Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Wednesday, January 31st

Hi everyone. Welcome to another edition of One-Line Wednesday on The Gray Area. The guys warn that they will be a little harder on people who do not do well with this.

7pm: When talking about being harder on listeners, the guys start talking about spanking. When Paxy was little, she did not listen to Brad and hurt herself. He also spanked her a little for not heeding his warning. T was not all that happy about that.
When Chris' dog was a puppy, she did something really bad. So, Chris spanked her a few times, infuriating Ace. She was angry with Chris for four days for this.

The guys start talking about road trips. Chris once bought a boat of a car for $300. It had bald snow tires, with no treads but only the studs. He somehow drove this packed vehicle from Jackson Hole, Wyoming to New Rochelle, New York. Brad starts saying that he thinks road trips suck. I disagree, there are always parts that suck, but I have had a great time on mine.

Usually, Chris and Brad disagree on killing animals. Brad will hunt and fish, Chris does not like killing animals at all. Where the unite is bugs. Today, Chris saw an exterminator van, labeled "pest exclusion." Do they snub the bugs?

The reason this comes up, is because of a centipede video we saw online. I swear, this evil bastard kills a mouse. Ugh, that is so absolutely disgusting.

This reminds Chris of a time when they were in Hawaii. They are in bed, and Ace is topless. She nudges the asleep Chris, and he sees a blue and yellow centipede lying in between her breasts. It is about seven inches long and an inch thick. She had been lying there frozen for about a half an hour before Chris finally wakes up. They scream and leap off the bed. Chris runs into the other room to get a flip-flop, and tries to hit it. It turns to him, raises on its back legs, and hisses at him. After this, it runs into the closet, leaving them to search for it.

Finally, it runs out of the closet, and Ace throws a towel over it. But now, she does not want to kill it, she wants to keep it, so she puts it in a jar. Chris is unhappy about this, goes into work, and talks about it to his co-worker, Michael. This man tells him that they always come in pairs. They never saw it, but for the four months he lived there, he was terrified of the other centipede showing up. EWWWW.

OK, it is time for the first round of One Line Wednesday for the night. This means, I will get my ass kicked on the phones for about 20 minutes. The callers do pretty poorly this hour, and we throw them all into the Pit of Mediocrity.

8pm: Senator Joe Biden from Delaware has screwed up yet again. He is running for President, and said some stupid things about Barack Obama. "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

The guys take this story to an interesting topic. Are you afraid to see Barack Obama as president, because there will probably be a lot of assassination attempts? Sadly, I think if Obama wins, this will be the case.

Personally, I think that no matter when this happens, assassination will always be an issue. But, if we let this fear control the way we vote, then no black person will ever be president. Yes, Obama will have added danger, but the historic step must happen at some point. Sooner hopefully, rather than later.

We receive a lot of calls on this issue. Some think the discussion is ridiculous; some think that it should not affect the votes; and some think this country will not elect a black man or a woman. This also leads to a discussion of how the attitudes in this area, are far different than those in the South and Midwest.

It comes up that it is self-defeating if someone is elected because they are black or female. That the attention should not be on his race, but on his experience and his issues.

9pm: Brad is quitting smoking as of this evening. He is wearing the patch, meaning he will have some insane, tripped-out dreams tonight. He says it itches a little bit, but is doing ok right now. Brad's wife is quitting with him, which Chris says is crazy.

So, we start talking about the Super Bowl. MSNBC made a list of the Ten Best Super Bowl Ads of All Time. They have some pretty good ones on there, that I had forgotten about. My favorite part of this; however, is that Chris cannot find the clearly marked video player on the site. I have to come in the studio, point it out, and give him a condescending head pat.
The guys were talking about the Bud Bowl, which of course got old after a few years. This leads me to ask about the Puppy Bowl. As I suspected, Chris admits to his embarrassment, that he watches the Puppy Bowl. The thing is, it is so utterly cute, that how can you not.
The guys ask what is the craziest place you have watched the Super Bowl. We get calls from people who have watched in Asia, Bulgaria, Iceland, Spain and Italy. The point that really rings true, is that it is incredibly difficult to explain football to someone who has never watched.
Ok, we are going to try One Line Wednesday again. Hopefully, the callers will do better this time than in the 7pm hour. This time, the calls are much slower, at least at first. I was kind of hoping it would stay this way, but I was incorrect. Once the calls do come in, they are abysmal. Boo, I say, boo to you all.
10pm: Ok, so we all took a breather, and feel a little better. Impressively, Brad has held out, and not come out for even one cigarette this show. Chris comes back bitching about the failure that was. Dan, of course, adds insult to injury, by saying this will follow them, and could endanger their jobs. I say, that the listeners cannot handle the freedom.
Several callers try to keep One Line Wednesday alive. Chris and Brad are weak, and easily swayed by the callers. Where are your spines???

The other day, I had to call the Verizon customer service again. I was upset all night thinking about this call, and put it off as long as possible. Finally, I called, and had the best customer service experience of my life. The guy offered to call me back instead of putting me on hold, and actually did.
Another time, I had to go the Maryland DMV. I was not happy that this had to happen, but dragged myself in. I swear on all that is Holy, I was in and out in 15 minutes, and the woman was friendly and smiling. Incredible.

So, we call this Dread For Naught, those times, where you have been dreading something all day, and then it works out completely fine.
For Brad, it was a trip to the doctor. He was terrified all morning about the pain involved. By the time he gets there, he wants to be anywhere else. But, somehow, he did not feel a thing.
Young Aaron from Newark put off going to the principal's office because he thought he would be suspended. Finally, he bit the bullet and only got detention for one afternoon.
Chris had had four bad Januarys in a row. One year, he got a letter saying that he owed $900 to PG&E. He put off going down to the office to the absolute last minute. When he sits down to face the man, the guy turns around and says, "How long have you been sober?" Chris answers twenty-seven days, and the guy erased the bill and let him go.
Lisa in Fremont had to have a Green Card interview at the scary INS. She was absolutely terrified, and had to fly to New York to go to the interview. When she and her husband get to the office, everyone has a lawyer with them. This amps up her fear. They get called in by a cranky agent, and her husband completely charms him over sports. After all their fear, it goes completely fine.
Ted in Novato was on a plane when the pilot yelled over the intercom for the flight attendants to get to their seats for turbulence. He became terrified and convinced the plane would crash. After a few minutes and almost wetting himself, everything was completely fine.
Reannan in San Jose got a letter saying that her insurance company had overpaid her by $1000. They set up a payment plan with her after she called, and she forgot about it completely. When she finally remembered, they told her that had just written it off.
Liza in SF wraps us up with a great story. Her friend is a news anchor and had taken some liberties with her deductions. One day she gets an audit notice and has to go into the office. When she finally goes in, they just wanted an autographed picture of her. That is insane.
So with that, I apologize to my mother, have a good night.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Tuesday, January 30th

Hi!! We should have a good show for you tonight. At 7:30, we will be speaking to Richard Charnley, attorney for Lukas (the dj from the water drinking contest). Hopefully, he will not be repetitive in his defenses for Lukas' behavior. Also, supposedly we will be getting to the etiquette topic. Although, they have been saying this for over a week, so we will see.

7pm: The guys start talking about x-rays. They want one honest x-ray technician to tell them how much radiation you actually get. Also, they talk about the nitrous at the dentist. Fortunately, I had a dentist in the nitrous camp; makes getting a filling a lot more interesting.

Chris tells a story about how when he woke up from anesthesia, he had a hot nurse leaning over him. He was really out of it, and she had quite a bit of cleavage showing. Chris liked what he saw, and said that he would like to do something very dirty to her breasts. Of course, immediately after that, he wakes up, and realizes what he has said, to his utter embarrasment.

Dan in Berkeley woke up from anesthesia and was very confused. He asks the nurses, "where are my pants?" When they kindly explain that he is wearing his pants, he tells them convincingly that these were someone else's pants.

It is time to speak to Richard Charnley, the attorney for Lukas of The Morning Rave. This is one of the dj's from the water drinking contest a couple weeks ago. We actually feel pretty lucky to speak to him, as he is not doing a lot of interviews.

Charnley seems to think that this is just like any other contest, and it happened to go poorly. Chris points out that in the audio, they have said everything to make this worse. The lawyer that he is, he says that he thinks it is unfortunate, but do not directly relate to her death.

Charnley updates us on the lawsuit. The Strange family has filed against his client, the co-hosts, station management, and the company.

Brad asks how much approval did they have before the contest occured? He says that they had several days before the contest. Therefore, management must have been in on the contest.

When asked about juror sympathy, Charnley says that like Jennifer Strange, his client was trying to make people happy that day.

8pm: The guys start "A Cut Below." We have several stories today revolving around cutting something off.

First, Susan Smith tried to freeze her legs in order to force the doctors into cutting them off. She has wanted to be an amputee since the age of six. She claims this is not a case of Apotemnophilia, the fetish where you sexually desire to be an amputee. Her poor husband, had no idea of this want when he married her.

As of now, she has one leg amputated. One day, she submerged her leg in dry ice for several hours in her car. How incredibly painful and bizarre. The first doctors would not amputate the leg, but after a nasty infection, she finally got her wish. What the hell?

Smith has promised her husband to leave her remaining leg on as long as possible. Her two children do not know the truth, well probably not until now.

To end her article, she compares her condition to being gay or transsexual. I'm not kidding. "I think BIID will stay taboo until people get together and bring it out. A hundred years ago, it was taboo to be gay in many societies, and 50 years ago the idea of transsexuals was abhorrent to most."

