent idea. He thinks that we should combo the Janice Dickinson/Tawny Kitaen fight with Danny Bonaduce/Tom Sizemore.
Keller from SF thinks that this will just be really interesting. He is unsure how it will work out, and really likes Adam. Either way, he wants to hear it. This is generally what we are getting from people. Everyone wonders how these two strong personalities are going to work together without stepping on each other.

8pm: The phones are lit up on the discussion of our big news. Vince in Berkeley thinks that it is kind of like having Rosie O'Donnell joining The View. He also does not think that Teresa is going to be able to handle these two strong personalities.
Some people think that this is bad for Adam. That Danny will hurt the show. Other callers think that Danny is the spice that the show needs.
Chris and Brad are happy today after receiving their Christmas present from Jason. He gave each of them a carton of cigarettes, of their own particular brands. I am proud of myself from not screwing up the surprise. :D I know this does not sound like much of an accomplishment, but I can't keep a secret to save my life.
For the rest of the hour, we talk about what everyone thinks about this move.
9pm: We wrap up the calls about Danny Bonaduce coming back to break. After an email about Danny mentioning some Jack Daniels, Brad brings up tequila.
Chris wonders about the limit with women and tequila. Brad has figured out that three shots of Cabo Wabo is perfect. Five shots is perfect for a minute, until she passes out. After three shots, T said something to Emily that made her blush. They were talking about Brad appearing on Emily's show, and T said that the only problems they have in bed, is that T won't do something as much as she would like. We won't go into what that is, but you can probably guess.
Ok, so we have a boatload of tickets to give away tonight and tomorrow. We have nine pairs of tickets to see Marc Maron at Cobb's Comedy Club. Four on Tuesday, December 26th, and five on Wednesday, December 27th. We also have 4 four-packs of tickets to the San Francisco Rod, Custom and Motorcycle Show at The Cow Palace from January 12-14. Wow, this is ridiculous.
There has also been an update on our Myspace battle. Fred McKinnon has taken the top spot, as he has in the Worst Christmas Song Ever competition. Of course, this means that they have to play this God forsaken piece of crap again.
Brad talks about a story from the Old Testament that the angels in heaven came down and "knew" the earthly women. These matings created nephlums, which are giants. Goliath is a result of this.
Brad also tells us about a story in the Bible about a man with a shaved head. He is constantly teased by the children, "Baldy, baldy, go up the mountain." Finally, the anger overtakes him, and he curses the children. After this, a she-bear comes down from the hills and massacres the imps of the village. What the hell kind of story is that? What do you learn, that bears are evil. Upon further examination, Elijah was the bald prophet of this story. This is the same prophet for whom we open the door on Passover and leave a glass of wine. Maybe we should not open the door anymore.
Bob from Fairfield reminds us that The Old Testament is just to incur fear unto us. I think he is just saying this because he hates the Jews.
10pm: Ok, so now it is ticket time. Tonight, we will be playing celebrity tag. This means that the callers have to hand their ticketing fate to us. The teams are Chris and Brad vs. Dan and I. The game is one team names a celebrity, and the other has to name another celebrity whose name begins with the last letter of the first celebrity's name. Is that a confusing enough explanation for you?
Dan and I lose the first two rounds. Sorry to those listeners that placed their faith in us. But, we come through in round three. So, congratulations to everyone who won.
It is now time for a replay of the Bonaduce interview. With that, have a good night, we'll see you tomorrow. I apologize to my mother.
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