Thursday, December 7
Hey, Erica here again. It is so freakin' cold today, what the hell?
7pm: The guys start off wanting to know if anyone has been to one of the chocolate chip cookie bus stops. Once again the whole point of this idea, is to sell more milk. So the guys ask what makes you want milk? Weirdly, Chris wants milk when he eats ice cream. Ice cream is milk, that makes no sense at all.
Chris asked Brad last night about his caper-eating habit. He was asking if Brad is sneaking into the fridge at night, to hide his caper addiction. Brad still denies this, and says that the line he has drawn, is drinking caper juice. Both of Chris and Brad's women drink straight pickle juice. Brad stopped T from doing it, because it made her sick. But Chris, encourages Ace's habit, because he knows she will have a rockin' kidney for him down the line.
Dirk from San Jose lets the guys know that already, the chocolate chip bus stops have been eliminated. Further information from Sarah in San Anselmo, tells us that allergies and obesity awareness was the reason. They talk to Sarah for quite a while. Hmm, isn't it interesting that whenever girls with cute voices call, they always talk to them for a long time.
Ok, so now that we have figured the bus stop situation out, it is time for the Worst Christmas Song Ever competition. Does anyone have the guns to take down Barbra? Will this week's winner have a shot against Fred McKinnon's atrocity? Oh, the suspense, the drama...
Barbra Streisand's version of "Jingle Bells" on speed has been defeating the competition all week. It's been a tough battle for her, and she has faced some tough competitors, but she has hung in there.
Challenger #1: Janice Dickinson has done a version of "The Twelve Days of Christmas." It's um, interesting. The guys are appalled by the way that Dickinson looks now. We look at some pictures of her in her prime, and she was really pretty. Looked a lot like Phoebe Cates. What the hell happened to her?
The guys also point out that each of the days seem to be recorded with a different type of microphone. Brad thinks it must have been a Radio Shack special. This really is terrible. I don't even know how to describe it.
Challenger #2: This is supposed to be Wing covering "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town." What kills this is that there are background singers drowning her out. Chris is so disappointed by this, that he wants to take it out of the competition.
To give another good contender, Chris finds Wing covering "Jingle Bells." Yeah, pretty damn awful. This should be pretty close.
The votes start off split between Janice and Barbra. I think I'm voting for Janice because her arrogance is just unreal. In the video, she keeps showing her cleavage, no one wants to see that.
8pm: Janice pulls out the victory, and defeats the beast that is Streisand's "Jingle Bells." I am so damn happy. Over the last break, a great idea was born. We were speaking about Janice, Brigitte Neilson, and other women that were pretty, but now horrifying. Chris comes up with a woman similar to Janice: Tawny Kitaen. They need to fight, there is no reason for that not to happen.
The guys think that it won't be that difficult for us to book this. They are such attention whores, that they will probably do it for the press. How much money would this take? I think this is a fantastic idea, I would pay to see that. Furthermore, Chris and Brad think that people should take the charity money, and donate it to this worthy cause.
We don't know if we will be able to raise enough money. So, we think that we need to bring more than cash and exposure. What has to happen, is a feud between those two crazy "women." How do we do this?
So, we were trying to get the freeboarding competition approved, and the lawyers had to bring reason into the equation. So, instead, we will have the gravy donuts on Tuesday. Those who qualified for the freeboarding, have first shot at it. Two turned us down, two said yes, and one hasn't responded. To those who said no, you're willing to risk injury for the tickets, but not willing to eat a damn gravy donut. What's up with that?
The guys want to know if anyone has driven the Lexus that parks itself. That is a pretty incredible thing, particularly in a city like this one. I would love that, parking here is such a bitch. However, this sounds absolutely terrifying. There is a lot of trust involved in this feature.
I just have to wonder if something like that would work on the hills of San Francisco. When you let go of the brake on California, you start to roll backwards. Is that the case in this car? Because if there is no factor for those conditions, that is just worthless.
The guys wrap up the hour going over the topic ideas from last night. Thank you to all of you who called in, for doing a week's worth of show prep for us.
9pm: Chris starts talking about Brad's favorite thing, football. Chris says that a woman who understands football, is a rare and wonderful thing to find. Ace had come up with something. She asks why they use the kicker for an onside kicks? Shouldn't you use someone who is not a kicker to do this? Furthermore, the kicker has a lot of opportunity to get hurt in the onside kick.
There are some good answers to this. Ryan from San Jose is a former kicker. He explains that you need the expertise of the kicker to get it to go the right yardage. This is similar to my argument. Lance from Livermore makes a really strong point. Not all onside kicks are known occurrences. Often, teams will employ the onside as an element of surprise. If you have someone else in there as the kicker, the other team will know what you are doing.
If you haven't heard, the new Rocky movie is coming out. Brad says that he would see another Rambo movie, but not Rocky. Stallone says he really hates Rocky V, so another one needs to be done to bring a proper conclusion.
We use our knowledge of these predictable movies, to try and figure out what will happen. We see Rocky not wanted to go back in, but having to by some circumstance. There is a grown son in this movie, so I think that the son dies. Rocky will have to train quite a bit, but gets himself back in shape. In the fight, Rocky starts of strong, but slowly falls apart. His manager will try and pull him out, but good old Rocky will pull through.
This is the big argument. Chris thinks that Rocky will lose and live, and Brad thinks Rocky will win and die.

