Hey everyone. Hope you are all having a lovely Tuesday. Only two more days until the big conference tournaments. Woohoo. For all of you who hate Duke, here is a great
article from ESPN's Page Two.
7pm: Haha.
Scooter Libby got convicted and will probably be going to Federal Prison. HAHAHAHA. The guys are concerned more with the fact that he will always be known as "Scooter" and never by his given name.
Al from Oakland has made us proud. Al used our new favorite creepy expression "little boy" on someone. He was in the men's room of a restaurant, handed someone a paper towel, and said, "Would you like a paper towel... little boy?" Oh man, that is absolutely perfect. Way to go Al. All of you out there should follow Al's example and creep strangers out.
The guys went for a walk/meeting with our Program Director, Jason, earlier this evening. When the elevator opened, on their way back, they came upon a hippie girl on the floor of the elevator. She did not look homeless, but certainly pretty out of it. All of her possessions were strewn about and she looked utterly disoriented.
Brad thought that maybe she had dropped her stuff, Chris and Jason thought she had snuck into the building. They all were sure that she was pretty high. She claims that the reason she is doing this, is because she is looking for her security card for the building. Further, she seems completely oblivious to the situation. Apparently she actually does work here, as Jason starting questioning her.
Coming back, we play a clip of Henry Rollins writing a letter to that crazy bitch, Ann Coulter. They would be a perfect pairing, as he is just as insane as she is. If you would like to see the video,
here you go.
Jonathan in Marin calls to set the tone. His old college girlfriend emailed him recently out of the blue, telling him about a recent promotion. He was surprised by hearing from her, and wants to know if other people check up on their exes.
Chris says he has not done a lot of checking up on exes, except for one girl. She did not show up on Google, fascinating him. It was not so much her that interested him, but the fact that she was not on the Internet.
Brad says there is one woman from his past that looks him up about every three years. They had broken up on pretty good terms, so this is less strange. The second time she contacted him, years ago, she went as far as calling his mother to be able to wish him a happy birthday. He was already with T at this point, and this kinda freaked him out.
Big Paul in Sunnyvale says that he finally found an ex on Google after trying for years. He was surprised to see all of her success, and decided to send her an email. She was married and they emailed for a while, until she recently shut down her email and disappeared. It sounds like she just wanted to get rid of him and was too nice to say so.
Jeff in Campbell had a pretty messed-up story. He Googled an ex of his only to find out she died while skydiving. That is awful. Of course, that leads us back to the discussion of which is more wrong, sex with a girl in a coma or with a dead girl? These guys are sick.
8pm: Bob in Concord won almost 3 million dollars in Vegas in a nickel machine. After this happened, he says all his exes came out of the woodwork. He says one even offered to have sex with him for money. That is ridiculous.
The guys really want to know what he did with the money. He says he bought a BMW and saw a financial advisor. Bob is actually being smart and organized his money so that he was able to retire.
Josh in Santa Cruz says he has had more exes stalk him than he can count. One called him up asking to help her commit credit card fraud. He keeps going but falls into the Pit of Mediocrity. It is always sad when it is someone who has been waiting for 30 minutes.
We wonder if Jonathan can be credited with a sack, as the phones died on this topic and the last call went into the Pit. After some discussion, we decide that it cannot be a sack. It just was not quite strong enough.
Brad and Chris both live in Pacifica. Brad for the first time has heard of Devil's Slide, which is right near them. If you remember, last year around this time, Devil's Slide closed the 1 for months. To cancel out this terrible news, Brad looked out today, and saw dolphins frolicking in the sea. I would say there is no way that does not win.
Brad freely admits that he is the bigger geek of the two of them. He proves this by asking, who is superior: James T. Kirk or Jean Luc Piccard? But the real question is, what is the ultimate geek argument?
Brad brings up, Gandolf vs. Yoda? This leads to the discussion of what is stronger: Magic or the Force? Brad tries to explain the depth of this argument, saying "couples break up." To which I reply, "what couples fight over that?" No girl would ever be in that argument.
