Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Wednesday, May 16th

Hi everyone. Today will be a show full or argument. We will fight over Maxim's Hot 100 and "Boondock Saints. " I am ready to argue and win.

1pm: Because they watched "The Boondock Saints," the topic arises as to which movie has the worst shooting. I love the movie, but nobody has any aim. When you think about it, most action movies are like that.

Chris points out "Tombstone." There is a scene where nine men have shotguns and do not even graze Wyatt Earp. Brad says every Storm Trooper in the "Star Wars" movies. Hank in Hayward brings up "Commando." That is a great call, no one can hit Arnold.

We are introducing The Hole of Blow today, a creation I slaved over. Unfortunately, it seems they will be using it for something I love. It is so exciting and infuriating at the same time. Although, they do pop it's cherry on a line from "Commando." At least I can enjoy that.

Other Movies With Bad Aim:
- Terminator
- Rambo II
- Young Guns
- Heat
- Indiana Jones: Temple of Doom
- Desperado

We start getting into a whole discussion about who shoots first in some "Star Wars" movie. Hans Solo versus someone. I have not seen it and never will, but there are plenty of callers willing to tell us all about it.

It came out that San Francisco is Number 10 on the Rudest Driver list. Brad thinks that we should be much higher. I disagree. There are so many passive and slow drivers in this area. Miami is first on the list, and from what I have heard, that is entirely appropriate.

2pm: Jason in San Jose calls to defend "Boondock Saints." He points out the scene where Willem Dafoe is describing the shoot out. If you have not seen this movie, it is by far the best part.

The guys hated Willem Dafoe in the movie. They say that it was way too over the top. They also felt that director, Troy Duffy, was trying to hard to be Quentin Tarantino. Although they admit that there are some great scenes, overall they completely pan it. Well, I cannot agree with them on this one. I love the movie and think Dafoe was fantastic.

Ok, on "The Sopranos" on Sunday, Tony killed a half-dead Christopher. Afterwards, he goes to Vegas, hangs out with a stripper and does some peyote. At the end, he yells one of two things. Either "I get it" or "I did it." Both Chris and I were convinced that he said "I did it" when we saw the episode. But upon replaying it and slowing it down, it definitely says "I get it."

The echo; however, I could swear sounds like "I did it." I have a theory. I think that because Tony was tripping, he hears "I did it" in the echo. The peyote is making his subconcious reflect in the echo.

To end the show, we read a Craigslist ad for "Penis/Vagina Artistic Renderings - Female Model Needed." This guy is trying to get laid by convincing a woman to have sex with him by saying it is modeling. Um... ok.

Here are a few links that Chris asked me to post on the blog.

A crazy music video:

The Funniest Bong Hit Ever:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the Hell?

9:17 PM  

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