Over break, I read that Tyson will be in the new movie. I don't think it is going to happen, but how great would it be if Tyson and Rocky fought? I also came up with a great idea. The remake of "Over the Top," quite possibly, one of the cheesiest movies of all time. If somehow, you have never seen it, go smoke a bowl and watch this movie.
Scott from SF thinks that Rocky will have some sort of medical issue to overcome in the movie. Dave from San Leandro says that what sucks about the Rocky movies, is that the first one was great, because Rocky lost. In all the sequels, Rocky wins, which ruins them.
The question is, who is going to ride the coat tails of this? What other has-been celebrity, is going to be inspired by Stallone to do a late sequel? The answer: Eddie Murphy. He has been signed on for "Beverly Hills Cop 4."
Coming back from a break, the guys continue the sucky music of the night, by playing Wing's version of "Back in Black." Yes, the AC/DC song. Now think of Brian Johnson, and then think the exact opposite, and that is Wing.
10pm: From Mt. Clemens, Michigan, a man was charged with sodomy, after having sex with a pit bull. A pit bull??? That is some balls, right there. The thing is, this guy is trying to not be registered as a sex offender. Would you really not want to know if a man this crazy is living in your neighborhood?
Our crazy friend, Oscar in Mountain View (tonight, anyway), tells us about his crazy dog. When he was in Colombia, his savage beast of a dog killed a pig. The dog also jumped out of a window and killed a German Shepherd. Chris chastizes Oscar, because this is his worst call, ever.
We get a call from Anthony from SF. If you don't remember, Anthony won the Playboy tickets for having an absolutely crazy wife. He swears that things are much better now. He was calling to defend the pit bull, and Chris points out that he has one in the yard, and one in the bedroom. Anthony was saying that his dogs are obedient, but then he starts talking about the abuse that he incurred on his pits. He would fight them, and hits his dogs with leather straps and keeps them on chains. That is absolutely revolting. Anyone who would ever hit a dog, let alone fight them, is sick.
Fortunately, there were other callers that don't abuse their dogs, that affirm that pit bulls don't have to be dangerous. I have met some very cool pits. They were really sweet, and completely obedient. It's all about training your dog properly. You can certainly train your dog to be disciplined, without violence.
Anthony's call got me all worked up. I keep thinking about "Animal Cops" and having flashbacks of those dogs with chains embedded in their necks. It is just the most horrible thing.
But, anyway, the show is done, have a good night.

Chris asked Brad last night about his caper-eating habit. He was asking if Brad is sneaking into the fridge at night, to hide his caper addiction. Brad still denies this, and says that the line he has drawn, is drinking caper juice. Both of Chris and Brad's women drink straight pickle juice. Brad stopped T from doing it, because it made her sick. But Chris, encourages Ace's habit, because he knows she will have a rockin' kidney for him down the line.
Dirk from San Jose lets the guys know that already, the chocolate chip bus stops have been eliminated. Further information from Sarah in San Anselmo, tells us that allergies and obesity awareness was the reason. They talk to Sarah for quite a while. Hmm, isn't it interesting that whenever girls with cute voices call, they always talk to them for a long time.
Ok, so now that we have figured the bus stop situation out, it is time for the Worst Christmas Song Ever competition. Does anyone have the guns to take down Barbra? Will this week's winner have a shot against Fred McKinnon's atrocity? Oh, the suspense, the drama...
Barbra Streisand's version of "Jingle Bells" on speed has been defeating the competition all week. It's been a tough battle for her, and she has faced some tough competitors, but she has hung in there.

The guys also point out that each of the days seem to be recorded with a different type of microphone. Brad thinks it must have been a Radio Shack special. This really is terrible. I don't even know how to describe it.
Challenger #2: This is supposed to be Wing covering "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town." What kills this is that there are background singers drowning her out. Chris is so disappointed by this, that he wants to take it out of the competition.
To give another good contender, Chris finds Wing covering "Jingle Bells." Yeah, pretty damn awful. This should be pretty close.
The votes start off split between Janice and Barbra. I think I'm voting for Janice because her arrogance is just unreal. In the video, she keeps showing her cleavage, no one wants to see that.

