Friday, December 8
Hey everyone, happy Friday. Even though it is really crappy outside.
7pm: The guys start off by commenting on my hair. I actually wore it down today, and that almost never happens. They are fascinated because being Jewish, I have that crazy-thick Jew hair. This brings them to wondering about that time in the past, when guys used to blow dry their hair. Both Brad and Chris did that.
Lila from San Jose calls in to tell us that she has the weirdest job, and is the most hardworking person around. She is a balloon artist, who goes around from restaurant to restaurant. She has a pretty long list of jobs, for a girl only 21. I wonder how many personalities she has to keep up with all these jobs. Lila claims she is hardworking, but I think she is just a little flaky. The tone set attempt: the strangest job you've ever had.
Chris had a crazy day. Ace, his girlfriend, was hit by a train ballister today. Somehow, she is ok. How insane is that? The car, however, is completely trashed. A ballister, if you don't know what that is, is the service rail car for the system. Somehow, she didn't see him. The rod in the front of the ballister, came through the driver's side window, and came out the other side. Thank goodness she is ok. I'm not religious, but that is a miracle.
Oh man, it is time again for the Worst Christmas Song Competition. To start, the guys replay last night's winner, Janice Dickinson. Janice was so terrible, that she was able to knock the seemingly indefeatable Barbra. Man, this is terrible.
Contender #1: Luscious Jackson and "Queen of Bliss." I remember them, they had that one song a while ago. First, the intro is way too long and monotonous. The prespective is from Mary, and she is completely monotone. This is not in the spirit of the season. Don't know if it is bad enough to take down Janice, but it really does suck.
Contender #2: Insane Clown Posse with "Santa Claus is a Fat Bitch." You know a band sucks, when the fact that they are clowns, is the least offensive thing about them. A band really blows, when they need a gimmick, you Kiss wannabes. Brad and I want to fight them. I think we can take them down.
Well, these songs are all pretty bad, but I'm not sure which is the worst. Although, I have to say Janice Dickinson. I think it's the least ignorable of them all. Dan is with me on the Janice vote, Brad votes for the ICP, and Chris votes for Luscious Jackson.
Votes come in really slow, but once they get there, ICP starts to pull away. I understand that, those guys really do suck a whole lot. Only one other caller agrees with Chris. And noone agrees with Dan and I.
It is official, Insane Clown Posse is the winner of Week Two. They will have to face Fred Mckinnon in the playoffs down the line.
8pm: At the end of last hour, Mark from Petaluma tells us that he had punched the fat one in the ICP. We had him wait through the break, because we had to hear this. He says that he was working at a venue, and the Posse was supposed to play. Only 250 kids bought tickets, so they cancelled. The kids started tearing the place apart. Mark went backstage to try and force them to play. They had an argument, and Mark ended up punching that fat bastard right in the face. Mark is Brad's new hero.
To be fair to Lila, we open up her topic of the weirdest job you've ever had. Brad's was babysitting Christian radio overnight for like 10 years. That is a hell of a long time.
Chris' was only for one day, but it was putting on a dog suit, and handing out samples of doggie treats. He goes off about how absolutely revolting that suit was. He said that clearly noone had ever cleaned it. EWWW.
A list came out of the "50 Greatest Commercials of the '80s." There is a lot of audio on this list, so we play some of the highlights. The first is an anti-pot PSA. It's the one where the kid says he learned it from watching his father.
What is fantastic is that Chris' computer won't load the audio. But, Dan and my computer work just swimmingly. HAHA!!!
Coming back from break, Chris gets it going. But, this means he can play the Encyclopedia Brittanica kid commercials. Man, I forgot how much I hated that obnoxious punk. I think we need to have a road trip. Go to Detroit to beat up ICP and then go find this little nerd.
Of course, on this list was the commercial for the diet product, AIDS. Clearly, they named the product before the outbreak. The best part, is how it keeps saying how AIDS helped them lose weight. Oh man. That is so ridiculous.
