Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Tuesday, April 17th

Hey everyone. Well, there is a lot of sadness going on in the country. So, here are two things to lighten your mood. One, it is free ice cream day at all Ben and Jerry's stores. Also, here is a video of a penguin in Japan going to the fish market for his human family. It is too cute for words.

1pm: We go over the new details of the massacre at Virginia Tech. The guys are surprised that someone with a Green Card is able to buy a handgun in the state of Virginia. I'm not, just about anyone can buy a gun in VA.

The guys play a clip of an interview with a student who was in the building of the shooting. Zach Petkwozicz led other students in a classroom in barricading the door shut. They pushed a table against the door, and were able to hold off the gunman. Fortunately, there were on the floor, as he shot two rounds in the center of the door.

Unfortunately, the woman conducting the interview is a moron. She eventually breaks him down and says "It's tough," in the least sincere tone possible. That's pretty incredible.

We talk about that Ed Norton will be playing the Hulk in the sequel. I don't know, I guess that could be cool, but it seems kinda beneath him. Ed Norton is an incredible actor, I can't see him doing a cheesy, comic book movie.

2pm: We get led into another round of things you've missed the boat on. For me, it is "Star Wars." I've never seen any of the movies, and at this point, absolutely refuse to.

This started with Chris, because he never saw "The Muppet Show" and had no idea what the "Mahnamahna song" was. We have played it for him about a million times.

For Brad, it is "The Sopranos." He has never really seen it at all. Brad has kept saying he would catch up for this new season, but has now finally given up.

Andrea in Santa Rosa is like me, in actively avoiding "Star Wars." She agrees that after you fight it off for all these years, you can't just give in willy nilly.

Teri in Novato has never seen "Seinfeld." She can't handle his voice and has made a very, strong effort to avoid it. That is impressive, because that show is constantly on tv.

Vanessa in Pinole has somehow never seen a single episode of "American Idol." She has never even seen the funny, beginning episodes. That is amazing, but good for her.

Also mentioned in the topic:

- Friends
- The Godfather
- Grey's Anatomy
- The Simpsons
- Harry Potter
- James Bond


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you Erica...you need your own show.

11:49 PM  

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