Monday, October 30

7pm: So, it's Daylight Savings Time. Chris insists that it should be "Fall forward, Spring back." Brad didn't know about it and was very confused when he came to work today. I think, and everyone agrees, that the time changes should be eliminated altogether. They talk about how people try and scam work by blaming the time change. That only works in the Spring. If you pull that now, you should be an hour early. Tek from San Jose calls in to agree with Brad and I, that it is "Spring foward, Fall back."
There is a story on Boing Boing, that talks about a '50s movie snack ads that pushed the elimination of Daylight Savings. It's pretty crazy, worth checking out if you are bored at work.
Oscar, the limo driver, calls in to try and set the tone about concealed weapons in California. Apparently, he was wrong about pieces of the law. You can get them, but they are incredibly difficult to get. I have no problem with that. The idea of people carrying concealed weapons is pretty scary to me.
This turns into a whole discussion about the gun laws. As someone who hates guns, I don't know much about this subject. We get a bunch of callers from gun stores and even a former bail bondsman. We have some pretty hardcore listeners.
8pm: The guys start off with Tara Reid's interview on The View last week. She just sounds all hopped up on pills when she's speaking about her botched boob job. She was slurring her words, well just check out the clip, and see for yourself.

From here, we play a clip of the Flava of Love 2: Reunion Special. I looooooove this show. I watch it every Sunday night, because it is the most hilarious thing I have ever seen. The insanity of this clip, leads Chris to a sensitive question. He wants to know why when you mention a black person's mother, they feel the need to fight. Brad doesn't think it's necessarily a black thing. Dave from Menlo Park throws in that every culture has a hot point.
Either way, if you haven't seen this show, watch it. There is nothing more ridiculous. And by the way, Flav is foul. The fact that all these girls sleep with him, is revolting. Seriously, ewwwww. And the thing is, if you win, you get to be with Flav AND you get grillz. WOW.
We get several calls from Chris' questions. Overwhelmingly, the callers inform us that the mother is such a strong figure in black culture. They also add that mothers in black culture, have had to sacrifice a lot to raise their children. Shu from Marin tells us that this has African roots. In Africa, lineage is straight through the mother, so there is more reverance for that maternal figure.
We get an update from Anthony in San Francisco about things with his woman. These two have a pretty volatile relationship. She has vandalized his car, smashed a glass over his head, and given him black eyes. Finally, Anthony had enough and stood up for himself. He went to the Playboy Mansion without her, and since, it has been significantly better. She is going to go to counseling and try and harness her anger. Sounds too good to be true.
Anthony also tells us that he had an incredible time at the Mansion. There were mostly naked women throughout. He can't give us pictures because they told him not to do so. Apparently, he was the only one without a camera. As the night went on, the nudity exploded.

9pm: In this hour, Wikipedia comes up. I have to say, I use it all the time for this show. The thing is, you have no idea how much of it is true. I love the site, and think it is a great resource. But, who knows how much incorrect information I have passed along because of that site.
Throughout the show, we have been referring to Green Burrito, a restaurant chain owned by Carls Jr. Chris lets us know that he was champion in a burrito eating contest. It was no hands, and he destroyed all the others. He was forced into the contest by a sponsor, and the burrito was all rice and beans.
Congratulations to James in American Canyon for winning tickets to Tenacious D. We thought this would be much more difficult, but he won by knowing what mythical figure is on the Starbucks cup. It is a mermaid, by the way. And I have to say, I worked at Starbucks and didn't know that. Keep listening all week, because we will give away tickets every day.
The guys retell their experiences hosting wing contests. I love wings, but it just doesn't sound enjoyable. This leads them to the wings at KFC. They love KFC, but the wings are really small. All I have to say is, Popeyes is better. They have the best fries in the world, even better than McDonald's. Man, now I really want some chicken.
10pm: Brad got an email from a woman from This girl has the epitome of a bimbo face. Not to be mean, she just looks a little slow.
To begin the hour, we are talking about Halloween. Is Halloween dead? Their argument is that you don't see the same enthusiasm for the holiday of the past. Trick or treating is certainly not the same. The kids now go out at around 2:30 in the afternoon.
The guys wax nostalgic about trick or treating in their childhood. Even the most protective parents, let their children run wild for the evening. I was lucky enough to catch the tail end of this. But, right after my generation, the parents and the news laid the gauntlet on that.
This is an interesting town for this question. San Francisco goes crazy for this holiday. That's what I love here. This town knows how to party. In the Mission on Saturday, people were all dressed-up and ready to have a good time.
Although outside of the city, is this the case? You never see houses decorated they were in my childhood.
One thing I was thinking about is that all those kids in the Castro for Halloween, live in the suburbs. When I lived in Palo Alto last year, we came up to the city to celebrate. I don't think we were unique in this venture. The crowd in the city last year seemed to be predominately people from the outlying areas.
The callers seem to agree that Halloween has morphed. Parents are overly concerned with safety. Kids are now trick or treating in the malls instead of the neighborhoods. However, the young adults and teenagers are still partying, especially in the urban areas.
Also, what are the ages or trick or treating. The guys think that you need to be able to hold your own candy. Also, don't be older than 14.
To end the show, they wonder why we all make that same ridiculous movement when we are scared. And all women, we all make that insanely high-pitched squeal.
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