Bob from New Ganata leads us to jump ahead to find the "Where's the beef?" commercial for Wendy's. That one is a classic.
I got very upset with Chris, because he passed the Tootsie Roll pop commercial with Mr. Owl. Ah one, ah two, ah three (Crunch), ah thrrrreee. Ok, I feel better.
Tommy from Richmond calls in asking about the old McRib commercial. Tommy, like Brad is a fan of the McRib action.
Ugh, the also play those damn Bartles and Jaymes wine cooler. Remember, with those two annoying old guys. Who drinks wine coolers? Seriously.
9pm: So, Chris starts off saying that his underwear is failing him today. Ok... I don't really know what to say about this one. From there, he goes to if your woman has an ass that you really love, you get to know her underwear. You even start to form relationships with them. This is so creepy. They talk about the tragic moment when they come to their end.
What really upsets them, is that after she throws them away, she will never find another pair of these panties, ever again. Yeah, this is really, really weird.
The guys keep going through the list. They play the "this is your brain on drugs" PSA and the Mr. Microphone commercial. It's just like being on the radio. On the commercial, they give it to a room full of kids. God help me, I don't ever want to go to that party.
Oh no, the found one of those Feminine Hygiene product commercials. It's an ad for Playtex Tampons with one of those mother/daughter conversations. These are so unbelievably uncomfortable to watch.
What is hilarious, is that somehow Brad and I are on a different list than Chris. This website is driving us crazy. It is so damn slow and frustrating. Finally, we all get on the same page, and can play Brad's request. It is Red Foxx racing around advertising for Colt 45. This really bizarre.
The boys read a story about a man charged with beating a homeless man to death. He is asking the judge for a shorter sentence, than the 22 years he was given. The reason they killed the man, they were bored. He wants to get out of prison, because it is too hard. He also thinks that he should get less time, because he wants to be a speaker to trouble teens. Dude, you killed a guy because you were bored. What the hell?
A Catholic nun has been charged with sexually abusing children up to 200 times in the 1960's. The one man that told his story, had a pretty disturbing experience. This is pretty horrendous and surprising. Chris says that even when he had a beautiful nun of a teacher, he still wasn't attracted to her. It would just be too weird.
And with that, we are going to a replay. So, have a good night and a good weekend.
7pm: The guys start off by commenting on my hair. I actually wore it down today, and that almost never happens. They are fascinated because being Jewish, I have that crazy-thick Jew hair. This brings them to wondering about that time in the past, when guys used to blow dry their hair. Both Brad and Chris did that.
Lila from San Jose calls in to tell us that she has the weirdest job, and is the most hardworking person around. She is a balloon artist, who goes around from restaurant to restaurant. She has a pretty long list of jobs, for a girl only 21. I wonder how many personalities she has to keep up with all these jobs. Lila claims she is hardworking, but I think she is just a little flaky. The tone set attempt: the strangest job you've ever had.
Chris had a crazy day. Ace, his girlfriend, was hit by a train ballister today. Somehow, she is ok. How insane is that? The car, however, is completely trashed. A ballister, if you don't know what that is, is the service rail car for the system. Somehow, she didn't see him. The rod in the front of the ballister, came through the driver's side window, and came out the other side. Thank goodness she is ok. I'm not religious, but that is a miracle.
Oh man, it is time again for the Worst Christmas Song Competition. To start, the guys replay last night's winner, Janice Dickinson. Janice was so terrible, that she was able to knock the seemingly indefeatable Barbra. Man, this is terrible.
Contender #1: Luscious Jackson and "Queen of Bliss." I remember them, they had that one song a while ago. First, the intro is way too long and monotonous. The prespective is from Mary, and she is completely monotone. This is not in the spirit of the season. Don't know if it is bad enough to take down Janice, but it really does suck.
