Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Tuesday, May 15th

1pm: Jerry Falwell has passed away. Am I a terrible person for not being upset? Honestly, I am just really curious to know where he went. Is it hot, Jerry?

We were talking about Jerry Falwell and somehow ended up discussing vaporizers. Not the ones used to smoke pot, but the crazy contraption your parents give you when you have a chest cold. Did you ever step on one of those bad boys in the middle of the night? You end up with a rectangular blister of sorrow, making each step torture for the next week.

I ask what they think about Falwell's afterlife. Brad thinks that he may have had good intentions. We argue about this a bit. I say that he is irredeemable being that he said nothing pertaining to "Love Thy Neighbor." As you all know, I am a Jew. But, even I know that saying "we should blow them all away in the name of the Lord" is not all that Christian.

To continue ensuring our utter damnation, we turn our mocking tongues toward Tammy Faye Bakker. Tammy Faye is dying of colon cancer and is down to a meek sixty-five pounds. Her doctors have stopped her treatment and it seems she will go anyday. The Gray Area's response: "Wouldn't it be cool if she died the same day as Jerry Falwell?" Wow.

Forget that unattractive Jerry Falwell, there are more important things to discuss. Lindsay Lohan is somehow in the news again. From Bang.com, her upcoming movie, "I Know Who Killed Me," includes her first sex scene. Why did Lindsay get down for this movie? To prove she is an "f***ing actress," deserving of critical acclaim. What does that even mean?

2pm: Chris and Brad have a little question for the listeners; is crazy, sexy? Brad points out that crazy women will allow you to do things sane women would never consider. That seems to be the appeal for Brad. Knowing his freaky nature, I am not particularly surprised.

Jeff in Sausalito constantly dates crazy women. His roommates now make him go through a screening process when dating a new girl. Over the last two years, he claims to have dated eight or nine whackjobs.

The guys found an old list entitled, "Women Should Not Date A Man Who..."

- Has a one-fingered bowling ball
- Screams "Mama, Mama" everytime he sees a Cosmo magazine cover
- Plays with mustaches on the faces of others
- Completes a completed Rubix cube under glass
- Names his scars
- Knows the difference between koulats and a jumper
- Does play-by-play with his baseball cards
- Has ever repainted a trailer
- Keeps calling you "Lisa Marie"

For Chris, his girlfriend is crazy when it comes to sound. She is incredibly sensitive when it comes to the sound of people chewing. Chris cannot even eat potato chips when she is around because it will drive her insane.

The Crab in San Jose calls to say that sexy becomes crazy when it sticks around. She then contends that she is not crazy. We love ya Crab, but we all know that you are pretty nuts.

We get a nice surprise from the family of Troy Duffy, the director of "Boondock Saints." Listener Mike is the uncle of Troy's wife. She sent us a copy of the movie and a t-shirt, so the guys will finally watch it tonight. Brad is going to freak out when he sees Willem Dafoe in drag. I cannot wait to hear that reaction.

With that, I apologize to my mother, have a good day.


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