The guys think that it won't be that difficult for us to book this. They are such attention whores, that they will probably do it for the press. How much money would this take? I think this is a fantastic idea, I would pay to see that. Furthermore, Chris and Brad think that people should take the charity money, and donate it to this worthy cause.
We don't know if we will be able to raise enough money. So, we think that we need to bring more than cash and exposure. What has to happen, is a feud between those two crazy "women." How do we do this?
So, we were trying to get the freeboarding competition approved, and the lawyers had to bring reason into the equation. So, instead, we will have the gravy donuts on Tuesday. Those who qualified for the freeboarding, have first shot at it. Two turned us down, two said yes, and one hasn't responded. To those who said no, you're willing to risk injury for the tickets, but not willing to eat a damn gravy donut. What's up with that?
The guys want to know if anyone has driven the Lexus that parks itself. That is a pretty incredible thing, particularly in a city like this one. I would love that, parking here is such a bitch. However, this sounds absolutely terrifying. There is a lot of trust involved in this feature.
I just have to wonder if something like that would work on the hills of San Francisco. When you let go of the brake on California, you start to roll backwards. Is that the case in this car? Because if there is no factor for those conditions, that is just worthless.
The guys wrap up the hour going over the topic ideas from last night. Thank you to all of you who called in, for doing a week's worth of show prep for us.
9pm: Chris starts talking about Brad's favorite thing, football. Chris says that a woman who understands football, is a rare and wonderful thing to find. Ace had come up with something. She asks why they use the kicker for an onside kicks? Shouldn't you use someone who is not a kicker to do this? Furthermore, the kicker has a lot of opportunity to get hurt in the onside kick.
There are some good answers to this. Ryan from San Jose is a former kicker. He explains that you need the expertise of the kicker to get it to go the right yardage. This is similar to my argument. Lance from Livermore makes a really strong point. Not all onside kicks are known occurrences. Often, teams will employ the onside as an element of surprise. If you have someone else in there as the kicker, the other team will know what you are doing.
If you haven't heard, the new Rocky movie is coming out. Brad says that he would see another Rambo movie, but not Rocky. Stallone says he really hates Rocky V, so another one needs to be done to bring a proper conclusion.
We use our knowledge of these predictable movies, to try and figure out what will happen. We see Rocky not wanted to go back in, but having to by some circumstance. There is a grown son in this movie, so I think that the son dies. Rocky will have to train quite a bit, but gets himself back in shape. In the fight, Rocky starts of strong, but slowly falls apart. His manager will try and pull him out, but good old Rocky will pull through.
This is the big argument. Chris thinks that Rocky will lose and live, and Brad thinks Rocky will win and die.

Over break, I read that Tyson will be in the new movie. I don't think it is going to happen, but how great would it be if Tyson and Rocky fought? I also came up with a great idea. The remake of "Over the Top," quite possibly, one of the cheesiest movies of all time. If somehow, you have never seen it, go smoke a bowl and watch this movie.
Scott from SF thinks that Rocky will have some sort of medical issue to overcome in the movie. Dave from San Leandro says that what sucks about the Rocky movies, is that the first one was great, because Rocky lost. In all the sequels, Rocky wins, which ruins them.
The question is, who is going to ride the coat tails of this? What other has-been celebrity, is going to be inspired by Stallone to do a late sequel? The answer: Eddie Murphy. He has been signed on for "Beverly Hills Cop 4."
Coming back from a break, the guys continue the sucky music of the night, by playing Wing's version of "Back in Black." Yes, the AC/DC song. Now think of Brian Johnson, and then think the exact opposite, and that is Wing.
10pm: From Mt. Clemens, Michigan, a man was charged with sodomy, after having sex with a pit bull. A pit bull??? That is some balls, right there. The thing is, this guy is trying to not be registered as a sex offender. Would you really not want to know if a man this crazy is living in your neighborhood?
Our crazy friend, Oscar in Mountain View (tonight, anyway), tells us about his crazy dog. When he was in Colombia, his savage beast of a dog killed a pig. The dog also jumped out of a window and killed a German Shepherd. Chris chastizes Oscar, because this is his worst call, ever.
We get a call from Anthony from SF. If you don't remember, Anthony won the Playboy tickets for having an absolutely crazy wife. He swears that things are much better now. He was calling to defend the pit bull, and Chris points out that he has one in the yard, and one in the bedroom. Anthony was saying that his dogs are obedient, but then he starts talking about the abuse that he incurred on his pits. He would fight them, and hits his dogs with leather straps and keeps them on chains. That is absolutely revolting. Anyone who would ever hit a dog, let alone fight them, is sick.
Fortunately, there were other callers that don't abuse their dogs, that affirm that pit bulls don't have to be dangerous. I have met some very cool pits. They were really sweet, and completely obedient. It's all about training your dog properly. You can certainly train your dog to be disciplined, without violence.
Anthony's call got me all worked up. I keep thinking about "Animal Cops" and having flashbacks of those dogs with chains embedded in their necks. It is just the most horrible thing.
But, anyway, the show is done, have a good night.
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