Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Wednesday, April 18th

Hey everyone. Hope you are all having a lovely Wednesday evening. We are back in our old time slot tonight, as we will be occasionally, depending on the A's.

7pm: Jim in a van in Livermore tries to set the tone, asking where the bees are? He is concerned that the bees are disappearing. He wants to know where they went, but interrupts every statement that Chris and Brad make. Nate in Oakland says that if Jim would just lay off the booze, he might see some bees, because they are around.

Brad did the first promo by himself this afternoon. Chris had not yet arrived at this time. Without Brad's knowledge, we pulled the audio of this. Tom Leykis had been talking about a dream he had, and Brad decided to use this for inspiration. He talks about a dream, where he was nursing buttermilk from Leykis' "burnt tortilla nipples." So, we replay the promo, completely creeped out by the imagery.

We had a little controversy before the show today. The guys found a song earlier today called "Don't Blow Up Your School." They wanted to play it as the show open, and I discouraged them from doing so. They played it during the show anyway, and I chastised them for it.

They ask the listeners what they think and most of the callers think that it was ok for them to play it. They generally say that when something like this happens, you have to lighten the mood a little. I guess, but grief takes time. Maybe you should wait a few days before joking about the tragedy.

8pm: So, we are going to lighten things up a little bit and talk about doggie sex toys. Juan in Santa Rosa thinks that it would just be a giant leg. It is a good guess, but no cigar.

The doggie sex toy is a faceless dog-like fabrication. It is made so that the it is easy for the dog to grab onto, and was made with a hole. Ugh. It suggests that you should clean that area on a regular basis.

Steve in SF thinks that whoever came up with this is a sick, sick puppy. Brad brings up the conference table idea of the people who greenlighted this. This is just so incredibly gross.

Gavin in Santa Rosa calls begging for todays tickets to Strickforce "Judgement Day." He says he will do anything. I ask if he is willing to try out the doggie sex toy. The guys take this further, asking if he will take it to dinner first. Finally, the guys just give him the tickets. I don't know, I think that was too nice. We should have made him do something.

So, we found another strange device online. They are adjustable breast implants. They have a pump, like Air Jordans, so that you can pump them up. Do you think they can explode if you pump them too much?? AHHH! What a horrifying idea.

To wrap up the weird inventions, we also found detachable tattoo sleeves. It looks like nylons that are covered with tattoos. There are several different styles to choose from: metal, gangsta, vintage, tribal, rockabilly and Japanese. What a pussy move it is to get these.

9pm: Chris asked at the end of last hour asked whether it would be worse to be Cho's roommates or the salesman at the gun store. Brian in Oakland said he saw an interview with the two roommates last night, and that they did not seem too upset.

The guys read an email from Crab, a female listener of the show. She tells us about what went down when she got baked one night. Her friend announced that "boobs are like snowflakes." Of course, the big-boobed girl in the room, allowed them to see and touch her boobs. From then on, the big-breasted friend was known as "Snowflake." So, for that reason, she would like to set the tone with nickname stories.

We get a call suggesting that if someone had made an effort to help the killer, then maybe this could have been avoided. Brad and Chris think that there was no helping this man. If he is that sick, and that against therapy, forced therapy will not help him. Brad says he has lost patience with mental illness.

Jennifer in San Jose has a brother-in-law who is manic-depressive and OCD. He cannot stay on his medication and has alienated most of his family. Things are so bad that they are convinced that he will eventually commit suicide. She says that he places no responsibility on himself and that you are never able to please him.

I am saddened at the defeatist attitude I am seeing. If you give up on people, how are they ever going to heal? The way to cure illness, besides medication, is love. It is, of course, difficult to stand by someone with mental illness. It can be exhausting, but they cannot win the war inside themselves on their own.

If we just throw all those people who are sick away, if we give up, then how can we ever make things better?

10pm: Maggie in Oakland has been suffering from mental illness throughout her life. She is upset with the guys comments that people with severe illness should be put away or even put down.

Ok, moving off this serious subject, the guys got an email from our bosses today. Brad is really excited because this is for a photo shoot for jock cards. What are jock cards? Brad is happy, because even though it is not a comic book or a t-shirt, it is a step in the right direction.

The guys talk about the guy who Brad replaced on their old show. Dan-0 was a very enthusiastic third man on the show. He would fight Chris for control and eventually was fired, but got his own morning show on another station.

On his first day, he had the meeting that everyone has with the sales team. He decides that it would be a good idea to wiggle his finger through a zipper to say hello. Of course, he is immediately fired before his first show. That was a great idea.

Jason in San Leandro has a friend who was fired within ninety minutes of a security job. He was patrolling a parking lot and threatened a sarcastic guy in a car. The guy called the cops, and he was fired right away.

Stephen in Fremont was fired from Taco Bell within five minutes. He was sixteen when he was hired and was fired because he had a pack of cigarettes on him. We never would have guessed that was the reason in a million years.

And with that, we are done for the night. We will be on at 1 and at 7 tomorrow. Have a wonderful night.


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