I would have a lot more to say about this, but um... I am a chick. Therefore, I cannot relate to anything in this discussion.
Geek Topics By Callers:
- Star Trek vs. Star Wars
- Pirates vs. Ninjas
- Marvel vs. DC Comics
Well, to prove me wrong, Grace in San Francisco calls in as a girl geek. She says something shocking and compares Shatner to Leykis. I could not have expected that less. She also tells us that she was Darth Vader for Halloween. She was so nervous, it is actually really cute.
9pm: To my dismay, we continue with the Ultimate Geek Argument conversation. The topic is doing great, so I can't hate on that. Brad admits that he tried not to, but he knows all the names of the episodes of Star Trek. Chris points out that a lot of Trekkies know all the old episode names, but not those of "Next Generation."
More Listener Contributions:
- Physics arguments about Star Trek or Star Wars
- A Knight vs a Bishop
- Who shot first: Hans Solo or Greedo? (What's a Greedo?)
- Chuck Norris vs. Bruce Lee
- Who is smarter: Data or Spock?
- What is the best online Role Playing Game? (Oh man, soooo nerdy)
- PC vs Mac again, I throw in Linux
When I threw in Linux, I thought I would sound really smart. Then the caller completely trumped me, speaking in technical terms. Ok, I feel completely stupid now and am going to turn of my mic.
Carlos in San Jose says his favorite geek argument is listening to D and D people arguing over their battle. He happened upon one and skipped class in order to keep listening. This brings me to ask, which is geekier: D and D or Magic? The kids in my high school who ate lunch in the library to play Magic were pretty damn geeky.
10pm: Alan in SF brings up that there are Natural Born Geeks and Self-Made Geeks. I think he is referring to the freak show people. The call made Chris and Brad completely uncomfortable.
Geek Arguments This Hour:
- Video Formats (Beta vs VHS or Blue Ray vs HDDVD)
- Controllers vs. Mouse and Keyboard (This leads to Brad and Vince discussing this extensively)
- City of Heroes vs. City of Villians
- Borg Cube vs. the Death Star
- Frankenstein vs. Wolfman vs Dracula
To Kevin in Richmond, who brought up Borg Cube and Death Star, I apologize. I was holding back on this, but as he kept going, I had to ask how his mother's basement is treating him? I really tried to stay nice and I just couldn't do it.
More Arguments:
- Deep Space 9 vs Babylon 5
- Old vs New Battlestar Galactica
- Storm Troopers vs Red Shirts
- Avengers vs X-Men
After the guys point out that they have not spoken to a girl in an hour and a half, Katie in Sebastapol calls in. She says that she has been listening, but only in laughing at the callers. This is what I expected. There are not a whole lot of girls who will call about Star Trek or comic books. Brad is stoked because Katie admits that the Three Stooges are humorous.
Chris points out that the interracial kiss on Star Trek gets a lot of credit for being the first on network tv. He wonders how this plays as quite often the red shirts that get killed off are black. Do these cancel each other out?
Zack in Santa Clara finally brings up Batman vs. Superman. I was wondering when this would finally come up. Zack says that Batman would win. Apparently in a comic, Batman fought Superman in a kryptonite suit. Batman almost won until he had a heart attack to fake his death. Batman can't have a heart attack.
Daniel in San Jose goes very philosophical on us. He says that this topic in itself is the geekiest argument. Will the station implode as this has been pointed out?
Chris in San Jose wants to know if he and other listeners will be able to vote on this. We will try and set something up on the website to do so. Please feel free to leave comments on what you think and I will pass them along.
Brad says the argument that struck him closest to home is controller vs. keyboard and mouse for gaming.
Chris, Brad and Bob from Walnut Creek all say they were beaten with a Hot Wheels track as a kid. What the hell? That's awful. Bob also asks which was better, Hot Wheels or Matchbox cars?
And with that, the show is done. I apologize to my mother, have a good night.