Friday, October 27

7pm: So the guys went to see "The Bridge" this afternoon. Apparently, not so good. I would feel left out, but from what they said, glad I didn't go. It wasn't the worst movie they've ever seen, that was taken by "Manos: The Hands of Fate." "The Bridge" sounds too depressing for me. Their complaint is not that it's sad. They follow one guy who spends the whole movie pacing the bridge, before he finally jumps.
We get a call from Uncle Paul from the Exotic Erotic Ball and Expo. He sounds like he's having a really good time. They are about to start their gay marriages. He has seen some pretty crazy things at the event. I don't think I can go into all that we hear, but wow. I wish I could go.

With Halloween coming up, he is proud that his son carved "boobies and buttocks" into the pumpkin. His son also dressed up as a "Little Bustamonte." This apparently looks like Mr. Spacely with a sombrero. Yeah, that's not racist at all.
While dealing with the phones, Arnold tells us that his new mission is to reunite guitarist Andy Taylor with Duran Duran. What is "Hungry Like a Wolf" without Andy?? This is an important issue.
He also tells us that to torment his children, he shoots blanks out of a 9mm. He says it's all in fun, but it sounds a little over the top to me.
While trying to get a caller on with Arnold, Chris hangs up on him. Oh Chris, you hung up on Schwarzeneggar?? Oooh, you better watch out. To further anger Arnold, Kevin from Oakland lets him know he saw Maria flirt with Lou Ferrigno at the mall. Hmm, The Hulk and Skeletor together? That's a weird match.

Of course, this is not Arnold himself, it is voice artist extraordinaire, Josh Thompson. So, no, Arnold did not actually say all those things.
8pm: To start the hour, there is a story about Forzie, a 4-legged chicken from New Zealand. Poor Forzie died recently. The best line from this story, "He developed two bottoms and I think he got glugged up," said owner Marlene Dickey.
Also, sadly, YouTube has taken down all the clips from Comedy Central. This, of course, includes The Colbert Report, The Daily Show, and South Park. I don't think this will affect The Daily Show and South Park, but The Colbert Report needs YouTube. Furthermore, this has got to be the death of YouTube. How incredibly sad.
In talking about The Colbert Report, we wonder what happened to the show. The beauty of the show on YouTube was that it was the highlights. Stephen Colbert is hilarious for 2 minutes, but not 22. I just hope he does not turn into Mo Rocca, hilarious on The Daily Show, and now, incredibly lame.
The question for the hour: What is the Worst Act You Ever Saw?
-Joe from the city says the clips of Jon Benet in the pageants.
-Chris' is the worldest scariest Polka Band at Nye's Polonaise Room. He said that they were absolutely horrendous
-John from the city tells us about a terrible bluff over a Royal Straight
To end the hour, the guys begin to go over "The 101 Most Influential People Who Never Lived," by Alan Lazar, Dan Karlan, and Jeremy Salter. It's a pretty interested list that covers all age groups and interests. Check out the list and let us know what you think.
9pm: Some items on the list confuse us. Buffy the Vampire Slayer comes in at #44. The show got good ratings, but that seems pretty high. Dan fills in as our societal expert on many of these items. He points out that Tarzan is representative of the white man's attitude of taking over.
Brad further demonstrates his geekitude in defending Godzilla's placement on the list at #38. He loves Godzilla and completely thinks it should be represented on the list.
Dracula is #33. Chris talks about a costume he had as the Bela Legusi style Dracula. He said it was the really sensual kind of vampire that got him a lot of ass. My favorite Dracula influence is definitely the Count from Sesame Street, brought up by Brad and Chris. 1, ah ah ah. 2, ah ah ah. By the way, from that picture, I gotta say, Elmo sucks.
Dave from Oakland jumps ahead by asking if Big Brother is on the list. He is in fact, #2 on the list. Good call Dave. I completely agree.
Both Cinderella and Prince Charming are on the list. That makes a lot of sense to me. Every girl is brought up with a flawed ideal that a you will find a perfect man to come and solve all your problems. What each woman eventually has to realize, is that you have to solve your own problems, and hope to find a great man to go through it with you. Gotta say though, Prince Charming is not really my type. Too much of a pretty boy.
After asking over break, Brad tells me that Kermit is all the way down at #68. What the hell?? That really makes me angry. Kermit was incredibly influential to me.
10pm: After taking a few more guesses, including Joe Camel and Captain Howdy (I don't know who that is), we finally announce #1. According to the list, the Marlboro Man is the topper.
My favorite part of tonight is that just by mentioning the Count, the show turns into a contest doing the impression. Brad takes the cake, but I think for a girl, mine is pretty fantastic. You know you have a good job, when part of it is doing your best Count laugh.
For the rest of the hour, we replay Josh's visit. So, with that, have a good weekend and be safe this Halloween.
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