Friday, December 15

7pm: To start the show with Hanukkah spirit, I brought in latkes. These are potato pancakes with apple sauce and sour cream.
At Clear Channel in L.A. there was some drama. The morning host, Bill Handel, of KFI (a news talk station) brought in his children to the station. They ran upstairs to the studio area of STAR and start to disrupt things. Host, Jamie White, tells them to leave, and the kids run back to Daddy. When he finds out, he immediately rushes upstairs into their air studio, while on the air. He starts yelling at her during her show.
Fortunately, we have the audio of his tirade. He threatens to "kick her ass" and curses up a storm. What a crazy bastard. He also almost immediately starts to talk crap about her ratings. This is a pretty damn stupid thing for him to do.
We have an update on our friend, Zachary Running Wolf, a tree-sitter in Berkeley. We sent Marcus out there to harass him about a week ago. Apparently, he was caught when he snuck out the tree. He was trying to speak to someone about the event, and immediately got arrested. You can't climb down from the tree. Everybody knows that.
Andrew from Santa Clara calls in to set the tone. His idea: Craziest Ways People Died. Yeah, this seems strong. :/
Before the competition, we talk about the latkes. Chris asks me why I have no gelt. The reason, because not only did the Safeway not have any Hanukkah supplies, but the employee I spoke to, had no idea what Hanukkah is. Wow, I feel really small.
Later Emily from Sex with Emily will come in to the show. Her producer is the person known as Menace. Menace is a somewhat inexplicable presence in our station. What I can say, is that he is incredibly enthusiastic about radio. The guys are a little concerned, because Menace will be coming in with her.
Lila from San Jose, is a balloon artist. She is offering to make us helmets of knowledge. She's going to drive all the way from San Jose to deliver these to us. Well this should be interesting. Also, Lila has described herself as cherubic. So, we will see what that means.
Ok, so it is finally time for the Worst Christmas Song competition, with brand new intro. First we play last night's champion, a Bette Davis impersonator singing "Feliz Navidad." This is just awful and she really needs a lozenger.
Challenger #1: Pudi Tadow with "Get Your Dreidel On." This one is for me and all the rest of us celebrating our sad little holiday. This is pretty terrible, but not quite bad enough.
Challenger #2: A special version of Rudolph, perfect for Brad to hate. But, Chris can't load it, so the next one will have to wait until after break. We really need to get better computers.
8pm: Finally, we get to the third song, Rudolph performed by Regis Philbin, with special guest, Donald Trump. I think this will make Brad's head explode. But, still, we are feeling somewhat defeated by Fred Mckinnon's greatness.
We play a clip of a call with Verizon Wireless. It is basically a guy arguing over a misquoted rate. Basically, the employees can't understand the difference between .002 cents vs .002 dollars. I think this guy is just trying to get out of what he should have been charged. But, after having many conversations with cell phone companies, it is completely not worth it, for that amount of money.
The guys got there first negative email from a listener. He says that we are insipid and boring. Apparently, it is at least the first letter, that Chris has let Brad see. Brad has a little bit of a temper with these things.
After a little conversation about how leather makes Chris uncomfortable, we get a call from our friend, Fred McKinnon. He says he has been getting some interesting friend requests since his introduction on our show.
Fred is disappointed that Barbra got knocked down before they could compete. But, he now understands that his atrocious version of the song, has ruined the competition for us. He is still trying to deny the truth, that he is not the voice behind the greatness.
Bob from New Ganata calls in to remind Fred to tell us something. Some more stringent Christians, have gotten upset with Fred for being associated with this "blasphemous" version. These people just need to get a sense of humor. How can you not find that hilarious? Stay strong Fred, we've got your back.
9pm: We finally talk about the Nintendo Wii and PS3 phenomenon. The big stories are the money you can make on them, and the danger of the Wii. The motion sensitive remote, has been linked to injuries and many broken plasma tvs. So, Nintendo is now replacing the wrist straps.