Ok, here is part two of "A Cut Below." A twelve year old boy has begun his transformation into a woman. He has begun hormone treatment and has had his sex and name changed legally. As per law, the child will not be able to have the full operation until the age of 18. Supposedly, it is actually normal to have to experience life as a woman before the operation takes place.

What is interesting about this case, is that the child has been identifying himself as a girl since the age of two. This is an incredibly young age to be stating this.

9pm: The guys start talking about those stupid things you do, that could kill you. For Brad, it is when he is in the shower, and washing his feet. You are washing your feet, and end up balancing yourself on one soapy foot. This is very dangerous, but you will never just sit down instead.

Chris is finally moving into an apartment. Fantastic. He will actually not be staying in a hotel as of tomorrow. Last night, he ate a big thing of jambalaya at about 12:30 AM. Fortunately, he slept on his side, because in the middle of the night he wakes up. The reason: he wakes up throwing up stomach acid. He is terrified out of his mind, but is incredibly lucky that he did not die.

Doug in Modesto suggests that next time Chris has this problem, he should injest baking soda and water. This will neutralize the acid. But, be careful, if you use too much, you will explode your stomach. Holy crap.

So, we are finally getting to unspoken etiquette. They have been mentioning this topic forever, and are actually doing it tonight.

Brad starts off with fishing. What really ticks Brad off is when he is actually catching some fish, and everyone comes over to that spot. Also, don't touch someone else's tackle box or pole. Finally, if you have children with you, watch them. I think that applies to everyone.

Then of course, elevator etiquette. The person standing closest to the buttons, should be the one in charge of said buttons. This gets me heated. Why can't people just wait five minutes, instead of cramming themselves into the already crowded elevator. Will in SF brings up people who do not the people out, before they get in. That is the worst.

Roman in SF brings up sidewalk etiquette. Particularly, people walking five abreast down a crowded sidewalk. This also brings up that you should let people walking faster past you. Damn right. That drives me insane. It is so incredibly rude.

10pm: Coming back, Chris completely blows out my ears with the music. So, if you call in, and I cannot hear you, please understand. Damn that Chris.

We continue with the etiquette conversation. James in American Canyon brings up some BART etiquette. If you are standing in front of someone sitting, don't put your ass in their face. Agreed.
Katie in Sebastapol bitches about cell phones. When you are in line, and get to the front, get off the damn phone. This is getting me all fired up.

Of course, because it is The Gray Area, they start talking about passing gas. Oh man. Chris starts talking about when you are in a car, and your dog rips one. Ugh. This is disgusting.

We were talking about breeder entitlement. This gets me fired up because I do not think children should be brought to nice restaurants. If you do, just because you are in a restaurant, does not mean that your children should be allowed to run wild. Also, if they start screeching, you have to take them out, so that everyone else's experience should not be ruined.

Bob in Fairfield says that the training begins in McDonald's, not in nice restaurants. They should learn to behave as well in fast food restaurants, as in nice restaurants.

This gets everyone upset about breeder entitlement. Nate in Oakland complains about how people with kids get special treatment, making his job more difficult. Rachel in San Mateo brings up kids in movie theaters, particularly for non-kid movies.

Tom in Pacifica calls about whorehouse etiquette. You should not look at the person walking out, when you are walking in.

The guys also talk about concert etiquette. What is annoying is: girls on shoulders, whistling during a song, mosh pits and of course, sitting and standing must be universal.

So with that, I hope you all have learned some manners. I apologize to my mother, have a good night.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Monday, January 29th

Hi Everybody! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. To everyone who came to see us at A's Fanfest, thanks for coming out. It was really fun.

7pm: The guys start off by playing the audio of The Blasphemy Challenge on Youtube. If you haven't heard about this, it is a group of atheists. They are asking people to send in video of themselves denying the existence of the Holy Spirit. This has become an extremely controversial issue. A lot of people are very upset with the Rational Response for their blasphemous ways. Of course, following this, "He'll F*** You Up!!" Hilarious.
Fox News' Brian Flemming is especially annoyed. We did not play the audio, but if you would like to hear the interview with John Tasich (guy from Blasphemy Challenge), here is the link.
Brad and Chris do not understand why you roll the dice on this one. Even if you just think there is a chance that you'll go to hell for that, is it worth it for a dvd.
Scott in Novato is down to do it, because he was raised Jehovah's Witness. He has gone away from the religion and has been shunned from his still-believing family. Chris and Dan pressure him into denouncing the Holy Spirit right now, to Brad's utter dismay.
Jeff in Napa does not understand why we are all arguing, if everyone is just a figment of his imagination. Hah! That is great.
To continue this hellish behavior, Dan takes the challenge. I think it was me saying that "all the cool kids are doing it." I was just trying to be funny, I don't want Dan's soul on my conscience.
This continues into a discussion of evangelical atheism. We are trying to stay away from what people's beliefs are, and focus on the debate of the Blasphemy Challenge.
8pm: The guys read an email from an angry listener. Marty is upset by our attitudes about the discussion of the last hour. I think Marty takes this show a little too seriously. He actually renounces both the Holy Spirit and The Gray Area in one email. That is pretty intense.
The guys start talking about "Rome" on HBO. Dan and Chris both really love the show. Sadly, I am poor, so I have no fancy HBO. I am just getting more and more bitter every second. They are taunting me to get digital cable.
Anthony from San Francisco calls in to give us another update on his relationship. His marriage is nothing but tumultuous and he has been updating us for months. Both he and his wife seem pretty volatile. He says today that they are finally going to get a divorce. This has, however, been said before, so I'm not so sure.
Ok, so we are now moving to "Top Dollar, Bottom Dollar." We are going over what you should and should not spend a lot of money on.

Top Dollar List:
- Brakes and Tires
- Anything your life may depend on - rock climbing equipment
- Dress shirts
- Shoes
- Cigarettes
- Coffee
- Watches

Bottom Dollar List:
- Cigars
- Milk/Butter
- Diapers

9pm: We continue the Top Dollar/Bottom Dollar List

Top Dollar:
- Hookers
- Pet Food
- Condoms
- Toilet Paper
- Mattresses
- Bras
- Tampons
- Beef and Seafood
- Liquor
- Mac and Cheese
- Tools and Knives

Bottom Dollar:
- Pet Toys
- Pet Food (Salvador disagrees)
- Chicken and Pork
- Rice
10pm: The calls for Top Dollar/Bottom Dollar keep rolling on. The guys start the with the song about pot, and that is definitely an example of top dollar.
Top Dollar:
- Firearms and ammo
- Wireless Service
- Tattoos
- Women's Bathing Suits
Bottom Dollar:
- Yogurt
- Shavers
- Restaurants
- Toasters
- Underwear
- Men's Bathing Suits
- Hookers (Tom in Pacifica calls to defend them)
- Aspirin
When talking about yogurt, Chris admits that he loves baby food. He says he would eat it all the time if it weren't for the mocking. That is so weird and gross. He is not alone as James in San Jose used to eat baby food when he was single.
My favorite thing on the list that Chris wrote is "Reading Classes." Why is this so great? It is the only typo on the whole sheet, and he meant "Reading Glasses." Sorry, I'm a big nerd and love irony.
With that, we are done for the night. I apologize to my mother, have a good night.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Friday, January 26th

Hey Everyone. Well, I am in a much better mood, as my cell phone hell is finally over, at least temporarily. Happy Friday night!!! Remember to come say hello at the A's FanFest tomorrow from 10-3 at the Colliseum.

7pm: You know what's stupid? You can't tailgate at the Super Bowl. At the money of all football games, how are you not going to tailgate? The reason is security. According to the South Florida Sun-Sentinel, "Among the items banned: containers of any type, coolers of any size, backpacks, bottles, banners, noisemakers and horns." I think the reason they are doing this, is so they can sell more beer and food in the stadium. They claim security, but I think that's total bull.

The guys are a little worried about tomorrow, because the show will be pretty baseball oriented. This is ok for Chris, because he likes sports, but for Brad this is an issue. To see how Brad will do, we are asking for daughters between 9-12, to compete against Brad in baseball knowledge. That's just mean.

A man in Pontiac, MI has been sentenced to 18 months - 30 years for his crimes. The reason, is that he cannot stop breaking into stores and molesting mannequins. This is the seventh time he has been arrested for this. Ronald Dotson, the mannequin-lover, is 39, still lives with his parents and has never been able to work. This is just insane. Although, she was wearing a french maid outfit, so she was kinda asking for it. That slutty mannequin.

This is hilarious. When asked what movie is being made into a play, I would have never guessed "Point Break." But, it is actually happening in New York. Here is the hook: Audience members will be playing Keanu Reeves' character, Johnny Utah. Why audience members?

From, "Keanu Reeves roles demand a special kind of acting," explains director Hook, on the show's conceit. "Essentially, in every scene, you have to look like you've just been dropped into a room and you have no idea what's going on." Fantastic.

So you want to leave your valuables in your room when you go swimming. Where do you leave them, where they won't get stolen? Brief safe has come up with a solution. They are tighty-whities, with a compartment in the crotch for your valuables, with a huge fake skidmark. That is very creative, but so incredibly disgusting. Shockingly, these are made in America. Ahh, so proud.

8pm: Ok, so it is time to embarrass Brad. We are going to have little girls face off against Brad, answering baseball questions. We are going to ask them both 20 questions and see who does the best. First up is Shannon in Daly City.