Contender #2: Insane Clown Posse with "Santa Claus is a Fat Bitch." You know a band sucks, when the fact that they are clowns, is the least offensive thing about them. A band really blows, when they need a gimmick, you Kiss wannabes. Brad and I want to fight them. I think we can take them down.
Well, these songs are all pretty bad, but I'm not sure which is the worst. Although, I have to say Janice Dickinson. I think it's the least ignorable of them all. Dan is with me on the Janice vote, Brad votes for the ICP, and Chris votes for Luscious Jackson.
Votes come in really slow, but once they get there, ICP starts to pull away. I understand that, those guys really do suck a whole lot. Only one other caller agrees with Chris. And noone agrees with Dan and I.
It is official, Insane Clown Posse is the winner of Week Two. They will have to face Fred Mckinnon in the playoffs down the line.

To be fair to Lila, we open up her topic of the weirdest job you've ever had. Brad's was babysitting Christian radio overnight for like 10 years. That is a hell of a long time.
Chris' was only for one day, but it was putting on a dog suit, and handing out samples of doggie treats. He goes off about how absolutely revolting that suit was. He said that clearly noone had ever cleaned it. EWWW.
A list came out of the "50 Greatest Commercials of the '80s." There is a lot of audio on this list, so we play some of the highlights. The first is an anti-pot PSA. It's the one where the kid says he learned it from watching his father.
What is fantastic is that Chris' computer won't load the audio. But, Dan and my computer work just swimmingly. HAHA!!!

Of course, on this list was the commercial for the diet product, AIDS. Clearly, they named the product before the outbreak. The best part, is how it keeps saying how AIDS helped them lose weight. Oh man. That is so ridiculous.
Bob from New Ganata leads us to jump ahead to find the "Where's the beef?" commercial for Wendy's. That one is a classic.
I got very upset with Chris, because he passed the Tootsie Roll pop commercial with Mr. Owl. Ah one, ah two, ah three (Crunch), ah thrrrreee. Ok, I feel better.
Tommy from Richmond calls in asking about the old McRib commercial. Tommy, like Brad is a fan of the McRib action.
Ugh, the also play those damn Bartles and Jaymes wine cooler. Remember, with those two annoying old guys. Who drinks wine coolers? Seriously.
9pm: So, Chris starts off saying that his underwear is failing him today. Ok... I don't really know what to say about this one. From there, he goes to if your woman has an ass that you really love, you get to know her underwear. You even start to form relationships with them. This is so creepy. They talk about the tragic moment when they come to their end.
What really upsets them, is that after she throws them away, she will never find another pair of these panties, ever again. Yeah, this is really, really weird.
The guys keep going through the list. They play the "this is your brain on drugs" PSA and the Mr. Microphone commercial. It's just like being on the radio. On the commercial, they give it to a room full of kids. God help me, I don't ever want to go to that party.
Oh no, the found one of those Feminine Hygiene product commercials. It's an ad for Playtex Tampons with one of those mother/daughter conversations. These are so unbelievably uncomfortable to watch.
What is hilarious, is that somehow Brad and I are on a different list than Chris. This website is driving us crazy. It is so damn slow and frustrating. Finally, we all get on the same page, and can play Brad's request. It is Red Foxx racing around advertising for Colt 45. This really bizarre.
The boys read a story about a man charged with beating a homeless man to death. He is asking the judge for a shorter sentence, than the 22 years he was given. The reason they killed the man, they were bored. He wants to get out of prison, because it is too hard. He also thinks that he should get less time, because he wants to be a speaker to trouble teens. Dude, you killed a guy because you were bored. What the hell?
A Catholic nun has been charged with sexually abusing children up to 200 times in the 1960's. The one man that told his story, had a pretty disturbing experience. This is pretty horrendous and surprising. Chris says that even when he had a beautiful nun of a teacher, he still wasn't attracted to her. It would just be too weird.
And with that, we are going to a replay. So, have a good night and a good weekend.
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