This somehow leads to Brad's addiction to wires. He has a huge ball of tangled wires at his house. He is completely unable to throw away power adapters. Brad is also unable to throw away porn. So the question is, what can you not throw away? Chris is unable to throw away buckets and gas cans. How incredibly bizarre.
Twinkie from Oakland says that he can't throw away his bongs. He has almost twenty, and won't get rid of them. He even has a bong he made out of bongs. He tells us that he has one that he spent $1500 on. I know people like that, it's a little extreme, but they come up with some great ideas.
Chris can also not throw away car parts. This includes cars that he no longer has. The weird part is that he won't throw them away, but he will approach people with the same car. He will try and give them the parts, but then won't ever make the effort to bring it.
My addiction, and it is a common one, is t-shirts. Those oversized free ones, that I never ever wear. This same problem plagues the entire studio. None of us can throw them away. Then Chris drops a bomb, he says that he has bought one t-shirt in his entire life. He was 11, and it was inappropriate, and he got severely punished for this offense.
Emily has arrived. She has come without Menace this evening. Apparently, Menace told her that she was coming in because they supposedly have sex issues. She is also determined to get Chris and Brad to come on her show.
Brad asks what to expect, so Emily dives right in and asks about his sex life with his wife. She wants to know if they have less sex now that they are married? Overwhelmingly, people say that sex is worse after marriage.
Emily also says that monogamy is unreasonable, and that people should tell their partners that they want to sleep with other people. I'm with Chris and Brad, I don't think that will work in actuality. Honesty is important, but there is no way that most people will take that well.
10pm: Chris from SF, calls in with a problem. His partner is not fulfilling his needs. They are having sex less than once a month, and it is not nearly enough. He wants to have an open relationship, but that is not an option.
I think if that is the problem after only four years, then maybe the relationship is not possible anymore. If there is no sexual attraction left, then what do they have left, besides a friendship?
Chris asks Emily if sex is not love, then why is sex better with love? I think it is the connection. When you are in love, you can really connect on much greater than a physical level.
Nick in Petaluma says that he had the same problem with his girlfriend. His solution was to mix things up and bring new elements into there sexual life. This really made all the difference for them. One of the issues that Nick brings up, is the idea of a threesome.
This leads to a discussion about that. Chris wants to know if a threesome is an easy in to bringing someone else in. Emily says that if you want to have a threesome, you have to ease your partner into that idea. Furthermore you don't have to go to a threesome, maybe you can go to a sex shop and try some things out.
All day, I have been trying to remember a show that I saw last night. And, finally during Emily's time on the show, it pops into my head. It was a show on VH1 about bisexual and bicurious women. They go on a trip to called "Wild Women." What is crazy about this, is that the couples go together, and when they get down there, the women have the opportunity to experiment. The men, however, are entirely left out of the sexual experience. I think this is awful. How incredibly depressing for all these husbands, they hit the bisexual jackpot, and then is completely left out of the equation.
Cliff from SF needs some advice. He and his girlfriend broke up several months ago, in an amicable fashion. She is still calling him all the time to talk, and he is annoyed by this. Cliff doesn't want to be mean to her, but wants to let her know that this is too much. Emily suggests phone sex and texting. This would spice things up a bit for him.
I had to go get Lila from downstairs, but apparently while I was gone, the guys were telling her she looks like Jennifer Connelly and Courtney Cox.
They also ask Emily what is the biggest dealbreaker that she hears about. She has trouble coming up with physical characteristics that really stand out. The number one dealbreaker is generally hygeine. She also says that you can see everything you need to, on a first date.
To wrap things up, Chris asks if men she dates since the show, except more from her. Do they think that she is a total freak? She says a little bit, but not as much as you would expect. She is not totally sure of how they think.
Thankyou Erica for getting rid of the clowns and posting that pic. I had forgot about the ugliest woman contest. You should see what the other DJ's looked like... Chris and Brad were the hot ones.... I can't believe I just said that.
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