Shannon completely destroys Brad. Brad only gets 8 questions right (and that's a gimme). This is pretty sad. What is fantastic about this, is it's a big hoax. Shannon is actually Tim Jordan's, who works down the hall, daughter. She did a fantastic job though, completely fooling Brad until question 18.

Next is Alisha from Napa. She is only 5 years old. Alisha is giggling too much to answer any questions.

Doris in Albany is 11 years old. She does not like baseball and sounds a little unhappy. She is not nearly as successful as Shannon. I wonder why.

Ok, so now it is time to go over the 20 Greatest Guitar Solos Ever from CityRag. This is actually taken from Guitar World's 100 Greatest Guitar Solos Ever, but with video included. Pretty much all of us like the list, but do not like #8: Hotel California. Supposedly a good song, but none of us like it.

This leads us to the question: What song do you recognize as great, but never need to hear it again?

- Hotel California
- Money (I disagree)
- Born in the USA
- Anything by Lynyrd Skynyrd (I disagree with this, as well)
- Stairway to Heaven

Dave in SF says that MP3 players ruin great songs. He says that he hears these songs too often on his IPod. It's not the same as when you hear it on the radio.

9pm: James in Pleasanton calls a little off topic. He cannot stop cheating on women and is indifferent towards break-ups. In fact, he just broke up with his girlfriend tonight. We talk to him for a little while, but Brad gets really sick of the call.

Songs Mentioned This Hour:

- House of the Rising Sun
- Black Magic Woman (I say anything by Santana)
- Bohemian Rhapsody
- Spirit in the Sky
- Seven Nation Army

Sarah emails and thinks the terms for these should be "the vault." Mike in SF thinks they should me in "moratorium."

Alex in Hayward and 22. He is also mad at the IPod. He got a Nano for his fiancee, and she never used it. Finally, he took it over, because it was worthless sitting on the shelf. Once he did, he had the same problem, he got sick of his songs. This ends up being a common theme from several callers.

I have an IPod Mini and I never use it. It was great for my roadtrip and is good on planes, but that's about it. Ken in Pacifica actually uses the IPod in a similar way that I do. I go through phases, where I play the same 10 songs over and over.

10pm: It is now time for the Friday Night Replay of our interview yesterday with Craig Newark of Craigslist. So, have a great weekend, we hope to see you tomorrow, and I apologize to my mother.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Thursday, January 25th

Hi everyone. Tonight should be a good show, but if you miss some of it, here you go.

7pm: Ok, so to start off with tonight, we will be speaking to Craig Newark, founder of my addiction, Craigslist. I think this will be pretty interesting. But first, we found this clip online of a newscaster confusing whether a mountain climber is gay or blind. I never knew there was a relationship there. How do you recover from that? What we did not play is the reaction of the climber following this. He and his friend are just completely shocked.

The guys point out that they are impressed by the fact that the Craigslist could be charging for much more than they do. The only thing they charge for, is job postings. Also, recently Ebay has acquired a chunk of the company, but he says that they have not had a big influence whatsoever.

Also, Craig has consistently turned down offers for banner ads. He thinks that they are not that effective, and slow the site down. They also talk to him about the scammers that use the site. He says that flagging has made it much easier for them to shut them down.

Craig is kind enough to take some questions from listeners. Some of these listeners ask some pretty tough questions. Joe in Oakland is upset by the racism that occurs frequently on Rants and Raves. Craig says that they regulate this by flagging. Also, Rants and Raves was created in order to keep these things out of the other sections. Furthermore, you know what you are going to get when you go in there.

Lisa in San Jose has a pretty amazing story. She had not seen her father in almost forty years. She was able to find her father through a posting in the Missed Connection section of the site. That is pretty amazing.

Craig sounds pretty tired tonight, he has just returned from a trip to Munich, so maybe he is a little tired.

True in San Jose asks a question I was wondering about. Can Craigslist make it possible to search more than one city at a time? He says that they would like to do so, but it's not a top priority, specifically because they have such a small staff.

The main thing that we took away from this, is that this is very much a user-moderated site. There are so many postings and so many sites, that it is impossible for them to do it themselves. Also, Craig is incredibly low key. He is the Buddha of the Internet.

Craig's favorite Best of Ad: Someone offering payment to take a CPA Ethics test for them. That's a great definition of irony.

8pm: Before I get to bitch about the cell phone companies, the guys read the story about a child who screamed so loud, that it killed hundreds of chickens. This kid was scared by barking dog, and screamed persistently at the top of his little lungs. That is ridiculous.

Also, they tell us about Mozart, the iguana. Mozart has had an erection for over a week. That is a very long time. Unfortunately for Mozart, the only solution is for them to amputate his penis. That's terrible. Do you think that iguana's feel shame? Well, none of us knew this, but it's ok, because iguanas have two penises. Huh. That's interesting. God sure does work in mysterious ways.

Ok, I finally get to tell about my recent odyssey in dealing with the cell phone companies. This has been a hell that has been continuing for the past three days, and is still not over.
Basically, on Tuesday I thought my old cell phone contract had expired. So, I went and switched my phone over to a new service. Of course, I was wrong, and my contract was not up. This means that of course, I have a hefty cancellation fee to deal with.
So, I called the old company to see what I could do. After three hours on the phone, speaking to seven people, nothing was accomplished. Furthermore, they asked me for copies of my social security card and two credit cards. After I said no to that, they tried to sell me a new phone. I absolutely freaked out at this point.
Today, I called again, and was finally able to get my cell phone number transferred back over. Of course, now I have to go the new cell phone company tomorrow to try and return my new phone. What caller Andy tells me, is that I will still be charged an activation fee this time and when I switch again in a month. Man, this totally blows.
9pm: After my customer service nightmare, the guys give out the website, This website gives you all the shortcuts to get through the automated systems. It is actually really amazing. What a fantastic resource.
To lighten things up, the guys read a story coming out of New Jersey, of course it's New Jersey. State officials are warning squirrel-eating folks to stop hunting the varmints, because they are near a toxic waste dump. Damn, them nuclear squirrels have the best dern flavor.
Ok, so here's a question for you. If we were to tell you there is a website called The Creativity Movement, what do you think it would be? Most of us guess art or writing. Dan guesses religion. But, this is what it is?
It is a white supremacist movement, that is behind the Creativity religion. Their goal is to eradicate the world of Jews and non-whites. They hate the Jews the most of all. Ahh, don't all these groups.
Brad's daughter has recently been getting into metal. She is listening to some pretty hardcore stuff. This is a little scary for him. She has also made some friends who are into this, and has found himself trying to be cool in front of these 13 year olds. When at the school and they were rocking out to some metal, Brad pulled the "YEAHHHH" three times. This completely screws up Brad's plan to be the imposing, intimidating figure, he so desperately wants to be.
Brad is also really upset because his power is out. He has just finally gotten tv back, and is completely addicted again. So, he is jonesing to get home to watch some car chases, but alas, there is nothing.
10pm: JJ in San Leandro tries to set the tone. She was thinking about Brad acting like a rocker around the kids. Her topic is: At what age do you become lame? And, when that happens, can you get it back? This is a good topic, I'm interested to see where it goes.
Chris brings up that age, where you see a hot, young girl, and you are not interested because you know you cannot relate to her, and it would be too creepy.
Jallay in Fairfield tries as well. Have you ever done something dishonest, to the point where you were really afraid? But, you got away with it. She was working in a mailroom and stole an envelope full of cash from an order. She felt really bad, but suffered no consequences.
So, we will run with both of these topics. Brad points out that Jallay has a pretty unique name, and maybe should not be talking about a felony on the radio.
JJ's topic takes off a little bit. Jared in Vacaville thinks you can become lame at a very young age. He is thinking of the guys that still go to high school parties two or three years after graduation. That's pretty lame.
Chris also says you may become lame when you jump off the fashion train. Those people that are still wearing the clothes that were cool in 1992, when they were 25. That's pretty lame. From here, this is also the "back in the day" guy. Like old hippies, who talk about how cool things used to be.
Dennis in Mountain View thinks lameness has occurred when work is more important than partying. When you won't go out because you are afraid your hangover will affect your job performance. The guys say that although they fall in that category, that they are probably better off that way.
Over break, I mentioned that you are lame if you wear your class ring, more than a year after you graduate. I had no idea, that Brad wears his everyday. Whoops.
Other Claims for What Makes You Lame:
- At age 30
- When you realize the volume control has numbers
- When you care about your lawn
- Complaining about what the kids are wearing these days
- Throwing your back out playing sports with your boys on the weekend
- When listening to your kids' music and dancing to it
- When worried about what your kids are listening to, even though it's your music
- When you tap your feet to elevator music
So, it has been sufficiently proven, that on many points Chris and Brad are lame. It's ok, I'm 24 and lame, and love it. And with that, we are out for the night. I apologize to my mother, have a good night.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Wednesday, January 24th

Hey everyone! Erica here again. As a reminder, tomorrow we will have Craig from Craigslist on, to tell us all about the craziness that happens on his site. So, tune in at 7pm for that. Also, get your tickets to the A's FanFest on Saturday. We'll be there doing a remote, so come say hi.

7pm: The guys start by playing the clip from American Idol. This is the one where the redneck is attempting to sing "Bohemian Rhapsody." Wow, I hope that guy is aware of his vocal ineptitude, because that was atrocious.

The guys talk about the band Buckcherry. They both really like this band, but realize that their time is limited, because as in their songs, they looooove cocaine. Yeah, unless your Keith Richards, that's going to limit your lifespan just a bit.

