Monday, April 16, 2007

Monday, April 16th Show 2

Hey everyone. It is 7pm and we are back for the second installment of The Gray Area today.

7pm: We are all a little slow today, as it is our second show. Today was a little serious for us, and it's a little more tiring than the inanity we are used to. Chris tells us about a really, creepy movie he watched last night, "The Bad Seed." Looking it up on Google Images, that little girl looks soul-sucking eerie.

We go back to the shooting that happened at Virginia Tech today. We are going to be speaking to Bryan Crum, Director of Marketing for Omnilert. Omnilert has a service called E2Campus. They specialize in mass alerts for students in emergency situations like this one.

The main selling point for E2Campus is the text messaging implementation they offer. Most schools use mass emails, that are flaky at best in their effectiveness. However, everyone has a cell phone, thus vastly increasing the chances of their notification.

Brian in SF asks if the texting would just cause panic. Bryan explains that must of the students complained that there was not enough information. A lot of people are upset that the company is capitalizing on this tragedy in order to sell their product.

8pm: To start off, we replay our interview with Michael Newman. I can't get over how grownup he sounds. Thanks to Michael and to his sister, my best friend, Emily, for hooking this up. You rock Emily, I love you and am so glad that Michael is ok.

The guys bring up that despite all the preparation there may be, many of us do not know what gunshots sound like. It is not what you hear in the movies. Brad brings up that most of us do not know how to use a gun. I have to be honest and say that if I knocked a gun out of a criminal's hand, I'm not sure I would know what to do.

We get quite a few calls from gun owners. These people tend to believe that with responsibility, guns can be a positive asset. I'm not sure I agree with them. It is optimistic to believe that everyone who owns a gun is going to teach their children gun safety, or to practice this themselves.

Brian in Napa is a rancher who defends the need for guns in a rural setting. For him, guns are necessary to run the ranch. But then, when asked about automatic weapons, he cannot see where they should be illegal. Brian completely loses me here. No matter what possible gain he can have with these weapons, it is not worth the inherent danger of having assault rifles be legal.

9pm: Tim in Livermore calls to bitch about the line, "Guns don't kill people, people kill people." If this guy did not have a gun, there would have been no way he would have been able to kill people.

We move off the gun control issue, and Brad tells us about his trip to the zoo this weekend. He went with his family and they had a pretty good time. Fortunately, in one part of the monkey house, T and Paxy were elsewhere. He sees some monkeys and they are doing some, um, inappropriate for children activities.

Chris is sick of always seeing the monkeys masturbating when you go to the zoo. He wants to show them up, sneaking into the zoo at night, flying the simulator. Hmm... that's pretty twisted.

I hate zoos, they are just so depressing. The animals always look like they are on Valium.


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