Wednesday, October 25

So, before we talk about "Deal or No Deal," we get an update on Playboy winner, Anthony's, situation. When we last spoke to him on Monday, his wife had moved out of the house. Since then, he has called Promotions Director, Chris DeNatale, 4 times to change the guest he's bringing. He keeps switching between his wife and boss. Finally, Chris gets fed up and stops letting him change it. In the middle of the update, Anthony calls in. He tells us that she has come back and left again since Monday. The violence of course has continued. Anthony should just take his stuff with him to the Mansion and move on from there.
Do you watch "Deal or No Deal?" I have to admit, I held out for a while, but after catching it on CNBC, that is one addictive show. For something with so little substance, it is riveting. Of course, Chris and Brad are more interested in the models holding the briefcases. None of us understand why we like it so much. Chris is especially surprised by the overt manipulation, with the music, the models and the way they go to commercial. We have a bunch of audio from the show. First, there is a clip of the US version where a guy lets the f-bomb fly when he opens a big number case.

8pm: Right at the beginning of the hour, the fire alarm goes off. That is incredibly loud. The thing is Chris and Brad ran outside and left Dan and I hanging up here. Whatever happened to women and children first? Man, chivalry is dead.
"The Bridge" is opening soon. This is a documentary focusing on the suicides occurring at the Golden Gate Bridge. There has been an argument for a suicide rail being put up. You can see the trailer here.
The argument is that the rail will better prevent jumpers. Of all those stopped, only 6% have succeeded in other ways. The other argument is that this will be incredibly expensive. Furthermore, if people really want to commit suicide, they will find a way.
During this discussion, I get a bunch of prankers trying to get through. Here's a couple of tips:
a) Don't call and say your wife tried to jump if you sound 16
b) Don't have your friend audibly coach you, when on the phone with me
c) Don't use a fake voice, it sounds fake
9pm: We get some pretty intense calls about this topic. Todd from Santa Rosa, whose father committed suicide off the bridge, lets us know that he would have done it either way.
We also get a call from Killian from San Francisco. He dropped his camera off the bridge and made a video of it on YouTube. It's ok. The making of is interesting, but not what is expected. The fall itself is not captured well, but if you're bored, go ahead and check it out.
Don in Daly City tells us about a man who tried to lower himself off the bridge in '88 in a garbage can to protest the treatment of the elderly. He ended up breaking some ribs and suffering a collapsed lung. Apparently, this wasn't enough for him. In 2003, he tried to lower himself from a rope to protest the Iraq war. This time he was not so lucky.
Mark in Burlingame tells us that a buddy of his in high school jumped off the bridge. He survived and was able to swim back to shore. The guy did it just to be crazy, not to commit suicide. It's always those crazy bastards that survive.
To move onto a lighter subject, Chris and Brad talk about those immasculating moments in life. Chris says he feels that at Home Depot. It is impossible to track down help, and when you finally do, they make you feel like a girly-moron. Our Program Director, Jason Insalaco, had an immasculating moment at Home Depot because he needed a hammer. They sell them there, but no man is supposed to have to buy one.
Other Examples:
- A man criticizing your knot
- When watching a game at the bar and messing up a comment
- When your dad calls you out on your finances

10pm: We continue our topic of immasculation. This reminds me of a moment of glory from my youth. In fourth grade, after reluctance to let me play, I stole the ball from the best boy soccer player in front of everyone. The look on his face and the taunts of the other boys, was enough to make my whole year.
More Examples From This Hour:
- Whenever you walk onto someone's boat
- Being called out on sports by a girl (my specialty)
- Not knowing something about bbq (Chris had a rough experience with this one)
We have more Exotic Erotic Ball and Expo tickets. But first, Brad's Penile Euphemism of the Day: Fishnet Willy. What does that even mean?
Also, Chris reads a story about a new treatment for alcoholism, LSD. I don't know if tripping balls is how you want to be when in withdrawal. I've never dropped acid, but I know it's an intense, introspective experience. I can't imagine it would be something to ease that pain.
South Boston has banned tag, touch football, and any other chasing games. Does this mean no more Capture the Flag? That is so sad. I bring up the game, "Heads Up/7 UP." All I remembered is that you sat with your head down and put your thumb up. Chris and Brad treat me like I made it up, but Sarah from security and Kim from Vallejo back me up. I looked up what it is, and it is the stupidest game ever.
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