Chris and Brad talk about how at a certain age your metabolism just stops. This is a concern for Brad, because he loves food to an incredible amount. Chris says that all other men in his family are tall and thin like Brad, until one day, the food caught up with them. Brad lets us know that he is quitting smoking a week from today. Well, this means he will be eating even more than usual.

They start talking about addiction. Dan suggests exercise and Chris adds that it is important to be busy. You have to have something to occupy the part of your mind that is focused on the addiction. Brad says that he will be using the patch, which Chris explains is bad because it cannot get wet. I'm excited because if the guys quit smoking, it will help me quit.

Ok, so today is one line Wednesday. We invite the listeners to call in. They can say anything they want, but only one sentence. Seriously, anything you want, except for profanity. The only other rule, is that when I answer the phone, you have to be ready with your name and your city. Otherwise, goodbye.

I would recall some of the lines, but I was too busy setting up the calls to hear them. The guys wondered I could keep up, but was able to keep pace with the calls. I'm a little winded though.

8pm: We talk a little about FanFest. Brad is excited to have his wife and daughter there to walk around collecting autographs for him. We are also excited to check out the locker room and clubhouse.

Jeff in Fremont calls to say that he thinks that watching porn in disgusting. He has a girlfriend and does not see any benefit to watching it, that porn watchers are just lonely. Brad defends that you can learn from pornography and that it can be exciting to watch with your partner. We find out that Jeff is just not into "flying his simulator." Hmm. That's a little bizarre.

Ok, so we get to HD porn. This brings up the debate between BlueRay and HD dvd. HD dvd is accepting of pornography, while BlueRay is not. The thing is, the adult film industry is not a fan of HD. All this clarity makes things much more difficult. This is not all that surprising when you think about it, because all porn stars will show some physical signs of their profession.

Jen in San Jose tells us that "Sex in the City" will not go into HD, because Sarah Jessica Parker does not want her wrinkles visible. Also, Aziz in San Mateo confirms that Beta never accepted pornography.
Oh no, it is time again for One Line Wednesday. Man, this is so busy. It goes pretty well, except for when a caller drops the F-bomb and is triple dumped. That screwed up the rhythm just a little bit.

9pm: We go back to the porn thing. Kristin in Newark tells her about the home theater system they have at home. They have a 9 foot screen and porn is scary enough on that, let alone in HD. She does not get that into it, but watches it for her husband. Supposedly, he is often watching for comedy value, we all know that's not true.

It is Kyle in SF's 21st birthday. He wants to know where he should go. Brad says just make sure the bartenders know it's his birthday. He also has the problem that some of his friends are not 21. That sucks. What a buzzkill. For some reason, he is going out in the Inner Richmond. I love that neighborhood, but not for your 21st birthday, far too chill.

The guys talk about putting the picture on the website. If it was up to them, they would never have them up. They think that there should never be a visual for something completely auditory.

And once again, time for One Line Wednesday. Sorry, the blog is bleak, but the calls are bumpin.

10pm: You've all probably heard about the Isaiah Washington from "Grey's Anatomy." He has been dealing with a lot of controversy after using a slur against his gay co-star. Usually we don't like to talk about celebrity gossip, but this story has been unavoidable. After meeting with gay rights organization, GLAAD, he has entered therapy for his views.

Chris asserts that therapy is useless in a case like this. He is only entering treatment because of embarrassment, not because he is ready. Dan disagrees and believes that maybe this will be his moment where he can change. Brad thinks that meetings like his with GLAAD may almost be like parenting. Where he is sat down, and it is explained to him how the hurtful nature of his words.

We went over a Mormon list of how to assert self-control regarding flying the simulator. One of my favorite suggestions is #3:

If you are associated with other persons having this same problem, YOU MUST BREAK OFF THEIR FRIENDSHIP. Never associate with other people having the same weakness. Don't suppose that two of you will quit together, you never will. You must get away from people of that kind. Just to be in their presence will keep your problem foremost in your mind. The problem must be taken OUT OF YOUR MIND for that is where it really exists. Your mind must be on other and more wholesome things.

Wow, these boys must be massively repressed. It must be awful to think that even thinking about it is a sin.

Wow, number 19: In very severe cases it may be necessary to tie a hand to the bed frame with a tie in order that the habit of masturbating in a semi-sleep condition can be broken. This can also be accomplished by wearing several layers of clothing which would be difficult to remove while half asleep.

Is it just me, or does that seem oddly kinky.

Ok, time for the last round of One Line Wednesday for the night. Aw, I'm so incredibly sad that we are done with this for the night.
So, with that we are all done for the night. I apologize to my mother and have a good night.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Tuesday, January 23rd

Hey everyone. Hope you're all having a wonderful Tuesday.

7pm: The guys start off by thanking everyone for helping Brad get the smell of mackerel out of his car. Apparently, today it is much, much worse. He tried Nature's Miracle and even scrubbed it in with a sponge. Also, he used some drier sheets. We don't know how well this will actually work.

Ok, so the guys read a story they are extremely excited about. The Tijuana police have recently had their guns confiscated and been armed with slingshots, yes slingshots. They are arming said slingshots with marbles. Ooooh, you better stop, or I'm going to shoot you with my slingshot. I did not know that the Mexican police force was gaining inspiration from Dennis the Menace. Ahh, because the Tijuana police force already had so much of which to be proud.

Because it has been made into such a big deal, the guys talk about that both coaches will be black in the Super Bowl. Shannon Sharpe has made a huge deal of this. Chris admits that he had been rooting for both white coaches in the championship games anyway, but then clinged to this out of stubborness. But, they both lost. So, now he is rooting for Tony Dungee because he is lighter. Don't worry, he is saying this because he thinks the whole discussion is ridiculous.

The pathetic saga of the Oakland Raiders continues. They have now hired their new coach, after interviewing six other candidates. The thing is, Lane Kiffin is 31 years old, and has never been a head coach. He is the offensive coordinator for USC and has very little experience coaching in the pros.
I have just been informed, not having watched Sportscenter in a few days, that Bill Parcells quit the Cowboys. HAH!!! Is anyone actually surprised that Tuna quit again? That's what he does. We all knew when he took the position that they would be lucky to keep him for more than three seasons, they got four. Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na, Hey Hey Hey, Goodbye!!!! (Sorry, had to get that in for my own personal satisfaction).

8pm: Ok, so we have a lot of tickets to the A's FanFest to give away. To do so, we are going to play another round of Celebrity Tag. Dan and I got our ass kicked last time, but this time we are pumped and ready to lay it down. Hopefully I can back up these strong words.

So, today it is Chris and I against Brad and Dan. Both times, the callers make the wise decision to lay their fate with Chris and I. We soundly defeat Dan and Brad after a long round the first time, and a short one the second. So, congratulations to Jesse in San Jose and Steven in Oakland. You chose wisely my friends, and were thusly rewarded.

(I am speaking of this victory so strongly, because I was viciously mocked for being a sore winner.)

The guys read a story about Neil Havens Rodreick II, 29, who posed as a 12 year old to enroll in a middle school. He had been living with 2 other sex offenders, who also thought he was 12. They had him enroll in the school in order to lure other 12 year olds back to the house. This is so incredibly strange.

Apparently the sex offenders had not registered under Megan's Law and were arrested for such. When told of Rodreick's age, they expressed to the police that they were upset that it was not a minor with whom they were having sex.

9pm: So, we play some audio of when Nick Nolte was wasted at Sundance. Man, he is absolutely smashed. For some reason, he is speaking in an Irish accent. Nate from Oakland calls in and says that it is irresponsible to play that audio while people are driving.

So, through the power of the Internet, we found a website called This is a site that tells you how to make sex toys from food. We can only somewhat get past the CBS firewall, but were able to find the recipe to make a vagina from a melon. How incredibly weird.

Yesterday was apparently the most depressing day of the year. Chris had a pretty crappy day, but I don't know, I was just fine. I kind of just think that people need to stop being so whiny. I understand that your Christmas bills are coming in, but the day, is not such a great reason to be depressed.

The guys start talking about how when you are driving, and you screw up, you get really angry. Then you are looking for anyone else's screw-ups to ease your own embarrassment and rage.

Ok, so I really screwed up today. I have been with the same cell phone company for eight years. I thought my contract was up on January 8th. So, I went and signed up for a new mobile company, because I am a moron. I have been excited all day about my shiny new phone. To my dismay, I checked the old company's website, only to find that my contract is not up for another month and a half. I am so incredibly pissed off.

10pm: After playing an Onion clip about porn, the guys talk about their friend Dan, the nexus of all that is pornography. This guy supposedly has more porn than even imaginable. Also, he smokes like a little old man, although not that old. There are afraid to anger him, because that would mean the end of their stream of porn. Ah, this show is so classy. I am not all that sad that I have never met this enigma, who goes by the name of Dan.

Brad has a well-known addiction to porn. He has tried to rid himself of this vice several times, and is completely unable to do so. He has gotten rid of discs, cleared out his computer, and everything else you can imagine. Of course, soon after, he is right back on the Internet, downloading this evil once again.

Brad shares a tip with us. Never have your computer set to where the video plays automatically when put into the drive. Particularly, with a 12 year old daughter.

Part of the reason Brad is unable to destroy his porn, is because of all the time spent collecting it. He had a dial-up connection for quite a while, and had to spend hours trying to download. He cannot bring himself to destroy all this work.

Joe in Livermore calls about when he has been busted for porn. The thing is, Joe speaks so quickly and takes so long to get to the point, that he just has to go into the Pit of Mediocrity.

While Chris was preparing the Pit, he happened to look up at the tv. On is the Channel Two news, anchored by Dennis Richmond. Chris swears that at the very moment, Dennis Richmond stared down at the Pit button with those scary, red eyes, and told him to throw Joe into the abyss. I'd believe it, Dennis Richmond has powers of which we cannot possibly comprehend.

Nikki in Fresno lets us know about when she busted her father looking at porn. She came into the room, and caught him in a t-shirt and underwear looking at some action. He was so embarrassed that he started having chest pains and doubled over. How incredibly terrible.

Chris in Tracy works for a cable company doing disconnections. He received a call from a couple asking to disconnect, because their babysitter had been abusing the system. She had been ordering porn through the cable for several weeks. They caught her doing so, fired her, didn't pay her, and called her parents. The father said he was not too upset, until he saw the bill, and at that point had to force her to pay for the movies. That's an awkward phone call.

The Joe Francis case has finally been settled. He has to pay $500,000 for taping minors. He has also recieved probation and 200 hours of community service. In honor of Mr. Francis' punishment, the guys play the tape of stupid Girls Gone Wild girls promoting a handheld media device that they cannot at all understand. Ahhh, so incredibly moronic.

To wrap up the show, finally the Fonzie PSA is played. He is warning children against sexual predators. He and another woman teach the children how to scream for help correctly, but it sounds like a dying cow. The tragedy of this, is that officially Chris and Brad have to concede that Fonzie was in fact, not that cool. Ah well.

And with that, have a wonderful evening and I apologize to my mother.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Monday, January 22nd

Hey everyone. Today should be a little weird, because Chris is stuck in Fresno. So, Brad is here and Chris is in a studio down there. But, we will pull through, don't worry.

7pm: Chris starts by complaining that the studio there is about 100 degrees. Then Brad asks him what he is wearing. That's a little weird. Brad is also in a weird position, because unlike most days, he is in a position where he can face Dan and I.

Ok, so in the pristine car that Brad just got, he apparently left bait in the trunk all weekend. He had it in the car, and got a little frisky with his wife, and forgot all about it.

Haley in Benecia calls to tell us the meaning of medium-retarded. The highest level of retardation is 50-70. She says that Chris and Brad being semi-retarded leaves them at about 30. Wow.

Rick in SF says that he knows how they get rid of the smell in Brad's trunk. Apparently, you just put a bowl of cider vinegar in the trunk for a while, and let it sit. It will smell like vinegar, but that's a lot better than bait.

Mott in Oakland suggests drier sheets for the smell, because Brad is so likely to forget that the vinegar is there.

Tommy in Petaluma has been in a similar situation. He left some squid trimmings in his car, got drunk and left them there overnight. It even got into the padding under the carpet. His solution is to leave the windows open for about four months. That's great unless you want the car stolen.

Finally, Randy in Walnut Creek used to run a detail shop. He wants to know if there is any liquid from the bait in the trunk. He says to use some cleaner and a wet/dry vac and then just throw some air freshener with enzymes in there, and that will absorb the smell.

So, this leads us to the question, what is the worst thing you have left in your car?

- Mark in SF tells us about how he was unable to get dog smell out of the car he bought. The solution was Nature's Miracle, from a pet store.
- Paul in Hayward says he found 3 month old Chinese food in his trunk. Eww. He had left it in there before he went out of the country for that time period.
- Bill in Pleasanton really messed up by spilling bong water in his dad's brand new car. That is such a terrible and distinct smell. He got beat down pretty bad for that one.

8pm: We continue with the smelly car stories. What listeners found this hour:

- Chris in Napa worked at a truck stop and came across an abandoned big rig full of rotten frozen chickens.
- Kyle in Lincoln has one of the craziest stories. He went out and shot a rabbit in a neighborhood, to see what it tastes like. When they were driving down the road, the rabbit came alive and they started beating it with a screwdriver, leaving rabbit blood all over the car. Ewww. This is horrible.
- Mike in Mendocino had a old bottle of strawberry milk left in his car when they went camping. His stupid friend took a big swig of it, and immediately threw up all over the place.
- Tony in Fairfield got revenge on a customer by putting nasty fish juice in a guy's truck. The thing is, he put it in the wrong truck.
- Craig in San Jose used a beer can as a urinal in his car. He gets pulled over, the cop asks to see the can, and takes a whiff. Immediately he starts throwing up all over the side of the car. He got taken downtown for that one.
- Jason in Napa had concentrated fox urine with him as a scent cover for hunting. This stuff is supposedly incredibly strong. He ended up spilling it all over his car, because his friend opened it while the car was moving.
- Jay in Napa used to chew tobacco, and had a spit cup in his car. It was in the back, and his dog got into the car. Of course, the dog spilled it all over everything and the dog got really sick from it.

9pm: So, Chris and I have to communicate over Instant Messenger today, through Gmail. What we forget is that Brad can read everything we write, because he is also signed into the account. I was showing Chris the emoticons, and he got really tripped out because, "they MOVE!!" Brad does not see that they move, and just thinks that conversation is incredibly bizarre and creepy.

Steven in Oakland wraps us up by telling us his chew story. He was driving down the freeway with his cup in his car, and he hit a bump. The chew splashed all over his face and chest, and his friend threw up in response. To this, Steven threw up as well. It was so disgusting, that he had to sell the car, because he could not get rid of the overwhelming stench.

So, Chris thinks of a contest. He has noticed in apartment hunting, that the complexes have absurd names. The further from the trees, the more tree-oriented the name is. So, what is the most ridiculous apartment complex name?

- Andy in Sonoma says there is a trailer park for older people called "Journey's End." That is horrifyingly honest.
- Tom in Alameda tells us about "Aloha Gardens" in Hayward, surrounded by warehouses and gravel.
- Patrick in Santa Rosa has "Whiteskate," located in the black neighborhood in Santa Rosa.
- Chris in Oakland points out Mountain House, a new city that is not near mountains at all.
- Dennis in Alameda lives in a 4 story building called The Towers.
- Luke in SF calls about a complex called "Cherry Orchard" that actually destroyed cherry orchards in its construction. That's just awful.
- Joel in Boulder Creek tells us about crappy apartments in Mountain View called "Versailles."
- Aaron in San Anselmo says he is next to "Robin Hood Manor" full of mean people and "Whisper Ridge" full of loud people.
- Vanessa in San Jose says "The Woods" apartment complex in the middle of Fremont, where there are no trees in sight.
- Pat in Livermore mentions a trailer park in North Carolina named "Cedar Creek Resorts."
- Mike in SF says "Eagles Landing" in the Mission.

10pm: Last hour, a caller was talking about the Rossmoor retirement village in Walnut Creek. He claims that there is actually a casket outlet in the community. James in American Canyon confirms this and expands on how weird it is. It is like old people Epcot Center with a speed limit of 25 mph throughout. There are no children allowed for more than 5 days at a time. I think the guys are going to have to go down there with a minidisk.

Andrew from Concord drove down to the Rossmoor village to see if there is a casket store in there. He asks the gate workers and they say that there is no such store there. Because Andrew goes so above the call of duty, he gets a four pack of tickets to the A's FanFest on Saturday. Thanks Andrew.

Eric in San Jose tells us there is a casket outlet store in Santa Clara, of course, right next to a cemetery. What a terrible thing to advertise.

This ridiculous kid has been calling pretty consistently lately. He called first tonight pretending to be Sharice. After I shot him down, he calls as himself, claiming that was not him. After this, he calls two more times. Man, I am so glad I am not 14 anymore, with nothing else to do but call, and not get on a radio show.

Chris has been asking about rental car damage stories. Mark in Livermore calls to tell us about a Dodge Dakota that they took to Pismo Beach. They must have had the insurance, because they went dune running with the car. This includes rolling it on its side in the sand. Doing all of this, popped the tires right off the rim. The insurance covered each and every penny of the damage.

Mike in Morgan Hill got a Dodge Neon when he was trapped because of a cancelled flight. His solution is to do some doughnuts in his client's parking lot. Of course, all of the cops in the town are in that parking lot taking their break. He was saved by a carload of punk kids doing a brake stand right next to him.

And with that, we are done for the night. I apologize to my mother and have a good night.

Monday, January 22nd

Hey everyone. Today should be a little weird, because Chris is stuck in Fresno. So, Brad is here and Chris is in a studio down there. But, we will pull through, don't worry.

7pm: Chris starts by complaining that the studio there is about 100 degrees. Then Brad asks him what he is wearing. That's a little weird. Brad is also in a weird position, because unlike most days, he is in a position where he can face Dan and I.

Ok, so in the pristine car that Brad just got, he apparently left bait in the trunk all weekend. He had it in the car, and got a little frisky with his wife, and forgot all about it.

Haley in Benecia calls to tell us the meaning of medium-retarded. The highest level of retardation is 50-70. She says that Chris and Brad being semi-retarded leaves them at about 30. Wow.

Rick in SF says that he knows how they get rid of the smell in Brad's trunk. Apparently, you just put a bowl of cider vinegar in the trunk for a while, and let it sit. It will smell like vinegar, but that's a lot better than bait.

Mott in Oakland suggests drier sheets for the smell, because Brad is so likely to forget that the vinegar is there.

Tommy in Petaluma has been in a similar situation. He left some squid trimmings in his car, got drunk and left them there overnight. It even got into the padding under the carpet. His solution is to leave the windows open for about four months. That's great unless you want the car stolen.

Finally, Randy in Walnut Creek used to run a detail shop. He wants to know if there is any liquid from the bait in the trunk. He says to use some cleaner and a wet/dry vac and then just throw some air freshener with enzymes in there, and that will absorb the smell.

So, this leads us to the question, what is the worst thing you have left in your car?

- Mark in SF tells us about how he was unable to get dog smell out of the car he bought. The solution was Nature's Miracle, from a pet store.
- Paul in Hayward says he found 3 month old Chinese food in his trunk. Eww. He had left it in there before he went out of the country for that time period.
- Bill in Pleasanton really messed up by spilling bong water in his dad's brand new car. That is such a terrible and distinct smell. He got beat down pretty bad for that one.

8pm: We continue with the smelly car stories. What listeners found this hour:

- Chris in Napa worked at a truck stop and came across an abandoned big rig full of rotten frozen chickens.
- Kyle in Lincoln has one of the craziest stories. He went out and shot a rabbit in a neighborhood, to see what it tastes like. When they were driving down the road, the rabbit came alive and they started beating it with a screwdriver, leaving rabbit blood all over the car. Ewww. This is horrible.
- Mike in Mendocino had a old bottle of strawberry milk left in his car when they went camping. His stupid friend took a big swig of it, and immediately threw up all over the place.
- Tony in Fairfield got revenge on a customer by putting nasty fish juice in a guy's truck. The thing is, he put it in the wrong truck.
- Craig in San Jose used a beer can as a urinal in his car. He gets pulled over, the cop asks to see the can, and takes a whiff. Immediately he starts throwing up all over the side of the car. He got taken downtown for that one.
- Jason in Napa had concentrated fox urine with him as a scent cover for hunting. This stuff is supposedly incredibly strong. He ended up spilling it all over his car, because his friend opened it while the car was moving.
- Jay in Napa used to chew tobacco, and had a spit cup in his car. It was in the back, and his dog got into the car. Of course, the dog spilled it all over everything and the dog got really sick from it.

9pm: So, Chris and I have to communicate over Instant Messenger today, through Gmail. What we forget is that Brad can read everything we write, because he is also signed into the account. I was showing Chris the emoticons, and he got really tripped out because, "they MOVE!!" Brad does not see that they move, and just thinks that conversation is incredibly bizarre and creepy.

Steven in Oakland wraps us up by telling us his chew story. He was driving down the freeway with his cup in his car, and he hit a bump. The chew splashed all over his face and chest, and his friend threw up in response. To this, Steven threw up as well. It was so disgusting, that he had to sell the car, because he could not get rid of the overwhelming stench.

So, Chris thinks of a contest. He has noticed in apartment hunting, that the complexes have absurd names. The further from the trees, the more tree-oriented the name is. So, what is the most ridiculous apartment complex name?

- Andy in Sonoma says there is a trailer park for older people called "Journey's End." That is horrifyingly honest.
- Tom in Alameda tells us about "Aloha Gardens" in Hayward, surrounded by warehouses and gravel.
- Patrick in Santa Rosa has "Whiteskate," located in the black neighborhood in Santa Rosa.
- Chris in Oakland points out Mountain House, a new city that is not near mountains at all.
- Dennis in Alameda lives in a 4 story building called The Towers.
- Luke in SF calls about a complex called "Cherry Orchard" that actually destroyed cherry orchards in its construction. That's just awful.
- Joel in Boulder Creek tells us about crappy apartments in Mountain View called "Versailles."
- Aaron in San Anselmo says he is next to "Robin Hood Manor" full of mean people and "Whisper Ridge" full of loud people.
- Vanessa in San Jose says "The Woods" apartment complex in the middle of Fremont, where there are no trees in sight.
- Pat in Livermore mentions a trailer park in North Carolina named "Cedar Creek Resorts."
- Mike in SF says "Eagles Landing" in the Mission.

10pm: Last hour, a caller was talking about the Rossmoor retirement village in Walnut Creek. He claims that there is actually a casket outlet in the community. James in American Canyon confirms this and expands on how weird it is. It is like old people Epcot Center with a speed limit of 25 mph throughout. There are no children allowed for more than 5 days at a time. I think the guys are going to have to go down there with a minidisk.

Andrew from Concord drove down to the Rossmoor village to see if there is a casket store in there. He asks the gate workers and they say that there is no such store there. Because Andrew goes so above the call of duty, he gets a four pack of tickets to the A's FanFest on Saturday. Thanks Andrew.

Eric in San Jose tells us there is a casket outlet store in Santa Clara, of course, right next to a cemetery. What a terrible thing to advertise.

This ridiculous kid has been calling pretty consistently lately. He called first tonight pretending to be Sharice. After I shot him down, he calls as himself, claiming that was not him. After this, he calls two more times. Man, I am so glad I am not 14 anymore, with nothing else to do but call, and not get on a radio show.

Chris has been asking about rental car damage stories. Mark in Livermore calls to tell us about a Dodge Dakota that they took to Pismo Beach. They must have had the insurance, because they went dune running with the car. This includes rolling it on its side in the sand. Doing all of this, popped the tires right off the rim. The insurance covered each and every penny of the damage.

Mike in Morgan Hill got a Dodge Neon when he was trapped because of a cancelled flight. His solution is to do some doughnuts in his client's parking lot. Of course, all of the cops in the town are in that parking lot taking their break. He was saved by a carload of punk kids doing a brake stand right next to him.

And with that, we are done for the night. I apologize to my mother and have a good night.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Friday, January 19th

Hi everyone!! Happy Friday!

7pm: Brad and Chris start the show having a nice little conversation about their clothing. Disturbingly enough, Chris tells us he is going commando. Ewww.

Jim from Livermore tries to set the tone tonight. He asks how many garbage bags full of dirty laundry do you have to have, before you finally do laundry? This is so incredibly random.

So, anyway, Chris needs to vent a little bit. He has been looking for a place up here, so he does not have to continue staying in hotels. One place has a really cheesy decorative fireplace. He says it does not look even slightly real. Further, the agent is pushing him on this feature of the apartment. He is unable to listen to her, because he is so shocked that it actually even has a chimney. The best part, is that she tells him he can put a sofa in front of it, that it is like having extra wall space. What???

Chris wants to know about credit checks. He does not understand why if he has a credit report already, why can't he just give them what he has? Instead, they always insist that he pays for a new one.

Ray from San Jose says that the reason that you have to get a new credit check, is because they are also doing a tenant check. Michelle in San Bruno say that once, when she was renting, a landlord wanted access to her bank records, to make sure she had a full years rent. "Hopsing" in San Jose says these rental agencies claim the checks as a business expense, claiming that they are not having the tenants pay for this.

We also learn from Kartar and Jesse that having your credit checked frequently, actually hurts your credit. It makes it seems that you are trying to get multiple lines of credit.

So, throughout the hour, different people have been calling and quoting lines from "The Big Lebowski" to me. Finally, they call back and I find out the reason, they want tickets to the A's FanFest next weekend. I even put them through, but then they were not ready.

8pm: Ok, so the guys are going to play "The Friday Night Driving Song." This is too get you amp'd up for your drive home tonight.

So, the NFC and AFC championships are on Sunday. It has been pointed out, that if the Bears and Indy win, that it will be the first time both coachs in the Super Bowl will be black. Chris happens to be rooting for New England and New Orleans, just because. But, because it has been made into such a big deal, now he's rooting for whitey.

John in Moraga points out that the real travesty is that in college, there are 118 teams, and only 4 black coaches. Chris thinks that the reason this occurs, is because the racist alumni have more influence in this system.

Ok, so now we are moving on to Employee Theft. The guys are betting that almost every employee has stolen something in their career.

Brad worked at McDonalds when they had steak sandwiches. He would steal boxes of frozen steaks, and trade them for weed. He says that this was not a very proud moment in his life.

Chris stole a paper shredder for no reason. He did not even use it, until many years later.

What have listeners stolen:

- A riding mower and dining set
- Dvds
- A dozen monitors and an expensive office chair
- Boxes of expensive steaks
- A laptop
- The stereo from his boss' car
- Tools
- Tires and rims
- TV's from a university
- The boss' daughter in order to get the boss to pay rent

9pm: We continue with employee theft. These are what listeners from this hour have copped to:

- $23,000, but got caught
- $4,000 from hotdog stand
- Construction materials
- Jeans to trade for food at McDonalds
- Pallates of soda
- Shoes from Nordstroms
- Napkin dispensers and parking curbs
- Cigarettes
- Palm Pilots

Joe from Fresno calls in during this. He gives us an update on his dating situation with the Myspace girl. He still has not sealed the deal, because he is still sad about his break-up. Poor Joe, he needs to get some ass.

10pm: We are doing a Friday Night Replay of the interview with Roger Dreyer from yesterday. So, enjoy and have a good weekend.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Thursday, Januarty 18th

Hey everyone. We have a lot going on tonight, including tickets to the A's FanFest. Most importantly, we will be speaking to Roger Dreyer, the family's attorney in the water intoxication case.

7pm: So, in preparation for the interview with Mr. Dreyer, we play a clip of his press conference earlier today. It is pretty vague, and basically he attacks the "trash media." We also play the audio of the incident once again, demonstrating the dj's utter disdain for the listeners' welfare.

We start talking about how long you have to wait at the Emergency Room. If you went in with water intoxication, unless you told them, you would probably die waiting for three hours.

Ok, so Roger Dreyer is on the phone with us now. He says that the immediacy of the suit, is a result of the huge reaction of the media. In hiring an attorney, they are able to take the burden off themselves, and hand it to him. Furthermore, this is also the reason for the press conference being so soon.

The family has also taken a restraining order against the press camping out on their lawn, and generally being overly aggressive. Dreyer, does however, say that the media has been extremely helpful in the situation as well, by helping them get information.

Chris and Brad point out that they have done contests themselves that were dangerous and unnecessary. Dreyer's response to this, is that the responsibility falls not on the djs, but on the management, for pushing the talent to these lengths.

In response to the question of whether this contest happened quickly, Dreyer says that it was clear that they had time to prepare for this. Therefore, they had time to figure out the danger involved in this contest. He says that the Entercom has not been forthright with the information regarding how this contest went down. They have not even given him a copy of the release, that they claim to have.

Dreyer also fills in some of the gaps of the audio we have. He says that there were in fact three medical professionals that called in to say that the contestants were at risk. He, further, says that the djs responded with a glib, uncaring attitude. They asked one nurse why she would not come down, and she said, "I don't want to die." Entercom has not given Dreyer the raw audio, that is necessary for a fair evaluation of the case.

Already, CBS has enacted policy that all contests will now have to be run by legal, before being put into action. This can limit options, but will protect listeners and the air personalities in the long run.

The guys ask about Jennifer's own accountability for her death. Dreyer says that the system is set up, so that they are to take that into account. He says that in order to do so, all of the information must be provided. Additionally, he claims to look forward to the challenge of this argument. On this subject, Chris asks at what point of water intoxication does Jennifer lose her capacity of decision making? Dreyer says that it does not affect judgement as alcohol does, but that it does make you light-headed and drowsy, as the body is slowly shutting down.

Brad asks if there is any waiver that could protect the station from liability in this situation. He says that it is possible, but that said waiver would have to specify the danger of water intoxication. Everyone agrees, that it is unlikely that the contest would have occurred, had this been included in the waiver.

When asked why a press conference, as opposed to just a statement, Dreyer says that this is a means of getting attention to the family's need for privacy. Brad asks what reason Dreyer has to come on radio shows? He says that he thinks the discussion needs to be in a public forum, and that he wants to respect the media's need for information.

KDND has put the flag in front of their station at half-mast. Everyone agrees that it seems contrived. Furthmore, Entercom has made a donation to the upcoming memorial service, of which Dreyer doubts the integrity.

8pm: We ask callers what they think about the lawsuit. How much, if any, do you think the family should get in the lawsuit? Throughout this, I have been mining through financial data, trying to find out the net worth of Entercom. Yeah, I am no financial analyst. This is really confusing.

Anyway, the calls go back and forth. A lot of people think that they should get around $10 million, but I'm sure they will definitely go for more than that.

Others, including Dan, think that they should not get anything. They are sticking to the idea of personal accountability. Jennifer was never forced to drink the water, therefore the responsibility lies on her shoulders.

Sorry, that this hour is somewhat incomplete, my mind has completely shut down as a result of all of these financial websites.

9pm: The guys read an email from Angela, a friend of Jennifer Strange. She is disturbed by people's comments questioning her intelligence. Angela says that Jennifer was intelligent and had a strong sense of judgement, and that she was unaware of the danger involved.

Ok, so I found an article about an ex-Playmate's book coming out. It details Hugh Hefner's sexual exploits with the Playmates. It is really creepy to hear about this. Ewww. The points that stick out:

- Hef has the girls be on top
- Holly goes last with some backdoor action
- The house residents must have sex with him on Wednesdays and Fridays
- They have to wear identical pink pajamas
- He does not wear a condom, even though he has sex with up to 12 girls in a night

Coming back from break, they talk about the layout of CBS radio. Each of the station has its own pod. We have a big hallway that connects us all. We are right next to Movin 99.7. This is station that plays in the hallway, always. Today, a disco ball has been installed right next to the doorway to our pod. Apparently, they have tried several different balls until they settled on the traditional model, but it does not turn.

Ok, so Brad has a new fear for his daughter. He is afraid of her going into the water by his house. He is terrified about the sharks and the riptides. Dan takes this opportunity to scare the hell out of Brad, by explaining that his area is teeming with sharks. I think Brad is a little upset by Dan and Chris joking about his daughter's wellbeing.

Chris was listening to the gravy donuts show the other day, after the Jennifer Strange incident happened. He realizes, that he has wasted his dream. For his whole life, Chris has dreamt of doing the play-by-play at a baseball game. However, the only play-by-play he has ever done, has been gravy donut competitions and slip n slide contests with coleslaw.

Dan had an interesting thing happen to him the other day. He was at BART, and saw two female cops beating a guy with a truncheon. After being beaten, he pulls out a pirate's gun. At this point, the cops go crazy. An enormous male officer, pounces on him, and arrests him. The best part, however, is Dan's reaction when he sees the gun. He does not drop to the ground, or run to a child's protection, he says, "Oh."

10pm: Ok, it is now time to play Terminal Choices, it is like Would You Rather? on crack. We start with Brad.

Either way, you are gunned down on the street corner. Random act of senseless violence or the conclusion of having been hunted for two years?

Brad says: Random violence, because he does not like to lose.

Your eyelids are glued open, and you are locked in a vice: An hour of a tender gay porn or a degrading gay porn?

Brad says: Degrading, because he does not want to see carressing.

Set for the rest of your life in your wildest dreams or married until you are eighty?

Brad says: Married until he's eighty. Not because she might be listening, but because he would not make it past 2 years with that much cash.

Now, Brad has one for Chris. You have to either pull out all your teeth with pliers, or yank out an eye with your hands? And you have to live with the results.

Chris says: Eye, because he can still eat and gets to wear the patch.

So, they make one up now: Tom Leykis feeding you like a mother bird or you sponge bathing Tom with wetnaps?

They make me answer this one: I say, feeding like a mother bird, because it would be over quicker. Dan says: the wetnaps because you could zone out.

After break, this all changes for me, because I learn that this would be everyday for the rest of my life. That, the only food I would have, would be from Tom's stomach. Ok, I'm going for the spongebath, because at least afterwards I can go get wasted.

Michael in San Jose comes up with one. Either once, have to slide down a razor bladed railing or be serenated to sleep nightly by Barbra Streisand? There is no choice in this one, because Chris sends Michael to the Pit of Mediocrity for that one.

Mac in San Jose asks: Would you rather be eaten alive from the feet up by ants or have to spend a season in the Black Hole at Raiders stadium wearing a Niners jersey?

Both guys say the ants, because Raiders fans are so obnoxious.

Ok, here are the choices I came up with: Hanging from a tree with a piece of meat attached to your junk, with a pit bull within reach. The other: Submerged in a box full of non-lethal but biting wolf spiders.

Chris and Brad both choose spiders, I choose pit bull.

And with that, we are done. I apologize to my mother, have a good night.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Wednesday, January 17th

Hi! Erica here on this cold day to keep you updated on the happenings of The Gray Area.

7pm: Traffic is apparently pretty terrible out there. We do not usually do traffic reports, but the guys think it is necessary on a night like tonight. One problem has been caused by a police chase, including evidence thrown out the window. Brad would like to think that the contraband was meth and pistols. It sounds really sucky out there, so I'm sorry to all of you stuck in that crap.

Brad asks which is worse, a complete standstill or moving 2 miles/hour. We all agree that it is the 2 mi/hr. Chris said that the other day he was stuck, and starting clearing out his cell phone. Of course, he almost completely misses his exit, in doing so. John in Moraga is stuck on the bridge going East. He is in that traffic where people are flashing their brights because you did not move up the 5 feet.

Manuel in San Mateo calls to yell about traffic as well. He says he is going to cut into the city instead of San Mateo, because at this point he needs a drink.

Chris was suggesting a bar in Oakland to Manuel. This reminds him of a lovely romantic story of he and Ace getting back together. They had broken up for a while, and he flew her in, so they could go to Oregon together. They stop in Oakland, and Chris throws down approximately 35 drinks. But, he claims that they had a fantastic time.

Somehow we had gotten into talking about pallates. Chris claims that there is pallate police in the Central Valley. Giam in SF claims that pallates are worth 20/piece. Ace, Chris' girlfriend, works for a fruit shipping company and the pallate police make her life a living hell. She also confirms that these pallates are over $20, but only the fancy pallates. She tells us, shockingly, that there are pallate bounty hunters. That is hilarious. Screw Dogg, the pallate bounty hunter sounds like a much better reality show.

8pm: Chris went to JC Penney to get a sweater today. He is not proud of it, but it is an ok place to get a sweater. What he realizes, is why don't these big department stores have carts? That is actually a pretty decent point. Because, they do have some pretty big items, and there is no way to carry them all.

The guys keep trying to get to the audio of the water drinking contest, that killed a contestant. They continually get distracted by anything else. It gets to a point, where Dan and I start placing bets on when they will play it. Dan thinks after 8:25, I think they will not get to it at all. So, I am putting through anything, to keep them off-topic, so I can be right.

Before, they get to the audio, again, Chris wants to talk about his rental car. He has one of those huge American cars. The license plate holder, says "My other car is a Enterprise Rent-A-Car."

Gino in Sacramento calls to yell at them to play the damn audio. So, finally, after getting distracted for at least another five minutes, they get to the clip. Damn, I really thought these odds would pay out.

We had made some guesses yesterday about what they would say in this audio. We were actually pretty dead-on, because the hosts are incredibly callous and terrible. Over and over, they say that they are aware of the dangers of imbibing massive quantities of water. They even refer to the frat boy, that died from this, three months ago.

The most disturbing part, is that at the end, she seems really sick, and they do not seem to care. She is also saying that her head hurts a lot. She cannot even stand, and they just think it is funny.

9pm: The issue has been raised, should the radio station and the djs be held criminally responsible for the death of Jennifer Strange. The calls are pretty split on this. Some say, that she is accountable for her own actions. Others, think that it is reasonable that she would have been unaware of the danger of her actions.

Antonio from Livermore brings up third party liability. He asks if you have a party, and someone leaves drunk, and gets into an accident, is he responsible? From my experience working in restaurants, I say yes. The law, as far as I am aware, holds the server of the alcohol responsible for the drinker's actions.

A lawyer called in and did not want to go on the air. He explained to me, that "a release is only potentially valid, if all of the risks have been enumerated and signed off." Meaning that unless the waiver included death by water intoxication, it does not relieve the radio station's responsibility. The likelihood of this, is pretty minimal.

Dr. Mark in San Francisco calls in with medical information. He tells us that in pediatrics, this is incredibly common with infants. He said that her symptoms of headaches and delirium are telltale signs of the danger. Mark also thinks that the company will be held more responsible than the djs. Furthermore, he says that it was easily preventable death. If she had been taken to the hospital, while still at the station, she would have been alright.

Ron in San Jose has some waiver information for us. He owned a role playing company, where they needed waivers for participants. He tells us that in California, waivers cannot cover death. If that is correct, that means the station is completely screwed.

Finally, Rick in Redwood City, thinks that she is personally responsible for her own actions. He is one of the only people who thinks this way.

10pm: We get the best call on this from Tim in Livermore. He is on drug testing, and has been drinking gallons of water to pass. But now, he is afraid that this is dangerous, and does not want to die from water intoxication himself.

Tim also tells about how everyday he goes to a carwash near the airport. And everyday, a woman comes to the lot and gets naked. Then, a guy comes to the lot, gets into the car, and they have sex. Yesterday, when they were there, he got out of his car to smoke, and the woman was staring right at him, while she was having sex. He wants to know if it is wrong for him to watch.

After playing the clip again, Chris has to ask, how did these hacks get a top rated show in the first place? They really do sound terrible.

Chris had asked whether beyond the danger, is the contest even engaging? For me, it is definitely not. I cannot stand listening to people throw up. Sandy from Alameda says that she cannot listen to eggnog drinking contests or anything else like that, because it is too disgusting.

Charlie from San Francisco gives us some good legal information. He says that the insurance company will most likely be sued in this situation. That's where you can get the most money, and it is an easier suit. It is difficult to get a large settlement from suing a person.

And with that, we are finished for the night. Tomorrow night, we will be giving away tickets to the A's FanFest on January 27th. So, I apologize to my mother. Have a good night!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Tuesday, January 16th

Hey everyone. I hope you had a good three day weekend, if you had one. We were off yesterday, so I hope that the best-ofs were aptly entertaining.

7pm: The guys start off with a clip of Girls Gone Wild girls promoting a video device. Wow, they are really, really stupid. They could not remember if they were working for Girls Gone Wild or Playboy. Wow.

The guys ask me about what the call screening process involves. They even have me screen someone on the air, but it was just an old listener who wanted to say hi. What do they learn in this conversation? That I have far more power than they realized.

So, you probably have heard about the women in Sacramento who died from water intoxication in participating in a radio contest. The contest involved drinking massive quantities of water without going to the bathroom, in order to win a Nintendo Wii. She did not even win.

Apparently, the radio hosts ignored the signs that something was wrong. Of course, waivers were signed before the contest. The three show hosts and seven other employees were fired from the station after the incident. Chris and Brad point out that this is their day. They are fired, but they will get a great new job. They will be out of work for a while, but will still get paid, and will definitely get picked up somewhere else, because of the publicity.

The guys go over ways that they have hurt listeners:

- A man was shot with 134 paintballs at point blank range

- A guy at a wing-eating contest snapped a tooth right off

- Someone lost layers of skin from being dragged across the carpet

Brad went bowling with his family this weekend. They refer to the Jesus character in the Big Lebowski. So, of course, I have to say the best line, "I'm going to stick it up your ass, and pull the trigger, until it goes click." Man, I love that movie. This brings them to which is worse, that guy, or the guy who threatens to rip off your head, and s*** down your neck?

We were talking about how ecstasy can cause water intoxication. I said that I was not surprised that that happened, because at raves all you see is people drinking water. Charles calls in and says that he has taken so much E that he was unable to urinate, up to 9 or 10 pills in a night.

We found some ads on Craigslist of people looking for or trying to sell playoff tickets. A plastic surgeon is offering his services. Another man is willing to sell his tickets for home improvement or laser hair removal. One of the weakest, is a dj, who is willing to spin for tickets. These are all crazy-ass Bears fans.

8pm: The guys continue with the crazy Craigslist ads for NFL playoff tickets. My absolute favorite comes from Indianapolis, not Chicago. One man, is willing to trade appendages or organs for the tickets.

Brad recently got a free car from his cousin. It is pretty old, but has been kept in immaculate condition. He just got it, and already has a thing of coleslaw rotting on the seat. Chris says that it is impossible to explain Brad's car history.

Bill from San Mateo calls back with a new song for us. He had written one for us last week, but it was pretty lackluster. He claims, although sounding about 14, that he missed three days of work to write it. It is better, but still pretty terrible.

John in Belmont asks for a translation of Bill's song. He doesn't think that it was even human. Chris points out, that this is the reason why he wishes the show was during school hours.

The guys play Oregon Representative David Wu's Star Trek speech to Congress, where he compares the administration to Kling-ons. What the hell is that?

Ok, so Chris and I are about to throwdown. He watched 24 for the first time this weekend, and hated it. Most shockingly, Dan has not even heard of 24. I am a huge fan of the show. Jack Bauer is the modern American superhero.

Chris has never been able to watch 24, because he had always missed too much. So, he has an opportunity to watch the premiere. He absolutely hated it.

Ok, so this is what I think the problem is. First, Chris is really far behind by missing the first five seasons. There are a lot of relationships and plot points that he does not understand. Second, and most importantly, he was not prepared to suspend disbelief. There is no way to enjoy 24, without being willing to accept that most is it is completely unrealistic.

My point, is that you have to watch 24 for the fun of it. It is things like when Jack bit the terrorist's jugular to escape from capture, that make it awesome.

Chris said that he was offended by the fact that the white people in the show are all stupid and incompetent, except for Jack. Sean from Redwood City calls in to disagree. He says that Chris has not seen enough to make that assumption. He suggests that Chris rents the dvds of the first season, and give it a try that way.

I also think that Chris needs to go to This is a website that details every kill that Jack has ever made, including video.

9pm: Jason from the city emails to say that Jack Bauer sucks, that it is all about Tony Soprano. This gets Chris to rant about how much he hates how they make you wait so long in between seasons.

Malik in Sacramento calls in to say that he loves 24, and that a lot of the things they do are real. He has worked a lot with the military and with computers, and says these things are somewhat realistic.

Mark from Walnut Creek calls in as a huge 24 fan. He claims to be the biggest fan in the world. He says that he was able to convert his 24-hating girlfriend into a fan. He was able to do so, by getting her to watch the dvds. He also says, that the suspension of disbelief is easier, if you watch from the beginning. Furthermore, you get to see the character development.

Chris had said that he saw no hotties on 24, and Mark mentioned Kim Bauer aka Elisha Cuthbert. He did not know who she was, so I sent him a picture over break. To say the least, his reaction was enthusiastic.
We play the Girls Gone Wild thing again, and Brad complains that in the few days that he has had on tv, he has seen 1,000 Girls Gone Wild commercials.
Dan from the city calls in and says that he went on a Girls Gone Wild filming trip. He says that they just went around to bars, got the girls wasted, and watched them take their shirts off. Furthermore, he says the girls are running up to the bus, asking to get filmed.
Dan had originally called to talk about House. Chris says that he loves House, and that he had no idea that Hugh Laurie is British. He wonders if anyone else is able to cover an American accent that well.
10pm: So, after watching 24 last night, Chris found a movie with the dumbest premise he had ever heard. It was about a rape and murder shown through the prespective of the three witnesses, in 9th century Asia.
Brad complains that now that he has tv, he has way too many choices. He finds something ok, and then searches for an hour and a half to see if there is something better. But, by the time that he finds something, he forgets what the first thing is. So, he ends up watching the guide all night, instead of any programming.
A Chilean artist has come up with something pretty original. It is meatballs, made with the fat extracted from his body during liposuction. Marco Evaristti says that, "You are not a cannibal, if you eat art." They are being sold for $4000 for 10 meatballs. Chris wants to know if you are able to ask to take the fat home with you after liposuction, normally.
Brad went to Costco on Saturday in Daly City. It, of course, is incredibly crowded. Furthermore, everyone is really obnoxious and inconsiderate. He does, however, thoroughly enjoy the freak-watching at the warehouse. One thing that stands out, is the obese 22-year old with curlers in her hair.
So, we get to drum solos from The Big Lebowski, I could not explain that transistion if I tried. Chris asks what happened to the drum solo? Eric from Oakland thinks that its because to make a record, you do not need a good drummer anymore, so there are probably a not enough good drummers to do a solo.
Howard in San Francisco says that the thing is, there was a time, when you needed to be a musician to be in a band. Also, there is less audience relation with drummers than with singers.
Tyler in Pleasanton thinks that the die out occurred when grunge took over in the early '90s. He also goes off about liposuction and plastic surgery, as he works in the field.
Ok, so with that, we are out of here. I apologize to my mother, have a good night.